Zaphira's Flame's

chapter 10

Showered dressed, and fed. I’m waiting in the library waiting for Zack. Alex said he’ll be here soon; I can’t wait to see him. It feels like it’s been years since I’ve seen him, or my job.

Being a cop is all I have left, I have no family; well except for Zack, he’s been my rock for as long as I can remember. I barely even remember any of my family. It almost feels like I’ve always been alone, then Zack came into the picture, and all that changed.

Now waiting for him, sitting by the window, they gave me new clothes; I’m in a dark red dress, that goes about to my knees, sleeveless, but a higher neck line, the color of fire, black tights, and a little black jacket. It’s now March but it’ still cool out. Alex said I can in a way control my body heat, I haven’t mastered that skill yet, and hell I’ve barely controlled my fire at all. The library door opened, I stood taking a small step forward. Alex walked in; smiling at me. He moved aside, Zack walked in; I moved towards him, but stopped. He looks like hell.

He’s paler than usual, dark circles under his eyes. He looks like he hasn’t shaved in days, his clothes are wrinkled. Zack took one look at me, really looking, as if making sure I’m real.

He almost ran at me, pulling me into his arms crushing me against him.

“Zaphira thank god! I thought I’d lost you.” “I’m okay Zack. We’re okay.” Hugging him back, as I’m trying to calm him. It’s strange, I can feel heartbeat now, and I’ve never been able to feel that before. “Come on, let’s sit. We have some things we need to discuss.” Zack and I sat on the couch, and Alex sat in one of the chairs. Facing us. “Z what happened to you?” Handing him some water, I sighed.

“I know. I’m sorry, I was going through some things, Alex and a friend of his has been helping me.”

I said looking at Alex, he didn’t say anything; just smiled.

“But what happened to you? You don’t look different.” I nodded. “I know. Alex can I talk tell him?” He nodded. “Yes you can tell him.” “Tell me what?” Taking a deep breathe, I started my tale. “At some point, I was changed.” “You were changed into what?” “Now I’m a fire demon. I don’t know who it was, but now I’m no longer human.” “How could this have happened to you?” Shaking my head. “I don’t know. We’ve been trying to figure that out, but it’s not that easy. Now other things are happening, and everything is just getting out of hand right now. But I am so glad that I can finally see you for myself.” I sad taking his hand.

“Why can’t you just come home?” “I’m sorry, I can’t, not yet. I don’t have control over my fire yet. And I can’t come home until after I gain control. So I don’t hurt anyone, so I don’t hurt you.” “But I don’t understand. How did this even happen to you?” “We don’t know. I was exposed somewhere, we don’t know where, or who did it.” “Wait you touched me, will I become a demon as well?”

He shot off the couch, moving away from me. I started to move, but Alex stopped me, he’ll take care of it.

“Zack look at me.” He won’t look at either of us, so he tried again. “Zackery I want you to look at me.” He looked up at him, looking him right in the eye.

“I want you to listen to me. You are not going to become a demon, it is not as easy as you think it is. Z is your best friend; she needs you, and you need her; so get over there, or so help me god I will throw you out on your ass so fast that it will make your head spin.”

Zack looked at me, I don’t think he used his mind thing on him; but I can’t be completely sure.

Zack sat next to me; looking at me like I suddenly grew a third eye or something. I want to leave, but I can’t I have to know that he will be safe; no matter what. “Zack what has been happening; at the station since I’ve been gone?” “The usual, but there was another incident with the wolves, but I handled it.” “What did they do now?” “One of the girls killed a dog. I know we don’t usually take things like that; but Rolf helped me, out and we got things settled. But that’s a about it really.”

“The wolves are starting to get out of hand, something has to be done about them.” Alex nodded.

“Something will be done, at the summit meeting in a few days, which brings me to the next order of business. Zack did you bring everything I told you to bring?” He nodded. “Yes everything’s in my car. Why did I have to bring it all?” “You are going on vacation. I’m not supposed to tell you this, but something is happening, and you have to be out of the way. So my best people are taking you away for a while, they are to keep you safe; at whatever the cost.”

“Will Z be coming with me?” He asked looking at me. “No unfortunately she can’t. She has to stay here, she has to be here.” I nodded, looking down at my hands.

“When am I leaving?” “My people will be here in about ten minutes, you have that long to get cleaned up, and say good bye.” He looked Zack up and down as he said it.

“What’s wrong with my look?” He started to say something, but I put my hands up to stop him.

