Zaphira's Flame's

chapter 31

I don’t know how long I’ve been here, every time they come back, it’s the same, they question me, about random things, I don’t give them anything then they beat me. Over and over.

I try to use my fire but my fire is severely weakened. I’m not even healing as fast as I should be.

Once they leave I try to contact Raphe, but it’s no use.

Taking a deep breathe, I have to try again.

“Raphe if you can hear me, I’m being held in a warehouse, I’m sorry I don’t know where. Please, I don’t know how much longer I can hold on. You have to get me out of here, please.

Sending the message, suddenly there’s all this gunfire outside the door, screaming and more gunfire. Trying to get away, I can’t even begin to move. “She’s in here.” I know that voice, the door burst open, and Alex came running in with Nick Raphe and Rolf right behind him. Running up to me, dropping in front of my chair.

“Thank god baby! We found you.” My voice is so hoarse I can’t really speak. He nodded. “It’s okay. We’re going to get you home.”

They started to untie me, Alex picking me up bridal style, and carrying me out of that room, and away from this place. I can barely move anything, I thought I was going to die in that room. Listening to what is going on around me, did they have other prisoners? Will they find anyone else in here?

“I want this place searched, anything useful get it out, then burn this place to the ground.” Raphe said, anger in his voice. “Yes sir.”

Walking through the halls, there’s blood and bodies everywhere.

Turning away, burying my face deeper in Alex’s neck, breathing in his scent, I thought I would never smell it again. But he got me out, I’m safe in his arms.

Everyone got me out, I’m alive. Alex climbed into the car with me still in his lap, holding onto me tight. He’s not going to let me go anytime soon.

“How long was I gone for?” I rasped out. “A day and a half.” Really? Only that long? It felt like a lot longer to me.” driving away, I have no idea where I am, but right now I don’t really care, all I care about is that I’m safe in Alex’s arms and that we’re going home.

“Sleep my sweet. You need to rest.” Nodding into his neck, I drifted off listening to Raphe and Rolf talking in the front of the car, and Nick behind us.

“Why hasn’t she woken up yet?” I can hear voices, but I can’t see anything. My whole body is hurts, as I try to move. “She will. You just have to give her more time. She went through hell and back. Her body just has to heal.” Moaning, trying to get their attention.

“Z baby?” Opening my eyes, the light is hurting me. “Hey you’re okay. You’re just fine.”

Alex is leaning over me, his face so full of worry, he looks like he hasn’t slept, or even drank anything. “What happened to me?” “What do you remember?”

Trying to remember. “The car exploded. I was taken, and I was tortured and then you all rescued me.” Looking around, everyone is there, but no Rolf.

Moving a little, I felt something large next to me. Looking next to me; there’s a large black wolf lying on the bed. “He didn’t want to leave you, so he changed and has barely left your side since we got you home.” “How long have I been out of it?” “About a day. Your body was badly damaged. Honestly we’re a little surprised that you’ve woken up this soon.” Lifting something to my lips. “You need to drink this.” Taking a sip, the cool liquid feels good going down my throat. “What happened to those vamps that took me?” “One’s that survived, we captured and interrogated. Most weren’t that lucky.”

“What about the one’s that took me?” “They weren’t so lucky.” Alex said, motioning to Rolf beside me. “He ripped them apart as soon as he saw them.” “Was it there base?” Shaking his head. “No. There were only half a dozen or so. There group is much larger than that.” Nodding, I sat back against the headboard.

Rolf nudged me with his nose. “I’m okay boy. Just tired is all.” “We’ll let you rest. Just call if you need anything.” I nodded, not bothering to open my eyes.

“What about the party you’re planning?” “If you want we can postpone it.” Opening my eyes, I shook my head. “No. We’ll go with it as planned. I’ll be better, by then.” “Are you sure?” I nodded, closing my eyes again. “Alright I’ll call the planner. Get better darling.” Raphe and Alex both kissed my head. “Rolf come on, we need to let her rest.” He growled. “Obviously he doesn’t want to move. Just leave him in bed. It’s fine.” I said, petting his head.

