Zaphira's Flame's

chapter 45

Pulling my hair up, Staring at my reflection in the mirror. My stomach has grown since we went to bed last night. Now I’m getting ready before dawn to get rid of the rogues once and for all.

“You almost ready Z?” Taking a deep breath, I walked out to the bedroom, Alex is there, pulling on his armour. “As ready as I’ll ever be I guess.” Walking over to mine, I pulled it on, it’s a little snug now since my stomach has grown more now, but it still works.

Holstering my guns and a sword across my back. “I’m ready. Let’s get this over with.” Heading down to the front door, everyone is there waiting for us. They all look so fierce, ready for battle. “Let’s take our city back, once and for all.” Walking out of the house, our cars are sitting there. The sun is just starting to come up, we have to move now, to get there in time. “You ready for this?” I asked Sitting next to Violet. She nodded, holding my hand tightly in hers. “I’m just a little nervous. I want to keep my cool out there. I’m just worried that I’ll get out there and freeze.” “I have something that will help you.”

Taking my ring off, pulling her crest from over her head. Putting it on the chain, and back around her neck.

“This will keep you safe. Just remember that I will be right beside you the whole time.”

Holding her tight, trying to keep her calm. We shouldn’t have brought her, we should have made her stay home. Driving away from the house, looking back at it, there’s a small chance that I won’t see it again. I can feel everyone’s anxiety, as we drove through the city.

I want to protect it, for my children and for the future generations to come. Weather I’m here to see it or not. Holding my stomach, I only hope that no matter what happens to me, my baby will somehow survive this.

“We’re here.” Raphe said turning the lights off. “We need to be quiet when we get out there.” He said climbing out of the car. Walking forward, emerging into the group.

“There you are.”

Rolf said, coming up to us. He gave us all a smile and hugged Violet, the way he’s holding her, he has a thing for her, I thought perhaps, when they spent so much time together. I wonder how Alex will feel about that when he finds out about it. I mean she’s only seventeen, and he’s about twenty one, maybe a little older, I think, it’s not even that bad really. But who knows how he will react to it. “Everything all right here?”

I nodded. “Everything’s fine. But can I talk to you for a moment?” He nodded. Following me away from the others. “I need you to look after Violet for me. She is scared out of her mind right now. And I know if anyone will keep her safe it’s you.” “What do you mean?”

“I know way you’ve been looking at her, you like each other, so please just keep her safe.” He nodded. “We do like each other, we just haven’t told anyone yet. So please do not tell anyone until after this is over.” “Don’t worry. I won’t. And I’m happy for you both.”

Going back to the others, Alex handed me an ear piece. “Wear it at all times. We have to be in constant contact. We’re not far now, we move out in two. Rolf you might want to change now.”

He nodded, and we all moved back, and he made the change; his wolf seems even larger now. He’s amazing. He motioned to Violet.

“He wants you to get on his back. Go on.” Helping her up, I grabbed my sword and we headed out. “Hopefully they won’t know we’re here so we will have the element of surprise here.” Raphe said, walking beside me.

“How are you feeling by the way?” “I’m okay. I just want to get this over with so we can get our lives back.” “I know. I want this over with as well. Is there any word on Zack?” Shaking my head. “No. There’s nothing. I’m so worried about him. I want him back, he’s my family.” “We’ll find him, I know we will.” Marching on, we got close and I can hear machinery nearby.

“We are getting close. I want total radio silence from here on in.” Raphe said into his earpiece. Moving on, explosions erupted around us, attack! There coming towards us, hundreds of them, I have never seen so many vampires in one place like this.

Shooting fire at them, taking down one after the other.

All around us, there dropping like flies, we’ve been at this for what seems like hours, but there still coming in droves. Pain ripping through my back, I’ve been shot. “Come on baby, let’s see what we can do.”

Focusing all my energy on the rouge vamps and only them, fire erupted all around me, creating a wall of fire all around me, and everyone that I care about.

One vamp in particular coming closer to me, I can start and make out who it is. “No. Please no, not you.” It’s Zack. They got to my Zack! He doesn’t even look like himself anymore. What have they done to you?

“Zack Please! It’s me, it’s Zaphira. You have to believe me! You have to come back to me!” He didn’t appear to recognize me at all, I can’t lose him; he’s all I have left. “Zack it’s me; you have to come back to me. Please.” He kept coming towards me. His eyes, glowing red, he’s not my Zack anymore. He’s a mindless vampire, one of the rogues! Looking at the scene around me, everyone fighting for the same reason as me, using their powers to keep the ones they love safe. Pulling my sword, calling my flame to it, I don’t want to have to use it, but I have to. I have no other choice.

“I’m so sorry Zack! I love you so much!” Running up to him, we starting fighting, I hope that there is some hint that he knows me, but there is none, I have to end this, thrusting my sword stabbing him through the heart. Tears streaming down my cheeks as his eyes went wide, then started to fade. He dropped to the ground, lifeless. Dropping to my knees, the battle forgotten around me. Holding him close to me, cradling his head in my hands, tears continuing to pour down my cheeks, I can feel my fire rising to the surface; screaming in agony; fire erupted spreading all around me, draining me completely.

Collapsing to the ground, darkness consumed me, I faintly heard someone screaming my name as I passed out.

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