Chapter ~10. I


Please Note:

Bold sentences mean their wolf is talking.

Bold statement with italics 🐺 =mindlink/wolf speaking in thoughts

Reminder: Wolfs names

Zion’s = Zeus



Stand alone Italics could also be thoughts 💭

Filler characters I won’t name their wolves names, just to keep things less confusing.

3 days before The Great War

(Southern Region/ Heights Pack)

In the Heights Pack, an emergency alarm rang alerting everyone. The Moons coven high ranks Madam Eos and Madam Selene had sense strange phenomena. They saw the dires wolf running to the southern region and coming to the pack’s borders. This sent a great urgency from both the pack and the coven. Luna Azah held a meeting giving direction and plans on how both the coven and pack can work together.

“ Every warrior’s division must have three witches and warlocks. You cannot fight them yourself. There are eight of them but eight skillful dire werewolves are enough to wipe the entire pack.'' Azah said, her voice effectively loud and firm.

“My Betas and Gamma we will be in the frontline. First to attack will be Hafsa.” Zion said with authority. Hafsa came forward, went down on his knees and bowed his head to his Alpha.

“Why should we trust him.” One person said with a disdainful tone.

“Because he is a Royal Dire. They will listen to him. If they see our Beta Michael or Gamma Josiah they will not wait to listen. A Royal Dire will have more authority over them.”

“His not an Alpha though, what authority will he have over them? Royal or not, he's not a beta or gamma.”

Zion looked down at Hafsa who was still on his knees, head bowed. Zion’s eyes flashed gold to red and Hafsa glanced up. His eyes too also flashed gold and dimmed back to his original colour eyes. “He’s the Gamma for the Great Lands.”

The room uproars “WE SHOULD’VE KILLED HIM THEN!”

Alpha Zeus surfaced and growled at them. “SILENCE! He’s shown great loyalty.”

The people did not understand what was happening but the other high ranks were informed. Hafsa’s wolf was destined to serve as the next Gamma. A former general and royal blood dire who went into hiding after quite some time. Hafsa did not understand why his wolf broke ties with the Great Land and Alpha Ethan. After Alpha Zion gave mercy to him and allowed him to live. Master Helios had revealed that Hafsa’s wolf in fact knew all along that he was a Gamma and his purpose was destined to find his True Alpha.

After they reviewed their combat strategy. Everyone was dismissed to their assigned job position. Beta Michael and Gamma Josiah stayed behind.

Gamma Josiah put his hands inside his front pocket, “So if we don’t make ..-“

Zion cut him off. “Don’t say that.”

“Be realistic Zion. These are dires. Sure Hafsa has the skills, strength and speed to throw them off a bit but we ..-“

Zion cuts off Beta Michael. “If you think like that then it will happen. I will not say goodbye, instead I’ll see you later.” He places his hands on Josiah and Michael’s shoulders. Then they did their childhood handshake in hopes that this wouldn’t be their last time. “I’ll see you guys later then. Alpha Michael.”

Michael stood in shock “I shouldn’t take..”

“Once an Alpha is gone then the Beta is second in line for the title.”

“What.. What about Zariah.” Michael stuttered.

“Nope. It’s you. Second in command and now the first till I come back and if not…. Then Alpha Michael, this pack is yours to run, Beta Josiah is second in command.” Zion walked out the room leaving both Josiah and Michael to digest their new title.


Zion rushed to Azah, and held her hand teleporting them to the far North wintry forest. Zion barely wore anything. As a dire he is used to this cold climate but since Azah is a human she placed a spell to keep her from freezing without a coat on. When they arrived, Azah squeezed Zion’s hand, stopping him from shifting.

“Don't shift yet.” She said.

“But how are we..”

Azah rolled her eyes, “You and Zeus need to work on your communication skills. The last time you came here Zeus didn’t wait for you to shift instead he took over automatically. If he hasn’t shifted now then he’s waiting on the right timing. For now I sense your mother coming to get us.”

They saw a large dire werewolf that caught their attention. She lay down on all fours waiting for them to climb on her back. Before Azah got on top, Maze gave a questionable glare at Azah. Zion, confused between the two interactions notice this but didn’t think to be concerned by their silent exchanges. Maze said nothing but kept her eyes on Azah's stomach for a while before turning her glare away from them. Azah nervously smiled and climbed on her back, Zion joined her after. A howl was heard from afar and Maze sent a soft howl of her own. Maze stood up and began to run.

“CLOSE YOUR EYES!” Zion yelled in Azah’s ear. Concern that Azah will not be able to handle Maze’s speed. He tightly wrapped his arms around her.


Zion quietly chuckles, “leave Azah to be better prepared for this trip than me. She must’ve placed a spell for her to not get motion sickness.” He thought.

After quite some time Maze arrives near the Great Land veil. Maxwell was there as well. He bowed showing respect to Maze, Zion and then lastly Azah.

You are now a Beta. You do not need to bow so low” Alpha Zeus said.

With this new title Beta Maxwell lifted up his head. Standing firm and strong as a Beta would next to his Alpha.

They are waiting for us Alpha Zion.” Maxwell mindlink.

Azah's eyes glowed lime green, as she mustered all of her magic which produced two round green orbs glow in each hand. Her waist length auburn locs floated with shimmer and glimmer as her feet slowly rose up from the ground, going up higher and higher. Before Azah would transform into her spirit, Moon Goddess but now that she’s been properly trained. She no longer uses just her spirit powers to fight but also her witchcraft magic. The Genesis Moons power runs through her veins. She could feel the presence of the dire wolves on the other side of the veil waiting. She looks down and watches Zion shifting midair, jumping into the veil and entering the Great Land.

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