“We’ll see you soon.” Alex said, as they left.

I can’t believe that happened to me.

I was kidnapped and almost killed; they tortured me. I don’t know what they wanted from me, but I know for certain that they wanted something from me.

Rolf shifted next to me, moving closer. Burying my fingers into his soft fur, listening to his breathing, sleep overtaking me.

A door opening, making my eyes snap open. Sitting up; gasping in pain; Alex walked in, a tray of food in his hands. How long was I out for? Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, Rolf is no longer on the bed next to me.

“Hey. How are you feeling?” “Better thanks. How long was I out for?” “A day.” “Wait, what? So that means?” He nodded. “Yes. Happy birthday my sweet.” Setting the tray down, he gave me a soft kiss. He looks better than he did the last time I saw him.

“Now you need to eat something, you’re going to need your strength for tonight.” Setting the tray on the bed next to me, he climbed on settling next to me.

“Also I have someone coming in later to help you get ready.” “You don’t need to do that. I can get ready on my own.” Shaking his head. “No. You are still recovering. They are going to help you get ready, and that is the end of it.” Sighing I nodded. There’s no point in arguing with him. Raphe I might have been able to win the argument, but against Alex, not a chance. “Fine. Now I need to stretch my legs.” I said throwing the blankets off me.

“Okay, but just down the hall, you still need to take it easy. Come on.” helping me up, we left my room doing a little spin around the house.

“So will you be all right for tonight?” I nodded. “Of course. I’ll be fine. You don’t have to worry about me.”

Walking back to my room, there’s a knock at the front door, stopping at the top of the stairs, Raphe opened the door. “Can I help you?” “Yes. I’m looking for Alexander Mat. I was told I could find him here.” “He is. Come in.” A young girl walked in, she’s no more than fifteen, maybe even younger. “Who are you?” walking down the stairs, they both looked up at us. “What’s going on here?” I’m starting to get a bad feeling here, calling my fire to the surface, just in case we need it. Looking the girl over, she’s human but I can sense vampire in her, how strange.

“Alexander Mat, my name is Violet Carson.” “Hello. What can we help you with?” “My mother died. She told me to come and find you, after it happened.” Taking her hand I said. “Come on honey, let’s go upstairs and talk.” “I’ll have some tea brought up.” Raphe said walking towards the kitchen. Heading up to the den, I don’t know what we are about to find out about this girl, but I do not think it is going to be good!

Sitting her on the couch, I sat in the chair across from it, so Alex could sit next to her. A couple minutes later Raphe came in with a tray of cookies and tea.

“So what happened to your mother?” “She died of cancer, lung cancer. She gave me this.” She said pulling a shoe box from her bag. “When she died, she said that you would understand everything in there.”

Handing it to him, Alex started going through it.

Taking a letter with his name on it, he read it over, then he read it over again. And again.

Finally after the sixth time, he put it down, looking at me. What was that letter about?

“Your mother was Lona Carson.” She nodded. “Yes. She said you’re my father.” Father? He has a kid? My god!

“How? I mean, why didn’t she tell me about you?” “She said she tried to find you, but that she never could. Also she didn’t really want anything from you. But when she got sick, everything changed. I have no other family, she said you would take care of me. It’s either that, or I go into foster care.”

Going back through the box, he pulled out photos and all this stuff. “Mom said you two were never serious. She said she gave me the name, because.” “The violet was the first flower I gave her. But how does she know your mine?” “Well, this is a little embarrassing, she said that you were her first, and only.” “Oh. I see. Will you excuse us for a moment? Guys.” Walking out, I still can’t believe what is happening right now, today of all days.

“So what do you think?” “Well she does look a bit like you I believe her. I don’t know why, but I truly believe her.” “We have to get a DNA test to be sure.” “Of course. Then what if she is yours?” Sighing. “I don’t know.” Taking his hand. “We’ll deal with it. We can’t just throw her out like that. She’s all alone. We need to take care of her”

Just then Nick and Rolf joined us. “What’s going on?” “There’s a girl here that says she’s my daughter. Let’s go back in there.” “What?” Nick said as we walked back in the room. She’s still sitting right where we left her.

