Zaphira's Flame's

chapter 44

“Everyone I want you downstairs now.” Raphe said as we walked into the house. Right now all I want is some blood and to find Zack that idiot. Still what the hell was he thinking? Who knows what could be happening to him right now. “I’ll meet you all down there.” I said walking towards the kitchen, leaving them all standing there.

Grabbing a large glass filling it with blood. What am I going to be in for with this whole pregnancy thing? How long will it last? Already I can tell the difference in my stomach. Heading down to the basement, everyone is there already waiting for me. “So what are we doing down here?” “I have something for each of you. I had these made a while ago.” He said pressing a button and the wall opened revealing these interesting costume type things. Each one has our names on it. Going up to mine, it’s amazing.

It’s red and black, leather, it has straps on it, spikes at the shoulders, leather and spiked long sleeves. The shoulders look like dragon wings, ties at the front along with mettle buckles.

“It’s armoured to protect you and the baby.” “Why would she need this? She’s not going out there.” Looking at him. “You can’t stop me. I may be pregnant, but I will not be sitting this out.”

“Yes you will. You are carrying my child, and you both will stay safe, here.” My fire rising, flames shooting around the room. “You will not stop me.”

He sighed. “I can’t stop you, can I?” “No. No you can’t.” “Fine. But you will be with me at all times. There is no room open for discussion.” “Understood. And thank you.” Pulling mine off the mannequin, pulling it on. It’s a perfect fit. “It’s also fire resistant. It will move you as do.”

“Thank you. It’s amazing.” “It also has this.” He said handing me a helmet, in the same style. Red and black.

Looking at Violet’s its black and purple similar to mine. “You look amazing in it.” I said walking around her. The guys are simple.

Red and black leather, their own insignia on them. Looking at mine, it’s on the back next to a dragon. “These will keep us safe out there. Nothing can penetrate them.” “There perfect.” I said putting mine back on.

Smiling I turned back to everyone. “Tomorrow at dawn, our war will be over; once and for all!” “Yes it will. And for that to happen, we will be needing these.” Raphe said opening up another part of the wall. “My god!” I said. Looking at the amount of weapons lining the wall. “I can’t believe you have all these.” Violet said picking up a hand gun. “Do you know how to use one?” “Sort of. Before my mom got sick, she would take me the shooting range every once in a while. But I’m out of practice.” She moved away a couple steps and aimed at one of the targets, and fired three times, all of them; hitting dead center.

“You are so not out of practice my dear.” I said touching her shoulder.

Going to the wall of guns, I picked out a few things, he has everything, even swords, and grabbing one it’s perfect.

“Alright everyone load up on what you need; it’s early to bed, we leave at five in the morning. Be ready.”

Everyone grabbed what they need and we made our way back upstairs. Nick took our new friend and Alex and I went up to our room.

Closing the door. He sighed. “Please don’t do this. You are now carrying my child. So I ask you again, please stay here with Violet and let us handle it. I can’t lose any of you.” He said taking my hands in his. “I’m sorry Alex. I love you, and I love this city. You can’t ask me to sit by and wait for you to come back to me. I have to be out there with you, so I know you’re going to come back to us.”

I said setting his hand on my baby bump. “We both need you, as well as Violet. We are all a family, and we will continue to be as such.” Moving back, I sorted out all my stuff for tomorrow.

“Is there anything on Zack yet?” “No. I’m sorry. They are looking everywhere for him. I swear to you, I will find him. And bring him back to you.” “Thank you.”

Turning to look at him.

“I love you Alex. But please do not make promises you can’t keep. I know there is a chance that we might not bring him back safe. Just what you can. That is all I ask of you right now.” “I will always be there for you, for all of you.” He said kissing me, slowly I can feel how much he truly loves me, in this kiss and I kissed him back just as hard as he did. Moving back, his eyes glowing.

“It’s late we should head to bed, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.”

Changing I can already see my baby bump. “Alex how long will my pregnancy last for?” “I don’t know. But everything is going to be okay. Just drink lots of blood and everything will be fine.” Nodding, he ran out of the room, and quickly came back with blood for me.

“Drink up.” Chugging the blood I feel a lot better and I know the baby feels better as well. “What will the baby be? Will it be a vampire, or fire demon, or will it be a hybrid like me?” Climbing into bed, he shook his head, setting a hand on my cheek.

“I’m sorry baby. I can’t tell you that. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens. But whatever it will be, we will love it, like we love anything else in this world.” Smiling we settled in, Alex holding me close to his chest.

“Everything is going to be fine baby. Get some sleep.”

He kissed my head. “I love you.” “I love you too.” Feeling my stomach, I fell asleep thinking of the growing being inside of me.

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