Zaphira's Flame's

chapter 32

It’s been a week since the party. I haven’t heard from Zack, I didn’t really expect to I just wish I could.

Violet is still here, but there hasn’t been anything about the DNA test they had done. Raphe said that the results should be in, in a couple days.

We’re all sitting at the table eating breakfast. Its Saturday May 9th there hasn’t been any sightings of the rogues. There all keeping a low profile; it’s not over, not by a long shot.

There just waiting for the right time to strike, I know they are. We have to keep our eyes open and keep our guards up at all cost. “So what’s going on today?” Violet asked setting her fork down. She’s been good; no signs that she’s anything then who she says she is.

“What would you like to do?” “I don’t know. I’ve been stuck in here for a week now. I need to do something.” “Your right.” Alex said. Setting his blood down. Just then someone came in with a large envelope in his hand.

Leaving, Raphe opened it, brows scrunching in confusion. “What is it?” I asked setting my mug down. “It’s the test results. I had them run a few other tests as well.” “What do they say?” “You are indeed Alex’s daughter.”

The smile on her face, she’s like a child on Christmas morning. “I have a dad. I can’t believe it!” “What else did you have them test for?” I asked. “Well you are mostly human. For now.” “What do you mean, for now?” “Well you were born human, but since Alex is a vampire, you will turn into a vampire soon.”

“What?” She shrieked. “I’m sorry Violet. But on your birthday you will become a full blown vampire.” “I can’t believe this. Has anything like this ever happened before?” “I know of it happening once, in the past.”

“What happened?” “He made the transition. And lives to this day. You know him Z.” “I do? Who is he?” “Why your Uncle Jack of course.” “Uncle Jack was a born to a human?” He nodded. “Yes. His mother was a vampire, and his father was human. Giving birth to him his mother almost died.”

I can’t believe this, why didn’t he tell me? Doesn’t he know that he could tell me anything?

“So what will happen to me?” “Well I’m not entirely sure. We’ll have to have Jack come and talk to us about that.” “When will it happen?” She asked her voice small, she can’t even look at us.

“How old are you?” “I’m sixteen, about to be seventeen on July 15th will it happen then?” “Yes I believe so. I looked at your blood through the microscope; it’s changing at an extraordinary rate. I am so sorry Violet.” Taking her hand, she didn’t pull away from me. She looks so young for her age, she has been through a lot.

“You’re going to be okay Honey. We’ll get you through this.” “How can you be so sure? I can’t do this.” “Yes you can. I know this is scary. Trust me when I became a fire demon, I was terrified. I didn’t know what was happening to me. These guys here.” I said motioning to everyone at the table around me.

“Everyone here helped me through it. They got me through it, and we’ll get you through this.”

“Okay. I trust you.” Smiling we went back to eating.

I have to go into work today, but maybe if I ask nicely he’ll let me stay home so I can, maybe take Violet to the mall or something, try to make her forget her problems for a while. Clearing his throat, Raphe said.

“I had a thought. You don’t really have to go into the office today. You can do it later on. Why don’t you and the guys take Violet to the mall? Do some shopping. Some girl stuff. Whatever it is girls actually do there.” I can’t believe he just took the idea right out of my mouth.

“I think that is an excellent idea.” I said, trying not to throw daggers at him.

After we finished eating we were told to go grab our things that the guys would meet us in the den. “What was your mom like?” “She was great. We were best friends. I could tell her anything. I miss her so much. When she told me about Alex, my dad she said he was a good man and that he would take care of me.”

“Your mom was right. He is a good man. You’re so lucky to have him in your life now. I know I am.” She gave me a look. “What are you looking at?” “Are you two?” “No. I mean, I don’t know what we are. I think we might be, but he hasn’t said anything, so I don’t know what we are.” She nodded. “Men can be stupid like that. Just give him time to work it out, then trust me, you’ll know.”

“Your way too smart for your age.” She started laughing. “What’s so funny?” “It’s funny, that’s what my mom used to say too. You remind me of her.”

Smiling she went to her room, and I went into mine. Grabbing my pure I put on the locket Alex gave me, I don’t know how he did it, but he got a hold of photos of my parents, and put in it.

Holding it tight, I grabbed my purse and a light jacket.

Light knocking. “Come in.” Violet walked in, her purse on her shoulder.

“Wow I thought my room was big, yours is huge.” “Yeah. Raphe went a little overboard when he built this place.” “So you’re a fire demon.” I nodded, pulling on my red leather jacket. “Can I see something?”

Smiling I held out my hand and instantly a fireball formed in my palm. “Wow.” She said looking closer at it. “I wish I could do something like that.” She said reaching towards the ball of fire. Closing my fist, I said. “Trust me, when you make the change, you’ll be able to do all kinds of stuff.”

Nodding we went out to meet the guys. There already there waiting for us. Raphe has already left for the office. “You two ready to go?” We nodded, Alex handed me a note. Looking at it, it’s Raphe’s credit card and pin number. Why would he give me this? Looking at the note again.