Taking a closer look at her, she looks an awful like Alex. She has to be his; there’s no other answer.

Alex has a daughter. “Look I know you want a DNA test, and I’m okay with that. My mom was my best friend, now she’s gone. If I have the chance to have a dad, I really want that. Do whatever you have to, in order to prove it to you.” Alex nodded. “I never really thought about having kids, I also never thought I could. We’ll see what the test says, then go from there.” “Okay.” She grabbed her stuff, and started to leave, where is she going?

Getting up, I stopped her at the door. “Where are you going?” “Leaving, I shouldn’t have come here, it was mistake.” “No. Raphe talk to her.” I said, dragging her back to the group.

“You can stay here. There is plenty of room. You are more than welcome to stay here.” Her face brightened by his words.

She sat next to Alex, walking over to the large window overlooking the backyard. Dark clouds are moving in, we’re in for a nasty storm. Looking back at everyone else. She looks like she really belongs there. I can’t help but be a little suspicious of her. She comes out of nowhere, she could be a spy, or anything really for the rogues.

I didn’t tell them this of course, I do believe that she is Alex’s daughter, but I also have to be cautious of her. Because of what is happening in this city.

“So Violet, you don’t seem like a vampire; but you don’t seem like a human either. So what are you?” “I don’t really know. I mean, I don’t drink blood or anything, but I can sometimes do things that I couldn’t do before.” “Like what?” “I’m faster. One day I could lift a ton. I’ve never been able to do that before.” “Interesting. We’ll have to get you tested right away.”

The six of us walked out, as servers past us with flowers and trays of food. “What’s going on?” “We’re having a little party here tonight.” “Oh. I’ll just get out of your way then.” “No. You can come tonight, if you wish.”

I said. I don’t really know what I’m saying at the moment, but it’s out there, I can’t take it back now. “Come on let’s get you a room.” Raphe cleared his throat.

“First come with me.” Walking into his office, he pulled a box from a cabinet. “Have a seat.” Pulling swabs from the kit, he told them what to do, I don’t know why he has DNA kits in his office, but that doesn’t really matter at the moment, what matters, is the fact that Alex may have a kid he didn’t know anything about.

What is that going to mean for us? I mean if there even is an us here? “Okay I’ll have these sent to a lab I have, and we’ll get the results as fast as we can.” He said boxing back up the test. Alex shook his hand. “Thank you my friend. Now Violet let’s go get you a room.”

“Not so fast. We have a few other things we need to do first. I need your bag. I’m sorry, but I have to go through it.” She nodded. “It’s okay. I understand completely.”

Going through it, there’s nothing out of the ordinary in there. He also searched her, and a couple other things. “Alright you can go. I have some things I need to take care of.”

Walking out, Alex led us to a room next to Rolf’s. “This is yours. I’ll come check on you in a while.” She nodded, giving him a hug. “Thank you. And for the record Alex, I really hope you are my dad.” Leaving her at her door, Alex and I went to my room to talk. I have no idea what is going through his mind right now, but it can’t be anything good.

“I might have a kid!” He started before I got the door fully closed. “I can’t believe it. Why didn’t she ever reach out to me? I would have done something to help her, be in her life. Why didn’t she just tell me?”

Shaking my head. “I don’t know Alex. I’m sorry, I wish I could help you more. If she is yours, then we have to deal with that. You might be a father, and whatever comes out of this, we will deal with it. Together.”

We spent some time in my room, sitting by the window, watching the rain come down lightly, I hope it stops before tonight. I still think we should cancel it, but the guys won’t hear it. Taking my hand, he stood.

“You should start to get ready for the party. I’ll leave you.” Giving me a kiss, he left going through our connecting door. Sighing, I got up going to have a shower, this day since I woke up has been a nightmare, and it’s not over yet. I thought being tortured was bad, but it will not compare to what I will be dealing with tonight. Stripping out of my clothes, looking at my body in the mirror, all of my wounds are healed, there is virtually no signs that anything happened to me. Getting the water as hot as I can, I took my time washing, using my vanilla shampoo and body wash, I still feel gross after what happened. I still don’t understand what happened to my fire, why didn’t it try to heal me? Did they do something to me, to stop the healing? Holding out my hand, a ball of flames formed, at the moment she seems to be working all right.

