Chapter ~10. II

10. II

The Great War

(Northern Region)

Former Alpha Tobias looked up at the blackened sky and remembered the prophecy that was told. He remembered his daughter’s spirit visiting him after taking her last breath and echoed

The prophecy is set. Fear the black sky and the man that runs with the dire of death and the Goddess of wolves.”

He couldn’t believe it.

Many of the dire wolves that came to fight in the name of protecting and siding with Alpha Ethan.

When Zion transformed; Alpha Zeus increased in size towering all other dire wolves who were already larger than regular wolves. Alpha Zeus tribal markings glowed bright before being completely engulfed in cobalt blue and white flames. With heterochromatic eyes that glowed gold at first then bright red. He howls, causing the ground to shatter open and swallow whatever object or person in its way. Alpha Zeus possessed an immense amount of power that only a True Alpha could hold.

This howl was a different type of howl. It’s the howl that called on the spirit of death to revive all the previous True Alpha Dires. There were only ten that were known to be chosen by the great divines and spirits. Blessed with unlimited powers beyond anyone’s capability. These ten that were reincarnated had shaken everyone with fear. Never has there been a time where all ten true alpha dires lined up together in a defensive stance, eyes glowing bright red, exposing their canines snapping for a kill. Even Alpha Ethan did not expect this from Alpha Zeus. Former Alpha Tobias wanted Alpha Ethan to retreat. He knew the danger that reincarnated Alphas hold. If they fight, then there’s a high chance that everything that Tobias had work in preserving the remaining dire bloodline will be destroyed today.

The reincarnated Alphas and Alpha Zeus went for their kill. Tobias in his wolf form ran to find his grandson but was blocked by the one and only Princess Maze, now reincarnated. She growled at her father.

I’m sorry. I regretted exiling you!” Tobias yelled.

Maze summoned her powers to create a shield box where Tobias could not escape. “I warned you twice. Once you decided to exile me and my family. The second time you failed to inform the others the true meaning to my prophecy. Now you will watch the land you created burn down.”

In all truth Tobias did not understand the prophecy completely till now. “The prophecy is set. Fear the black sky and the man that runs with the dire of death and the goddess of wolves.” The sky was indeed black, the man that was referred to is Alpha Zeus. His daughter was nicknamed dire of death. “But who is the Goddes of wolves?” Tobias faustration grew as he stood uselessly watching and hearing the haunting howls as many fell to their deaths. The reincarnated Alphas only gave mercy to those who bow down, submitting and yielding to the full dominant display that stood before them.

Many dires charge at Azah, underestimating her strength; Azah strikes multiple energetic blasts at them. One dire was able to get closer to her and she narrowly stop the dire with her magic by blocking its claws from tearing out her throat. Having halted the dires attack she twirled her arms and tossed the dire away from her. She would on occasion manifest blue lightning from thin air and fire offensive lightning bolts at her opponents. Killing some and leaving others struggling from the shockwave pulsing through their bodies. Azah did not stop and the other dires realized that she was no regular witch. She did not show any signs of her strength weakened, something that they hoped to take advantage of sooner.

Suddenly Alpha Zeus' ears perk up as he hears the first “lub-dub” sound and then a second “lub-dub”. This sound was coming from Azah. He runs to her with great speed while listening to her heartbeat. Worried that she may have been injured somewhere. As soon as he arrived closer to her, he heard the sound again, this time it quicken like the thunder of galloping wolves. Alpha Zeus was in shock when he realized that this wasn’t Azah’s heartbeat but their child’s that she was carrying. He wasn’t the only one who heard the child’s first heartbeat.

It all started to make sense now. This woman is Alpha Zeus' mate and she’s pregnant.” Alpha Ethan thought. He barked his orders to attack Azah in order to distract Alpha Zeus. No werewolf in their right minds will leave their unborn pup and mate alone to fight. Alpha Ethan and other dires now knew Alpha Zeus' weakness and used that to their advantage.

Maze had sensed Azah’s pregnancy before they came into battle but she remained silent when Azah mindlink her to not tell Zion. Azah had cast a spell so Zion's heightened smell would not giveaway her pregnancy. She knew if Zion had known about this early he wouldn’t have wanted her here and she couldn’t bear sitting aside while her mate was out fighting. Maze understood that feeling and kept her promise to stay silent but it seems that Azah’s spell may have worn out which also meant that her energy was slowly being drained.

Alpha Zeus growled defensively, threatening them to back down. Azah floated above her mate. The reciernated Alphas circled them in defense. Protecting them from other attacks. The only wolf that was inside the circle besides Alpha Zeus was Alpha Ethan. It was time for the two Alphas to battle. Alpha Ethan and Alpha Zeus encircled on each other. Glaring into each other’s eyes, growling furiously. The surrounding wolves who supported Alpha Ethan were blocked by the recerniated Alphas. They howled and pawed the ground.

Azah wanted to attack Alpha Ethan but Mazed shouted “Save your energy my child! Your unborn comes first! Bring forth all of your powers to your womb. Breath. You feel it now? Now split that energy in half. Create a shield around your womb. It must be powerful enough so that even when you die the energy inside will allow the child to continue to grow inside the womb without you living. The other half, you use but be smart about the amount you use.” Azah listens to Maze instructions. She knew this was done only by dire she-wolfs but decided to give it a try. She closes her eyes, vanishing in thin air as she goes to her spirit world.

When Alpha Zeus sensed that Azah is safely in her spirit world, he launches forward and attacks Alpha Ethan. Biting into Alpha Ethan’s shoulders. Alpha Ethan howled in pain but was able to shake Alpha Zeus off as he landed on his paws. Both werewolves attacked each other simultaneously, neither backing down no matter the great injury they encountered by each of its attacks. No one could do anything, at the end, the final call will be the one who wins this fight will be the Alpha of The Great Dire Pack.

Alpha Ethan taunts him, “Once I’m done with you I’ll kill your mate, your unborn child and all of the Heights pack will be erased.”

Alpha Zeus didn’t say anything but waited for what was to happen next. Azah appeared above with what glow first into a lime green then to an electric blue orb power released from her body. Azah had now transformed into her spirit form. Her once auburn locs change to frosty white locs. Wearing a long sheer white gown that move steadily and continuously in all directions. Her eyes glowing cobalt blue. Alpha Zeus flames grew higher, and higher till they touched Azah’s orb. The flames dance around her orb rendering a seamless loop.

“The prophecy is set. Fear the black sky, the man that runs with the dire of death and the Goddess of wolves.”

Former Alpha Tobias watched from afar with his eyes wide opened. “The goddess of wolves.”

With Alpah Zeus, Azah’s witchcraft and the Genesis spirit of the Moon of Goddess powers combine they unleashed an immense amount power that killed some that deemed unworthy to live in the eyes of the Moon Goddess, and injury many others by splitting their wolf spirit in half. Forcing them to shifted back into their human yearning for their wolves to come back. The others who fought along with Alpha Zeus were saved from the Moon Goddess’ mercy that broke the curse that condemned them all these years.

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