Zaphira's Flame's

chapter 13

We’re three hours into the summit, but I have no idea what is going on around me. People talk, but I’m not following any of it. All my years on the force, and I have no idea what is going on here. No one looks at me for anything, but a few people to cast glances at me, from time to time. I just ignore the lot of them.

“Alright we will take a fifteen minute break. Vampires, there is a room all set up for you in room three. As for the rest of you a room has been set up in room two, a bell will ring when time is up.” Everyone started filing out, but Raphe and I didn’t move for a moment, until there is clear path. Taking my arm he led me through the room, to room two, he left me alone for a moment, saying he needed to speak to someone. Walking around, it’s then I noticed that Alex standing by room three, talking to someone. Walking closer, I noticed its Nicolas he’s talking to. But I thought he was to stay with Zack? Walking up to them, Nick is the one to notice me, motioning for Alex to turn around.

“Hey there you are, I was wondering where you got off to.” I said, putting a hand on Alex’s arm.

“I thought you were keeping Zack safe?” “He was, but I needed him here. But don’t worry, he is in very good hands, you do not need to worry about him.”

Nick gave Alex a look as he said that, which is telling me there’s more to the story then that. “How are you handling all this?” “I’m doing okay, I think. I mean I still don’t really know why I’m here, but it all might come into place sooner or later. Nicolas thank you for taking care of Zack for me.” Taking my hand, he kissed it. It’s a weird gesture, but hell I’ll take it.

“You are very welcome. Now if you’ll both excuse me, I have a call to make. It was wonderful to see you again.” I nodded, as he walked off, leaving Alex and I standing there, by what I’m guessing is a blood room for vampires.

“Is that room what I think it is?” He nodded, moving closer to me, putting an arm around my waist, steering me away from the blood room.

“We need to get you something to eat, since you really haven’t eaten today.” I wanted to argue, tell him that I want to know more about the blood room, but I don’t; I also know that it’s no use arguing with him. Walking through the hall, demons of all sort stared at us, but I didn’t give them much mine, I’m sure part of it is the fact that I’m walking with a vampire, but I don’t care.

Alex got me a glass of something and started a plate of food for the both of us, sitting me at a table in the corner, away from everyone else. “Why am I here Alex?” “What do you mean?” “You know what I mean, why did I have to come here?”

“You’re new, so you must learn how we handle things, so pay attention my dear, for it will be a long afternoon.”

The bell rang, but there’s still no sign of Raphe anywhere; so Alex dropped me at our table, saying he would see me soon, and walked off, heading back for his section.

Raphe came back, sitting next to me, handing me a glass.

“We are to resume, so everyone have a seat.”

The board waiting until everyone is settled and we got back to business at hand.

For the next few hours, we listened to testimony from numerous different demons talking about the rogue vamps coming in and trying to take over, but they resisted, driving them out, but not for good. After everyone spoke, the whole room became in agreement then something has to be done about them. Now they just have to put a plan in place to get them there.

Looking over at the vampire section, some of them aren’t happy; but for the most part, they seem to be content about what will be happening, to their kin. “Raphe will we be having anything to do with this?” “It will depend. I most likely will, but you may not. With you it will all depend on where you will be in your training.” “Good. If they get close, I will do whatever I have to, to defend my city.”

He smiled, looking back at the stage, where a lead fire demon is still standing.

Her voice boomed across the room.

“Our summit is now concluded; thank you all for coming, but we have one last thing to announce. We have a new sister to welcome in.” The chatter subsided, I really hope it’s not for me, but I have the feeling that it is me.

“Raphael please bring down Zaphira your new ward.” Standing, he took my hand, leading me down to the front, and onto the stage standing next to the lead fire demon.

“We are here to welcome you Zaphira into the family.”

Picking something up, she said. “Bow your head.” I did and he laid something over my head, setting it until it’s sitting on my chest.

“We welcome you to the family.”

She and Raphe lifted my hands up high as everyone started cheering, and one by one they all started changing, all the different demons changing forms.

The vampires didn’t do anything but clap, and the wolves did everything in their power to not change.

“Alright whatever you are, I really need your help right now. I don’t know what you are, but I really need some help.

I have to show them what I really am.”

“I will help you.”

A small voice called, so light that it’s barely there, but it’s there in the background.

“We cannot do your demon form, not yet, but we will show them what you really are.”

My fire started to rise, and spread through my body; until flames are dancing all over my body.

Flames dancing around my dress; making me a flaming inferno. After a moment, one by one everyone started changing back; so I did the same, pulling my flames back to my center, until I’m back just as I was.

“You will be strong, be everything you can be, and more.”

“Thank you, I will try and make you proud.” “I know you will.” Is all she said, and walked off; and Raphe lead me off the stage, back the way we came, and back up to where we were sitting, and Alex is already there waiting for us. He took one look at me, and smiled. “That was very impressive my dear.”

He helped me with my coat as an explosion erupted nearby, making everyone start running. Alex took my arm, as we started running through the kayos, trying to get out of here, in one piece. Explosion after explosion.

“Alex get her to the car! I have to find out what happened out there.” “We will not leave you.” “Just do as I said, and get her out of here.” He disappeared out of sight, before we can argue with him. Alex led me through the crowd, getting me out of the building and into the car.

He got me in, reached under and pulled out two guns, handing one to me, sitting next to me, while we wait for Raphe to find us. “What the hell just happened in there?” “I don’t know. But Raphe will find out what we need to know. We just have to be patient, don’t worry everything will be fine.”

I nodded, making sure the gun is loaded, and ready in case anything happens that we have to worry about.

Alex tried to talk to me, trying to keep me calm, but really there isn’t anything you can say to keep me calm.

Clearing his throat, he said.

“You know I keep thinking back to what happened in the bathroom, when I bit you.”

I looked at him, taking my eyes off my gun for a second.

“What do you keep thinking about?”

But I already know, even as I say it, Alex’s eyes started to swirl red; as we both remembered what happened earlier between the two of us in the ladies room.

Taking a deep breathe, I looked at him, smiling, as the car door opened, and Raphe climbed in, covered in soot.

“We have to get out of here, drive now!” The car roared to life, speeding away, getting us away from the place as fast as we can.

“What the hell happened out there?” Shaking his head. “I don’t know. But it wasn’t good. We have to get out of here. You know where to go, and step on it.”

The driver nodded and turned the corner, at sharp turn, heading somewhere, but we’re not heading back towards the house, where are we going? “Raphe where are we going? Because this is not the way back to the house.” “We’re not heading back yet. We’re going to your place. What is happening around us, the only way you will be safe is to remain at the house with me.” Alex looked at me. “He means with us.” Raphe nodded. “Yes of course, us. So you will pack up, call your boss, and say you are taking a leave of absence from work, because of what happened today. It is the only way to keep you safe.”

Moving forward in my seat, a frown on my face.

“I won’t ever be able to go back to work will I?” He shook his head. “No unfortunately, at least until we get the vamps dealt with. I’m sorry, but it’s how it has to be. I’m so sorry Zaphira, I truly am.”

Sitting back; as we headed for my house.

From here on in, I will lose everything I love. I will never get to go back to what I love the most, being a cop.

Alex moved closer to me, picking up what is around my neck.

“What is that?” “This my dear girl is the crest of the fire demons. A black heart with flames all around it. It suits you well.”

Looking at it. “Why a black heart?” “Some of them go dark, and after they died, sometimes their hearts are black. But don’t start to panic, that won’t happen to you. We will never let you go dark; you’re too good a person for that.” He gave me a smile, as Alex took my hand, giving it a tight squeeze; which I gave him back only tighter.

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