Chapter ~9


10 Days Later


Time was running out and the dires were getting anxious as ever. Alpha Ethan had ordered some General's warriors to stand on guard of the Great Land while the others were sent out to search for the southern Heights pack. This was the first time within a decade the dires had exposed themselves in a group outside of the Great Land. The hunt for Luns Zeus and her son Zion was on. Alpha Ethan was becoming more aggressive in his approach for the search, something that former Alpha Tobias had warned him not to.

Aaron was brutally beaten when he had answered the call three days later after seeing Mrs.Wrights. He was in a pitch black dungeon in chains. Aaron's arms were spread out lock in magical chains. The chains proverb them from shifting to their wolf unless unlocked with a special key. Alpha Ethan wanted answer that Aaron had refused to give him. Instead Aaron continued to mock their attempt to kill him. Aaron had dark circles under his eyes, weakened and deprived from food. Through all of this the fire in his eyes did not dim. The energy that radiates through his body was still powerful thanks to his wolf Maxwell. Maxwell was furious but he knew better than to take control. He trusted Aaron and knew that he was borrowing time.

“You think killing me will give you the upper hand in winning the throne.” Aaron snickered and gave Alpha Ethan a lingering gaze. To stare at an Alpha directly in his eyes is to challenge him and Aaron knew exactly what he was doing. Alpha Ethan gave Aaron another punch in the guts. Aaron began to spit out blood.

“You’ll die here! And no one will know.. Unless you join me.” Alpha Ethan said in a growly tone.

Aaron spoke in a raspy voice “You don’t know? I can’t join you as a false Alpha! I already have an Alpha.. THE TRUE ALPHA ZION ZEUS-AARON-HEIGHTS!”

Everyone in the room tense from Aaron’s bold words. It was all rumoured before but hearing it from Aaron who was presumed to be the last Heights bloodline just a few days ago. Aaron has now confirmed that Princess Luns Maze Zeus had successfully birthed a son who is the true Alpha heir of the Great Lands.

“If I’m going to die here let the truth of my words be the last I breath out.” Aaron thought to himself while laughing maniacally. He wanted to fuel the flames that Alpha Ethan dared to start, and he will do so unapologetically.

“How long did you think you could hold this one out. Only the Moon appears full for the True Alpha. Even if you kill him do you really think people will let you be? You can’t kill him!” Aaron continues to laugh as he pulls the chains.

Alpha Ethan only smirked and said “Kill him.” Alpha Ethan walked out of the room followed by his security. A team of five warriors came forward with multiple toture devices all made in silver. Maxwell sensed the danger that Aaron was in demand to be let through the shield that Aaron created between them. Aaron did not flinch at the sight of this, instead both Maxwell and Aaron’s sense heightened and their attention was now on someone else.

The one person they least expected to be there. The sound of their solider boots came closer, the louder they got, the more they echoed off the concrete floor and ceiling the harder he prayed it wasn’t who he thought would be. The sight of silver torture devices/ and knives did not scare him but the presence of this particular person made his heart-rendering.

His mate was here. Out of all the people, his mate was here to torture him. The brokenness that Aaron and his wolf felt was heart wrenching. Aaron began to shake from fury and was saddened by this. His breathing quickens as his wolf surfaces, demanding full control to shift and get them far away from the dreadful feeling of his mate’s betrayal. The chains were now inflicting great pain but nothing can stronger then the betrayal of your own mate. She slaps Aaron on both of his cheeks.

“Aaron, AARON! Listen to me don’t give in control to your wolf yet.”

How dare she do this to us!” Maxwell shouted.

“Oh Gods! Take away those things NOW!” She growled.

Her eyes flashed gold, as her wolf surfaced and said “I’m not here to kill you Aaron. I’m here to get you out of here!”

Aaron's breath came in a deep, short grasp. Trying to focus on what she just said. He looks into her alluring deep ocean blue gold stern eyes and watched her commanding her warriors to loosen the chains. Aaron couldn't help but to think how beautiful she looked with her frosty hair in a tight bun wearing a neatly pressed navy blue combat uniform with her shining white badge name written General Bright Levi. She was tiny but strong enough to carry Aaron across her shoulders out of the room.

Half of the warriors were ahead of Bright and Aaron and the other half were walking backwards on guard for intruders. They headed to a secret pathway where a sudden large gold ornamental wood carving door appeared and opened, taking them outside in the woods that was shrouded in a thick mist. Colonnade of trees reduced to shadow, as they continue to march forward. The blindness is white, for they could see nothing but fog. Trusting their heightened sense of smell and instincts to guide them to their destination.

Aaron is still on Bright’s back “Let me walk. You’ll just tire yourself.”

Bright snorted from his comment and dropped Aaron. “I’ve carried many warriors who are heavier than you.”

Aaron, still weak, forced himself upright. Ignoring her previous statement he gazed at her, “Why?”

“Why what?”

“Why risk your position to save me?” Aaron said. His voice was dry and hateful.

Bright noticeably winces when hearing Aaron’s tone directed to her. One of the warriors came forward ready to defend his General before he could say a word. She stopped him with one cold look.

She averted her gaze away from Aaron’s piercing state and clenched her jaw “I never rejected you Aaron. I needed time. I wasn't expecting to find a mate.”

The warriors stepped back to give them privacy but could still hear every word being exchanged between them. They did not know that their General had a mate. She kept many things, especially her private life to herself.

“Actually to be truthful I didn’t want a mate. If you want me to say some cheesy words on how much I was thinking about you then forget it. But I’ll tell you this…”

This time she looked at Aaron’s gary golden eyes. “I’ll be damned if Alpha Ethan tries to kill my mate. I do care for you Aaron.”

Aaron wanted to kiss Bright but decided to compose himself. “She said she needed time. Then I’ll wait.” He wasn’t sure if nature rooted for this moment or if his mind tricked him into a perfect present. His heart skipping a beat when Bright unexpectedly kissed him. Just when Bright was going to part lips he draped both arms around Bright’s small frame and met her lips again halfway. Heat rose from their stomach to their chest as they deepened their kiss one last time before parting lips.

“You still need time?” Aaron’s face was smug, his wolf howls inside.

“So what’s next?” Bright asked ignoring Aaron’s snarky attitude. Her cheeks blush rose red in realization that she just kissed a man in front of her subordinates.

“I have to go. Zion and his wolf are soon to arrive. You know Mrs. Wrights?”

“So it’s true. Mrs. Wrights?” Bright clapped her hand on her mouth and whispered “Heather Wrights?”

“Yes. Go to her with discretion. Tell her you’re my mate and she’ll give you direction on what to do next.”

“How will she know I’m telling the truth.”

Aaron smirked and caressed her cheek. “She’ll know.” He gave a soft peck on her forehead and shifted to his wolf. Maxwell raised his muzzle up to the mist sky and howled. Within an instant another howl was heard. Recognizing the howl he started running. Zeus was near and he isn’t alone.

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