“Zack I’m sorry, but you kind of look like you went through hell and back, and I’m sorry for that, but you have to get cleaned up.” “I have gone through quite a bit in the last little while, alright fine. Where do I go?” “Follow me.” I said getting up. “There’s stuff waiting for him in your room.” “Thank you. Come on Zack.” I called, walking out the door. For a second he didn’t follow, but Alex said something to him, and he quickly ran after me, his shoes slipping as he ran after me, I spun around and caught him as went flying.

“You have to watch where you’re going into the future.”

I said setting him back on his feet. “Let’s go.” I said turning, and heading to my room.

We walked into my room, there’s a stack of clothes waiting on my bed, handing it to him; I pointed, and said.

“There’s a bathroom right through there, get yourself cleaned up and come back out.” He nodded. “Thank you.” closing the bathroom door; I waited until I can hear the water; and left my room going to find Alex. But he’s not in the library, he must have went back to his room.

It’s so weird that I can hear things now, that I couldn’t before, I don’t know if I will ever be able to get used to this feeling.

“Alex what the hell is going on?” I asked closing his door. “Why is he going away?” “He has to, it’s the only way to know that he will be safe, and you will be focused with whatever is about to happen.” “We can protect him here, he doesn’t have to leave. Please I don’t want to lose him again.” “I’m sorry, but yes he does; as long as he’s around you won’t be focused on anything but him. So I’m sorry, but yes he does have to go.” Sighing, I sat on his bed. “Hey I know you want your life back, and you will get it back, but not right now.” “I know. But I just got him back; and I don’t want to lose him again.” “You won’t. I will not let that happen.”

Getting control over my emotions, I stood smoothing out my dress. “I have to get back in there, he should be done by now.” He nodded. “You go; and I’m sorry.” “Thank you.” I said stepping out of his room.

Stepping into my room, the showers off; but I can hear him cursing from inside the bathroom. “Zack are you alright in there?” But no one answered back; stepping inside, Zack is in front of the mirror, trying to cut his hair. “You know it would be a lot easier if I did that for you.” Sighing, he handed me the scissors, and sat on the toilet, so I can get to work.

“I’m sorry for everything I put you through. I have wanted to call, even to just listen to your answering machine.” “None of this was your fault. You didn’t ask to become like this.”

I didn’t say anything, I continued cutting his hair, until a knock at my door. “There here, you have just a couple minutes. We’ll be in the front hall.” He left; leaving my door open.

“I think you’re good to go now. I’ll leave you to get dressed.” He got up; grabbed me by the waist and kissed me, it was completely unexpected. I didn’t respond; I didn’t do anything, just stood there, arms at my side. He let go of me, a smile on his face. I didn’t say anything, I can’t even think right now; I handed him his clothes and left; closing the bathroom door. I can’t stay in my room; taking off my pumps; I ran out, not stopping until I got that secret door open and ran down; to the bunker, so I can lose control without hurting anyone.

Just as the lights came on; I burst into flames, not caring where the flames go. Flames shooting every which way. Crumbling to the ground; the flames started to fade; seeping back into me. My emotions back under control. What just happened?

“Zaphira?” I didn’t look up; but I know Alex is in front of me, trying to get me to respond. “Come on Z look at me.” Looking up; Alex is in front of me, a worried look on his face.

“What happened? When I left you were fine.” “He kissed me.” Giving me a look. “He kissed you? Was it against your permission?” He’s getting angry; he tried to get up, but I grabbed his arm keeping him where he is.

“No don’t do anything to him.” “He kissed you, and you didn’t want him to, he shouldn’t have done that.” “I know. But please don’t do anything, to him. He’s my best friend; so please don’t do anything to him. Just forget about it.” “Fine, there just getting ready to go; come on, let’s go say good bye to him.” He helped me up. “That was some show. You are more powerful than anyone I know.”

I’m not sure if that’s supposed to be a good thing or not, but he’s smiling, so I guess it’s a good thing. Stepping into the foray, Zack is there with three guys, I don’t recognize them, but if Alex trusts them, then it’s good enough for me. Giving him a hug, I said.

“It was good seeing you Zack. I missed you. Be safe out there, wherever you end up.” “You to. Be safe; and I will see you soon.” I can’t look at him; Alex walked them out, but I stayed where I am, standing in the doorway, watching them climb into the car.

Zack and two of them got into the car, but one stayed to talk to Alex him I recognize now; it’s Nicolas. He’s his second in command; and most trusted.

I can’t tell what they’re saying, but I know it’s important, how Nick keeps looking at the car, then back at him.

Finally Nick bowed, and got in the car; and drove off leaving Alex standing in the drive watching them leave.

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