Zaphira's Flame's

chapter 30

“So where are we going?” I asked climbing into the black SUV that is now fully bullet proof, they say it’s to keep me safe, but I think they just wanted to have some fun with the car. “We are going to your house. You haven’t been there for a while, I thought we could go check on it, and then get something to eat.” I can’t imagine going back to my house. Drive through my old neighborhood, it’s like this place is on another planet now.

Now I don’t really belong here anymore, this place was part of my human life, but that’s over, I can never go back there. Pulling over in front of the house, I barely recognize the place. “What are you waiting for?” Shaking my head. “Nothing.” we got out and headed for the door.

Alex has the keys, unlocking the door, before I can go in, they did a thorough sweep of the place making sure it’s safe for me; the place smells, opening every single window, the mail is piled up at the door, grabbing it all, I don’t really want to deal with it all right now, throwing it all in my purse. I’ll deal with it all back at the house.

Going into my room, it doesn’t even feel like my home to me anymore. This life, I don’t belong in it any longer. I’m not sure I ever did truly belong in this life.

Maybe I was always meant to be in the life I’m in now. Always a fire demon. Sitting on my bed, my purple comforter welcoming me back, I have to say goodbye to it. I can’t ever go back, and frankly I don’t want too, this is who I am now, I’m a fire demon, and there’s no going back. “Hey Z you okay?” I nodded. “Yeah. I just, being back here, nothing seems to fit in my life anymore. I want to get rid of this place, I don’t belong here anymore.”

Sitting next to me.

“We’ll talk to Raphe when we get home. Is there anything else you want to take with you?” Shaking my head. “No. We can sell it as is, or whatever. I just want to get rid of it.” “Okay. If you’re sure.” I nodded. “I’m sure.” Going back out to the living room, Nick is sitting on the couch, playing cards, where on earth did he find those?

Sitting on the floor around the table, we started a new game, I don’t really know what it is, but it’s fun.

“So what do you think is going on at the house?” I asked picking up a card.

“Honestly? We don’t know. We asked Raphe about it, but he wouldn’t tell us. He just said that he would call us when we could go back to the house.”

Nodding, we continued to play our game. “So what do you think this party is going to be like?” Everyone started laughing. Is it something I said? “Well knowing Raphael he knows how to throw a party. It will be the best birthday party you have, and will ever have.”

I’ve never really had a birthday party.

I mean sure, when I was young; I had one sort of, but nothing that I could really ever call a party. After my parents died, I never had anything like a birthday, hell any of the other holidays, really didn’t exist for me at all.

“Hey Z come back to earth Z.” Looking at Nick he’s waving his cards in front of me. “Sorry. I was somewhere else. What’s going on?” “It’s your go.” Setting a card down, Alex’s phone went off.

“Hey Raphe. Yeah. We’ll be there soon.” Hanging up, he set his cards on the table, getting up from the table.

“We can go back to the house now. Whatever he was doing, is done.” Nodding I got up a huge smile on my face.

Taking one last look around the place, I have a lot of memories here, but I have to let them go. This place is my past, out there is my future. Goodbye house, you will make someone house happy, just like you did for me.

“Okay. Then let’s go home.” Locking up, we headed for the car, just as it exploded, sending us all flying backwards, and my head coming into contact with something hard. Looking around, I can barely see anything, the car is nothing but a ball of flames. Suddenly hands grabbing me, dragging me away from the scene, I thought it was the guys, but it’s not it some of the rogues. Something is pressed against my mouth, and everything goes dark.

Pain ripping through my head, snapping my eyes open. I have no idea where I am, or what’s happening to me. Looking around, I’m in some kind of warehouse, I do know that much, for sure.

I’m tied to a chair, my wrist and ankles are killing me. My body at the moment feels like I was hit by a mac truck.

What happened to Alex and Nick? God I hope there okay.

I can hear voices nearby, but I still can’t see them.

“What are we going to do with her? You know there come for her, it’s only a matter of time.” “Would you shut up, so long as we have her, we have an advantage. We can use her as a bargaining chip.” “The boss won’t like this. If he finds out we went against his orders, you know what he will do to you.” “Then don’t let him find out.” They both have a thick accent, I don’t know where there from, but they sound like they just got off the boat, from somewhere.

“Do you hear that?” “I think our little fire demon is awake.” They walked in, looking me over. They both look like there in there mid to late twenty’s, but could be a lot older then that for all I know. Both have short brown hair, and both are wearing suits.

“What do you want with me?” “What do we want? Well we want what our boss wants. He wants full control over this city. He wants all demons and werewolves, and vampires that are against us, out of this city for good.” “That won’t happen. They will stop at nothing to see that every last one of you is dead.” “Well that’s where you’re wrong, you can’t stop us. No one can stop us.” I started laughing, at how stupid they sound right now. There just pawns in their sick little game, nothing more. How sad.

Pain seared across my face as the one punched me in the face, then hit me in the stomach making me gasp for air. He continued to hit me until I’m bloody, and his friend stops him.

I have to get out of here.

“Let’s go. We’ll come back later and check on her.” The door closes, sealing me in this room alone, somehow I have to get out of here, and get back to the guys.

That’s the last thing I thought before everything goes dark.

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