Go crazy. You both deserve it. Raphe.

Folding the note I put the card and note in my purse. I’m not sure I’m entirely comfortable with using his card like this. “Alright let’s head out.” Violet took my hand, giving me a look asking me if it’s okay, nodding we went out to the front where there’s a black SUV waiting for us.

Nick got in the front seat, Rolf in the passenger seat, Vie and I in the middle and Alex behind us.

“You two ready to go?” “Yeah.” I said as he pulled out the driveway.

Heading towards the mall, we pass things I’ve passed hundreds of times and never really stopped to look at them. Now they all seem to strange to me; like I’m seeing it all for the first time.

I grew up here, this is my home; but I no longer feel like this place is my home, I’m an outsider and I always will be. “Hey you okay?” Looking behind me Alex has his hand on my shoulder, concern on his face. “Yeah I’m okay. Just thinking about all that’s happened.” “I know. But all that will be over soon.” “I know. I just can’t stand to see my city like this.” There’s now empty and boarded up storefronts, from the attacks by the rogues. Peoples have lost so much here, all because of one’s need for power.

They have to be stopped, and there is only one way for that to happen; they all have to die! “Alright here we are.” Looking out my dark window, we’re not at the mall, we’re at Alex’s bar, why are we here?

Seeming to read my mind he said. “I have a few things I need to take care of, since I haven’t been in for a while. So we’re going to have an early lunch, then head to the mall. Everyone out.” Climbing out of the car, we made our way inside.

A bunch of Alex’s men are there waiting for us, as soon as they see us, there bowing and getting us something to drink and pulling Alex to the back.

“So you two stay here with Rolf; Nick and I have some things to take care of in the back.” giving him a kiss, they went to the back to his office.

Sitting at the back booth, Violet is next to me. Pulling something from my bag, handing it to her. “You need this.” I said handing her a phone. “All of our numbers are in it already. You are too keep this on you at all times. If for any reason we get separated at the mall, just call one of us and we will be there.” She nodded looking it over, it’s an I-phone she gave me the biggest smile.

“Is there anyone you want to call?” Shaking her head. “No. There’s no one, I don’t have any friends, and the only family I had was my mom. So no there isn’t anyone I want to call. But thank you, for this.” She gave me a hug as our food came out, funny we didn’t order food yet. “Alex put the order in for you.” He said setting the plates down. I haven’t seen him here before. “Are you knew? I haven’t seen you here before?”

He nodded. “Yeah. I was hit by a car, and in really bad shape, Stella I don’t know if you know her, she works at the hospital I was at, told me about this world, and asked if I wanted to join it. I was dying, so it was, I change, or I die. So I decided to make the change, and my life has been great ever since.”

Smiling he looked at the kitchen. “Then Alex brought me in, I have a great life here. I just wish I could find the rogues and get the city back to normal.” “I hear you. Thank you, for the food, and for telling us your story.” He nodded heading back to the kitchen.

Looking at the plates he brought, one plate with several burgers on it, a huge plate of fries, and nachos. Taking some food we started talking, Vie asked about life here, so I told her.

She asked Rolf what it’s like being a werewolf. He said he would show her when we get back to the house, she beamed taking a bite of her burger.

I can’t imagen what her life was like, unlike me she never had a dad, I had my parents, but when I lost them I was lost. But now she has a new family, with us. Just like I got, when I got here. “Zaphira can I ask you something?” Setting my burger down. “What is it?” She looks a little nervous right now. “Rolf can you give us a moment?” He nodded taking his glass, saying he was going to get something else to drink. “I know I have a dad now, I had a mom, but she’s gone; I know I don’t know what you and he are, but.” “It’s okay, you can ask me.” “Can I call you mom?”

Shocked, I don’t know what to say. This girl I barely know, wants to call me mom, honestly I never really thought about being a mom, I guess I can try it.

“I’ll tell you what, let’s try this, I can be your mom, but for a trial period you can call me mom. How’s that sound?” She nodded, giving me another hug.

“Thank you.” She whispered.

Rolf came back then, the look on his face saying he heard everything we just said. I shot him a death glare as he opened his mouth to say something.

A short time later Alex and Nick came out. “Everything alright?” He nodded. “You three almost done here?” He asked taking one of the other burgers left.

I nodded looking at Violet, who also nodded. We made our way out to the car, Alex pulled me into his arms before I could climb in. “I heard everything she said.”

Looking at him, he smiled. “How?” He tapped his ears. “Also there’s cameras with good mics set up around the place. But thank you for letting her do that. I can’t even imagen how hard all this is for her.” I nodded. I know how hard all this is for her, like her I lost everyone I cared about, and like me, she now has a new family to look out for her. “I know. If I can be there for her, then I will be.” Giving him a quick kiss I climbed in while he finished off his burger.

“Alright off to the mall we go.”

Driving off leaving the club behind.

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