Wrapping my hair in a towel, walking out; there’s a dress bag hanging on my closet door, as well as a plate of food sitting on my bed. Reading the note.

I had this made for you. I hope you like it. I know you will look beautiful. See you soon. Alex.

Opening the bag, the most amazing dress I have ever seen, is staring back at me.

Floor length white gown, red and orange flames racing up from the hem, they almost look alive, stopping midway up the skirt. Sweetheart neckline, corset at the back, as well as a zipper at the side. What seems to be odd, the bodice seems to be made out of leather. I don’t understand, leather are vampires, not fire demons. There’s also a leather strap at the neck line.

Looking closer at the leather, there are flames carved into the leather. Smiling I got to work, while eating.

After drying my hair I decided I was going to curl it, long flowing dark red curls. Turning on some music I got to work.

About an hour later, I have my hair curled, and pinned in place. My makeup is done, I didn’t want to use too much.

Alex stopped by telling me he would be back around six to get me for the party, I still have about an hour to finish up. I wonder if Zack will be there, I hope he will be, I miss him so much, for a long time he was the only family I had, and I really don’t want to lose him.

Sighing I decided it’s time to step into my dress. Zipping it up, I don’t know how he did it, but he managed to get it made perfectly for my body. Twirling in the mirror, it truly is an amazing dress.

Someone started knocking at my door. “Come in.” I called, turning around Alex is standing there, and he looks amazing in his back tux. “You look amazing my sweet.” He said coming up to me. Wrapping his arms around me. He started kissing my neck.

“You don’t look so bad yourself. Is everyone here yet?” He nodded sighing into my neck. “Unfortunately yes people are starting to arrive.” “Before we go, I want you to mark me, tell everyone that I am yours.” Smiling he bent down to my neck again; kissing it, nibbling it before sinking his fangs into my neck, holding me closer to him. Sighing, he pulled back, licking the last of the blood from my neck. “There. Now you are mine.” He gave me a kiss, tasting my blood on his mouth.

Taking his hand, we walked out, heading downstairs. “Where’s Violet?” “She’s down there already. She’s with Raphe and the others.” “How’s it going with her?” Racking his hands through his hair.

“I don’t know. I tried to talk to her, but I’m not sure she wants to talk to me just yet. I don’t know how to feel about her. I never thought I would have a child, but now she could be mine, everything is just so confusing right now.” “I know. If she is yours, then you have to take care of her. She needs her father; and your it then I will be right beside you helping with whatever you need.”

Stopping outside the ball room, he tugged me in front of him.

“What did I do to deserve someone as amazing as you?” Smiling. “Just lucky I guess.” Giving him a kiss. “Now let’s get this over with.” Taking my hand we walked into the ball room. The place looks amazing.

Everyone is dressed in there colors, they all look so beautiful. As we stop in the middle of the floor, everyone bowed to us.

Music started playing and everyone started moving around the room. Raphe and the others came up to us, everyone holding a glass. “Happy birthday Z.” “Thank you.” Looking at Violet she’s in a lovely dark purple number. She looks quite lovely in it.

Raphe whispered something in Alex’s ear. “Later my friend. For now, let us enjoy ourselves.” Looking around the room, I’m looking for someone in particular.

“I think who you are looking for is right behind you.” Rolf says pointing behind me.

Turning around, Zack is standing behind me, in a black suit, holding a single red rose in his hands. Looking at Alex he nodded.

“Go ahead.” He said. Walking up to him, he has the biggest smile on his face I have ever seen. “You look beautiful.” Not saying anything I threw my arms around his neck, holding onto him for dear life. “I’ve missed you so much Zack.” “Me too. I never thought I would see you again.” “I’m here. You don’t have to worry. I’ll be right here.” Moving back he tucked the rose behind my ear. Showing my mark from Alex. “He marked you?” Nodding. “Yes. It is so everyone here knows that I am his. It’s just to be safe.” “Are you okay?” “I have never been better.” “Good.” Music started playing, and people started dancing.

