Zaphira's Flame's

chapter 12

After about twenty minutes of silence, I cleared my throat. “So what else will I be going through?” “What you’re going through?” I nodded. “Yeah. I mean I feel different, not just the fire demon thing. When I was with Zack I could hear his heartbeat. Is that normal?”

Alex and Raphe exchanged a look. “What? What is it?”

“Z no demons can do that. Is that all that’s different?” I nodded. “Yeah.” Something felt a little weird at my neck.

Putting my hand to my throat. “The bite marks are heeling.” “What? Let me see.” Moving so he can see them. “Why is my mark healing?” He cursed. “What is it?” “The blood I gave you that day. That is the only thing that I can think of that would explain it.” “But that was weeks ago. Shouldn’t it be out of my system by now?” “Yes it should be, but the marks healing, and hearing his heartbeat. Open your mouth.” Opening it as wide as I can, he looked in. “No signs of fangs.” “What do you mean fangs? I could be becoming a vampire? But that’s impossible. Isn’t it?” “I have no idea. But when you were turned, then giving you my blood could have done something to you. We will just have to wait and see. But today no one can know about this, no one.” I nodded, and we looked at Raphe who nodded in agreement.

“We will also have to wait and see what your demon form, and you wings will look like.”

Raphe said, looking out the dark window.

“What the hell do you mean my demon form, and my wings? Do I really have those things? I mean you have wings, I can’t believe it.” He nodded.

“Yes and they should come out soon enough.” “I don’t believe it. How could you no tell me that?”

Sighing, Raphe leaned in, setting his arms on his knees. “We were hoping that you would find them on your own. But with this news coming out; we now don’t know what may happen.”

Sighing he looked out the window. “We have to be prepared for whatever might happen next. But for now, we have something we have to get out of the way. Here we are. Stop the car please.” The car pulled over in front of a large hotel, Jeff got out and opened the door for us, giving me a hand out.

“Thank you Jeff.”

Raphe and Alex who climbed out behind me, are on either side of me, they each took an arm, escorting me inside.

Stepping through the door, I can feel the energy change. Whispering, I asked. “What the hell is happening here?” “We are here for a summit, but it wasn’t supposed to happen for two months, but now with everything going on. Everyone is here; and it will be a long day.”

Walking further into the lobby, I can tell their everywhere, vampires, demons werewolves.

I have no idea what is happening right now but, but I know it won’t be good. Stopping, I said. “Excuse me, I have to use the ladies rom.” “Of course. Alex take her will you, I have to make sure everything is going alright in our section.” “Come along Zaphira.” He said leading me away.

Looking around, you can tell the different demons, by what they’re wearing. The ice demons are wearing different shades of blue. Water demons in greys and blues.

Everyone we walk by, are looking at me like I’m a piece of stake.

Alex stopped in front of the ladies room. “Here you are.” “You’re coming in with me, we have to try again, there all staring at me, and I would like it to stop.” “Alright, but first make sure it’s safe for me to go in.” Smiling I stepped in, telling him he has the all clear.

Locking the door behind us, he hoisted me onto the counter, making my pulse race at his first touch.

“Are we going to try it the same way we did before?” He nodded, stepping between my legs.

Smiling at me his fangs glistening in the light, as he lowered his mouth to my neck. Gently he started sucking my neck the way he did before, tingling sensations racing through me; grazing my neck with his fangs. Then he pierced my flesh, a small gasp escaping my lips, claiming me once again as his. After a few good pulls he moved back; his eyes ruby red.

“You are now mine.” His voice a little husky, making my heartrate skyrocket.

The way Alex is looking at me; drops of my blood still on his lips. I reached up, to wipe them away, but he stopped me. For a second I thought he was going to move back, but he leaned in covering my mouth with his.

At the first touch, he moaned, hands in my hair, pulling me closer, kissing him back, I opened to him, allowing him entry.

Suddenly he jerked back, moving across the ladies room, back against the wall, staring at me.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know why I did that. Please forgive me.” He said, trying to regain control over his body, his fists clenching at his sides.

“No, there’s nothing to forgive.”

I said hopping off the counter, I walked over to him, heels clicking against the floor. “You didn’t do anything.” Taking his hand, he tried to move away from me, but I won’t let him, move away from me.

“We need to get out there.” I nodded, and he started moving past trying to let go of my hand, but I won’t let him, I only tightened my grip on him.

We walked out, hand in hand; Alex led me to our gathering room, and dropped me off with Raphe. “I have to go, you belong here, and I belong in a different group.” He said trying to pry my fingers off him. Setting his hand on my cheek.

“You’ll be fine. Nothing will happen to you, Raphe is here, and you’ll be fine.” “Where will you be?”

“In the vampire section. Vampires from all different districts are here, just stay with Raphe and everything will be fine.” He sat me down; in the fire demon section, and walked off; hopefully he will be somewhere where I will be able to see him.

Looking around, everyone is wearing the colors of their breed. Ours the fire demons are by far the largest, of them all.

No one said a word to me, but they gave me a look over; stopping at the new vamp mark on my neck. Fidgeting in my seat; I started fingering the mark, and two hands settled on my shoulders, making me jump.

“Woe darling, no one’s going to hurt you.” Looking around, Uncle Jack is standing, and smiling at me.

“What are you doing here?” “The same thing you are it would appear. But why are you here?” Sighing, I gestured to the dress. “I’m a fire demon now.” “When, how?” “A few weeks ago, well at least I think that’s how long it’s been. We don’t know how it happened, just that it happened. It’s good to see you.”

Giving him a hug, someone cleared there throat, making us break apart. Raphe is standing behind us.

“Sorry, I was just leaving. You take good care of her. If you don’t then you will have me, and a bunch of others to deal with.” Raphe bowed to him, actually bowed.

“I will take good care of her with my life, that you can guaranty it sir.” He nodded, shaking hands. “Good. Now if you both will excuse me, I have to be somewhere. My dear it was wonderful to see you.”

I gave him one last hug, and he walked off, Raphe settling in the chair next to mine.

“You know him?” I nodded. “Yeah I’ve known Jack for a while now. He’s a good guy. He and his family took me in; there like my family; and I don’t want to lose them.” “You won’t. Unless something happens, but you will not lose him because of me.” “Thank you. Now why are we here?” “It’s a summit meeting, but it wasn’t supposed to happen for a while. But something has come up, that they had to move it up.”

I was about to say something but; seven others walked onto a raised stage, taking their place in front of us.

“There’re the heads of each breed in here, one for each type of Demon, and for a vampire and for a werewolf.” Raphe hissed; as they got comfortable.

Someone stepped onto the stage, raising their arms, quieting us down.

“Welcome all of you. Thank you all for making it on such short notice. Let us begin.” And we’re off, only this time I have no idea what is going to happen.

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