Zaphira's Flame's

chapter 11

Alex ushered me back in the house, locking the door behind us. His phone started to ring. “It’s Raphe. Hey man, you’re on speaker, what’s up?” “I’m on my way, be ready to go, we have someplace we need to be now.” “Sure thing, see you soon.” He hung up, and went to my room. “You have to change.” Looking down at my dress. “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”

He was about to say something, but his phone whistled. “Shit.” Alex went over to my closet and pulled out a garment bag, I hadn’t noticed it was hanging there before.

Handing it to me, he said. “We need to get changed.” “Why? Where are we going?” “You’re not going to like it, but you don’t really have a choice.” He walked to the door, hand on the doorknob. “I’m sorry.” “What are you sorry for?” Alex turned to me, his eyes swirling red. “For what Zack did. He should never have done that. I should never have brought him here.” “None of it was your fault. I asked you to bring him here. So if it’s anyone’s fault it’s mine.”

Alex is in front of me in a second.

“None of this was your fault, he should have known better. You deserve so much better then him.” He’s starting to scare me a little; the way he’s looking at me, his eyes bright red.

He regained some control, over himself his eyes fading.

“I’ll leave you to change.”

He left quickly, before I can even say anything to him.

What the hell just happened? Shaking it off, I opened the bag; looking at it. Hanging it up, I went to have a shower. Why was Alex acting like that? The way he was looking at me, it was like he wanted to eat me or something. Stepping out of the bathroom, I half expected Alex to be in my room, but it’s empty.

Walking up to my dress, I looked closer at it. A floor length evening gown, black with red and orange flames starting at the base, shooting up around it. The straps go around your neck, with a deep V-neck; and the back is cut even lower than that.

It’s beautiful and totally not me at all.

Why would I have to wear something like this? Taking it out of the bag, there’s also a pair of heels with it. Stepping into it, some-one knocked at my door. “Come on in.” “Raphe just pulled in.” He said looking me up and down.

I’m having issues getting the back done up. “Let me help with that.” He said coming up behind me. “You look beautiful by the way.” Smiling. “Thank you. Where are we going anyways?”

Shaking his head. “I can’t tell you yet. But there is something I do need to tell you.” “What is it?” “Where we’re going, it would be easier if one of us claimed you.” Giving him a look. “What do you mean ‘claim me’ what does that mean?”

“Your fresh meat, everyone will want to get their hands on you. Men and woman alike. But if one of us claims you, then they know you’re off limits.” “Did someone claim you?” He nodded, turning around so I can see the back of his neck. “It’s a bun mark. Wait so does that mean?” He nodded, fixing his shirt collar. “My first time Raphe claimed me. He could claim you, but.” Now he won’t look at me.

“But what Alex?” “I would rather it was me, that claims you.” He said looking at me. “Why would you want to claim me?” “Since that day I gave you my blood, I don’t know, I feel very protective of you.” “Ok.” He gave me a look. “Ok what?” “Ok you can claim me. How do we do this?” “I mark you. The best way is for me to bite you.” “You want to bite me?”

He nodded. “All right.” He looks a little shocked. Moving my hair to the side; exposing my neck, to him.

Moving closer to me, he took hold of me; holding me close against him; lowering his mouth to my neck. He started lightly sucking and licking at my neck, my heart started pounding, I even moaned slightly, and I went weak, so I wrapped my arms around him, as his fangs sank into my neck, drinking from me.

After two good pulls he released my neck, looking at me his eyes glowing red, as he licked the last of my blood of his mouth. Smiling he said.

“There now as for as anyone is concerned you are mine.”

He cleaned the last of my blood from the wounds, and a door slammed somewhere nearby.

“We need to go. I have a feeling that he’s in a bad mood.” Grabbing my jacket, we headed out; Raphe is just coming out of his room. He’s wearing a black suit, with red and orange flames at his cuffs and the hem of his jacket, a black shirt, and red tie.

I pulled my hair to the side so my Mark will show.

“We need to go.” Is all Raphe said as he looked us up and down, making sure we look appropriate?

Taking Alex’s arm the three of us started for the car. After a moment I took Raphes arm, since he’s walking right beside me, and the three of us, walked out arm in arm out to the waiting car. Stepping outside a small black limo is waiting for us.

Alex opened the door, allowing me to step in first. “You claimed her?”

“Yeah is there a problem with that? You claimed me the first time I went to one of these things.”

I poked my head out of the car.

“Is there a problem out here gentlemen?” Raphe smiled at me. “Not at all.” Raphe climbed in, sitting across from me.

In the limo there’s two sets of seating, at the front, and at the back. Alex climbed in coming to sit next to me.

“We’re ready to go please Jeff.” “Yes sir.” And we’re off.

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