Zaphira's Flame's

chapter 9

I can hear people talking but I can’t see anyone, or anything for that matter; everything is so fuzzy all around me.

Holding me down, someone dropped something into my eyes, making them sting.

“Z can you hear me?” I nodded but I still can’t really see anything. “Don’t worry, your vision will start to clear any second.” I can tell that it’s Raphe talking, and just like that I can start and see shapes, but every time I blink they come more and more into focus.

Raphe is standing next to me, he changed at some point, and he’s now in jeans and a white under shirt. He looks relieved that I’m alive or something. Alex is sitting next to me in bed, a small smile on his face, and his eyes are glowing red. I tried to speak but my throat is so dry. They helped me sit up so I can drink something, and after downing a whole glass of ice cold water, I can finally speak.

“What happened?” “You took control. But it took a lot out of you in order to do it. You need to drink, and you need to eat something.” Alex handed me a glass of water.

“How long was I out for?” “About a day and a half.” “What? How could have been out for so long?” I asked trying to move. He stopped me.

“Hey don’t push it. We will stop your lessons for a couple days. Give you time to recover.” He stopped talking, going utterly still. “Raphe what is it?” He put fingers to his lips.

“Someone is here, someone that wasn’t invited. Alex take care of her. Stay in here until I tell you otherwise. She also needs something else to put on.”

He said gesturing to the large T-shirt I’m wearing. I have no idea where it came from, it most certainly doesn’t belong to me.

But considering the size it must belong to Alex. He didn’t let either of us reply before he left the room, closing the door.

“What could be happening out there?” He didn’t answer me, just grabbed me some clothes and turned so I can get dressed.

“Alex. I just wanted to say thank you for everything you have done for me, since all this started.” “Your welcome. But you don’t have to thank me. You have helped me on more than one occasion. Oh Zack called by the way.” He said his back still to me. Making me stop. “What did he say?” “He wants to see you. I don’t know how much longer he’ll wait before he tracks you down.” “Then I have to talk to him. He won’t stop until he does. Can I please see him?” I asked pulling the shirt off.

Thinking I’m dressed he turned to me, I’m in my braw; but his eyes started to turn red, as he stared at my pale skin. My skin as always been pale, but since this whole fire demon stuff started; it got paler, if that’s even possible.

I quickly pulled my shirt on, he closed his eyes, trying to get his eyes to get back to normal.

“You can open your eyes now, I’m covered.” I said sitting back on the bed.

“So can I call Zack please? I have to talk to him.” “We will talk to Raphe, and maybe you can see him for a short time.” “Thank you. We should go see if he’s alright.” Pulling on some shoes, I went for the door, but Alex stopped me.

“You can’t go out there, not until he says we can.” “I don’t care. He’s been helping me, and I am going out there to help him.”

My body started to heat, and he moved back so I can open the door, but he followed me out, staying close to me.

I calmed down, but kept my fire still there, right near the surface, in case I need it.

Walking down the hall, everything feels so different, there’s a chill in the air, which is odd. Then I noticed it. Everything is covered in light layer of frost. “What is happening around here?” Looking closer; the frost is swirling over the walls, and spreading.

“There is only one thing that could do this, an ice demon is here.” “What? Ice demon?” “Yeah. All different kinds of demons live in the area. But why would one be here?” I was about to say something, but I can hear voices, and there getting closer. Alex got in front of me; protecting me from whoever is up ahead.

“You know you don’t always have to protect me. I can take care of myself you know.”

The voices are getting louder, and louder.

“Why have you come here? You know you are not allowed through unless you have been invited in.” “Well Raphael you missed the meeting. So I thought I would come and see you.” Her voice is like silk, but there is a touch of danger, and ice in there.

“Elvira you will not speak to me in that tone of voice in my home.” His voice rose, in anger.

“Zaphira what are doing here? I told you to stay in your room.”

Stepping around the corner; Raphael and Elvira are standing in the foyer. Now staring at us.

Elvira is about as tall as Raphe, she has pure white hair, flowing down her back, ice blue eyes, pale white skin; she’s wearing a knee length blue dress, with snowflakes jeweled all over the front. I can feel the cold radiating off of her, as she looked me up and down. “Well who might this be?” She said as she inhaled deeply, as if she’s inhaling me. “Well it would seem you have been a busy little demon Raphael.”

“It wasn’t me. She came to me for help. I told you to stay in your room. The both of you.” He said glaring at me and Alex. “I came to help you. But I can see that you didn’t need help.” I said motioning to her, and she glared at me. “Ladies.” Alex said, taking my hand, trying to calm me.

“What is it you want Elvira?” “You didn’t come to the meeting, they wanted you there.” “What happened?” “The vampires are threatening again.” She said looking at Alex, her glare full of complete and utter disdain.

“What are they doing?” “There trying to move in on our territory again. We must do something to stop them, and the rest of the demon realm aren’t going to sit around and wait for much longer. I just wanted to warn you before something happens, that can’t be stopped.”

She said looking at Alex and I. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have somewhere I need to be.” She said moving towards the door, taking one last look at me.

“You had better take her to the council before they come to you, and it won’t be pretty if that happens. Believe me.” She walked out the door, leaving the house covered in her frost.

“Well that was interesting.” Raphe didn’t say anything, he walked away from us. We followed him to his office as he put papers in his briefcase, but didn’t say anything to us.

Watching him, I have no idea what is happening, but his body language is saying were in some serious trouble.

“Alex you are in charge while I’m gone. Call her friend Zack and get him over here, it will be the last chance for them to see each other for a while.”

He’s talking about me like I’m not even in the room. Alex took my hand, as if feeling my growing anxiety.

“I will call as soon as I can. You are not to leave this house Zaphira, do you understand me? It is not safe out there for you right now.” I nodded. “Yes sir. But will someone please tell me is happening here?”

“We will, but not right now. If what Elvira says is true, then we are no longer safe; something bad will be coming, and we have to prepare for whatever it is.”

Raphe quickly left, leaving us alone in his office, but he wasn’t gone long, when he came back wearing a black suit.

“Get Zack here quickly, there won’t be much time to waste when I get back.”

Alex nodded, and we followed him to the front door. “I will be back as soon as I can.” He didn’t say anything else, he walked out, and Alex locked the door behind him.

“You need to get cleaned up, and I will call Zack. Like Raphe said, we need to get him here as soon as we can.” Alex didn’t walk me to my room, he left that up to me; he went off to make his call, and I made my way to my room. Closing the door; and having a look around.

I’m starting to get the feeling that there not going to be letting me out of this house anytime in the near future.

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