“May I have this dance?” Looking back at Alex, he nodded. Taking his hand, he led me to the dance floor, resting one hand on my waist.

Starting to move, I don’t really know what I’m doing, but if he can do it, then I can do it. Moving to the music, I’m not sure when I felt this happy before. My best friend is back, I know it’s not for long, but for right now I have him back, and that’s all that matters right now.

Not rogue vampires, not anything else happening in my life, but right now with Zack right here with me.

“How did you convince them to let me come back?” “Just asked them, and they agreed. But after tonight, you have to go back. I’m sorry Zack; but you can’t come back until the rogues are dealt with. No one is safe. And I can’t let anything happen to you, not when I can keep you safe.” “Zaphira I know. I’ll be fine. There treating me well.” The music stopped, taking my hand.

“Just promise me that you will be safe. I don’t want anything to happen to you.” “You don’t have to worry about me. I’m tough, we’ll get them. You can bet on it.” another song started playing, and we had anything dance. I can feel Alexander watching us, he has nothing to worry about, and he’s the only man I want.

Zack is my best friend, my brother; and he’ll never be anything more than that.

The song ended, and Alex came to get me. “I need to talk to you.” He whispered taking my hand. Nodding, another woman came to started to dance with Zack.

Smiling we walked off. “What’s going on?” “I just wanted to get you away from him. That’s all.” “Really Alex? It’s the first time I’ve seen him in how long? Can’t you just let me be with him?” “You will be. But right now, it’s my time.” He said pulling me onto the dance floor.

After a few hours, the party started to wind down, saying goodbye to everyone, seeing Uncle Jack, I didn’t even know he came. Running into his arms, spinning me around in the air. Setting me back on my feet, looking at my neck. “Yes he marked me. It is to keep me safe.” He nodded. “Miss Lane you look marvelous happy birthday. I’m sorry I didn’t get the chance to talk to you. I’ve missed you so much.” “I’m so happy you could come. How are things going out there?” “Not good. We’re still trying to find them, but we can’t find them.”

Nodding. “I know. We can’t find them either. How’s the family?” “Fine. I sent them away until all this is over.” “Good idea. We’ll get them back. It’s just a matter of time.” “I know. I just want them back. I feel so lost without them.” Giving him a hug. “I’m so sorry.” “You have nothing to be sorry for my dear.” Moving back, he pressed a small box into my hand.

“You didn’t have to do this.” “Yes I did. You like a daughter to me. I love you. I will always love you.” Kissing my cheek. “Be safe my sweet.” Taking his coat, he left leaving me standing there watching him leave.

“Hey you okay?”

Turning around Zack is standing there. “I’m good. Come on.” Everyone has left, so we can do whatever we want at the moment. Going to the kitchen there still cleaning up, grabbing a plate, we made our way to the den, throwing a ball of fire, setting the logs on fire. Sitting on the couch, all I want to do right now is talk to him.

We spent hours talking, it’s been so long. I’ve missed him so much. After a few hours, Alex came and said that it’s time for Zack to go back. Giving him a hug he left with his body guards, going back to who knows where.

Watching as his car leaves; I can’t help but think that there’s a chance that I may never see him again.

“Hey it’s time to come inside.”

Alex is behind me, setting a blanket on my shoulders. “You’ve been standing here for an hour staring after him. It’s time to come inside.”

Allowing him to lead me back in, the house is so quiet now. “All the others have gone to bed already.” Going back to my room, I got changed and crawled into bed, the box from Jack is sitting beside my bed. Opening it sitting inside is an emerald necklace. Gold chain, large emerald pendant.

I can’t believe he got this for me. He really does love my like a daughter doesn’t he? “That’s lovely. Who’s it from?” “Uncle Jack. He got it for me.” Setting it down, I cuddled in for the rest of the night.

Alex cuddled up next to me holding me close. “Sweet dreams my sweet.” “Night Alex.” Closing my eyes, I’m asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

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