Zaphira's Flame's

chapter 8

Stepping into the dining room; there are large paintings on the walls, large vases of flowers, candles on every surface. A large dark cherry table, with three high back chairs, waiting for us, but there are others sitting against the wall.

There’s a large brunch set out for us, a tone of food. There’s a chair at the head of table, and one other either side; but Alex moved his to be beside mine.

Just as he pulled my chair out for me, Raphe walked in, setting some papers into folder. He looked at the new seating arrangement and raised an eyebrow at Alex before sitting at the head of the table. He poured us each a mug of Coffey and handed Alex a dark glass bottle, and a mettle goblet with a dragon going around it. I know what it is, but they want to shield me from it. After he poured a glass I took sip of orange juice and said. “Alex I know you’re drinking blood, so you don’t have to hide it from me.” Raphe cleared his throat, and handed me a plate of different meats. We passed everything around, and started eating in silence.

We’ve been sitting at the table for about half an hour, and they have said nothing about what is going to happen to me. Setting my fork down; I asked.

“So what is going to be happening?” “We are going to start your training. You have to get your powers under control before you can go back out to be around people.” I can’t look at him, when I ask this next question.

“How long will that take?”

“It depends. Everyone is different; and everyone accepts there powers in a different way.” He said looking at Alex. “After it happened to me, I was a mess. But I got through it, and I know you can too. You are already well on your way.” Alex took my hand, giving me a smile.

“So when do we start?” He wiped his mouth with his napkin, and stood. “Right now. But you both will need to change. I had some more appropriate clothes sent to your rooms. I have to take care of something first. I will meet you in the den.” I looked down at my clothes, what’s wrong with my clothing? Raphe got up from the table, and grabbed his folder and walked out of the dining room. “Well I guess we should do as he said.” Alex said moving his chair back and stood.

I nodded pushing my chair back, and followed him out, and back to our rooms. Like he said, his room is right next to mine, he gave me a smile and went into his room, and I went into mine.

Just like he said, there’s clothes waiting for me. But looking at them, I don’t want to wear these.

Holding it up to myself standing in front of the mirror. It’s a black and purple suit, that’s made of this wired material. But he said I have to wear it. So I pulled off my jeans and sweater, and pulled on this wired stuff. It doesn’t look that bad no me, but I would rather be wearing some normal clothing.

A knock at my door, made me grab my robe, throwing it on over the suit. “Come in.” Alex came in wearing a similar suit, but his is black and green. “What are these things?” “I have no idea. But I am not a fan of it.” He nodded, pulling at the neck. “Yeah tell me about it.”

I said turning back to the mirror. I’m still wearing my robe, I don’t want him to see me in this.

He came up behind me, setting his hands on my shoulders.

“If you get to see me in this, then I get to see you in yours.” He said, pulling it off at the shoulders. Looking at me, he smiled. “It doesn’t look that bad. Actually you look quite fears in it. Now come on. We can’t keep him waiting.” Sighing, I nodded. “No we most certainly can, not.” Turning so I can look at him. He doesn’t look that bad in it.

Walking down to the den, we didn’t see anyone, thank god for that; or else I would shoot some fire at Raphe for making us wear these ridiculous things.

Raphe is already there waiting for us, and to my surprise he’s wearing a suit like ours, only his is red and black. He saw us, and smiled. “You two look ready. Well let’s get started.” “Here?” I asked looking around the room. He just shook his head.

“No. follow me.” He opened a door that you can’t even tell that it’s there. Hidden right in the wall. He walked down first, then Alex told me to go, and he followed up close behind me. As we walked down, the air is getting colder. I’m not sure what I expected it to be.

Raphe opened a huge iron door. We walked into a bunker of some kind. “This place is my design. It is sound proof, and fire proof, nearly indestructible. And here we will be doing your training.” Lights turned on, showing us more of the bunker.

It’s bigger than I thought, with different kinds pf targets everywhere. Now I get the point of the suits; there fire proof.

“First lesson. You have to control your powers when someone looks at you, or talks to you in a way that you don’t like.”

The way he said it, and the way he’s walking towards me, it’s like he’s really trying to make me angry. “You have to be able to take control of your emotions; whenever something comes up that you don’t like. You can feel it now can’t you? Your fire rising up to protect you. To defeat the threat.”

He’s right, I can feel it; it’s starting to rise, and spread through my body, seeping towards the surface.

I’m trying to take control over it, but I can’t.

“You have to control it.” He said taking another step towards me. “Take control.” I keep trying to push it back down to my core but I can’t; and it completely covers my body in flames.

Alex dove for cover, vampires might be immortal, but they can still get hurt. Of course Raphe didn’t have to move since we’re both fire demons. Flames shot everywhere, bouncing off the walls.

“You have to take control over the flames, call them back to you.”

Closing my eyes, I forced the flames towards my hands, spreading my arms, and they slowly responded; to my demands seeping into my skin.

Raphe stood there staring at me, as the flames flew past him, and absorbed into my hands, until the room is free of flames. Everything that just happened to me, has left me drained, and my legs collapsed from underneath me, but before I hit the ground; someone caught me, holding me close to him.

“Take her up to her room, she needs to rest; we have put her through enough for right now.” I didn’t hear a response from whoever is carrying me, but I can feel whoever it is started moving. I tried to say something, but nothing would come out, I managed to focus my eyes long enough to be able to see that it’s Alex who’s carrying me, holding me close.

I tried to say something to him, but nothing will come out, my mind is nothing but fog. He briefly looked down at me, then everything went dark.

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