Zaphira's Flame's

chapter 29

Looking at the group gathered around us. There are vampires, werewolves, demons of every kind. Every single one of them, are armed to a tea with different kinds of weapons.

Alex, Nick Raphe and Rolf are all gathered around me, keeping me safe. Rolling my eyes, someone shouted; getting all our attention.

“Thank you all for coming. We have reason to believe that the rogues are hiding in these woods somewhere. We are to search every single inch of these woods. Split up into groups. We are to keep in contact at all times. Let’s move out.”

Raphe handed me an ear piece, setting it in my ear. Grabbing my gun, we moved out. Raphe and I are in our fire demon colors, Looking around, everyone is in there colors. Moving silently through the woods, keeping my fire just below the surface, at the ready. Alex is sticking close to me, I try to get some space from him, but he won’t let me move away from his side, at the moment I kind of want to shoot him, just because he’s being so over protective of me. I mean I know he cares, and wants to keep me safe, but he’s suffocating me.

The others aren’t much better, everyone is sticking close. I want to tell to give me some space, but I can’t, not right now at least.

We’ve been at this for hours, and nothing. No signs that the vampires are even out here, if they are then they have probably covered their tracks.

For most of the hunt, it’s been radio silence; indicating that no one has had any luck either. I was so sure that they were out here somewhere. I just want this to be over, any my city start to get back to normal!

A rustling nearby, snapped me back from my thoughts. Pointing my gun, bringing my fire closer to the surface. Something hit me from behind, the gun sent flying from my hands.

Shooting fire at whatever attacked me, and trying to get up, but it’s not working very well.

Managing to kick off my attacker, I got up just something bit deep into my leg, making me scream!

Shooting another fireball I finally got free, where are the guys when you need them? Diving for my gun, I shot him a few times, it won’t kill them, but it will incapacitate them for a while. “Z? Where are you?” Alex trying to talk to me through our ear piece. “I don’t know. I got one of them. Where the hell are you?” “I’m sorry we got separated. We’ll be there soon.” Not saying a word, I took the ear piece out, sitting on the ground, grabbing my cuffs, pulling his arms behind his back, what makes someone go crazy like this? Why would they destroy a city, just trying to take it over? Shaking my head, we’ll have our answers soon enough. Heat and pain ripped through my leg, removing what’s left of my paint leg, I’m covered in blood; skin torn, oozing blood.

Tearing some cloth, I have to stop the bleeding. Pressing the cloth down to my wound, gasping at the pain.

“Z! Thank god. What the hell happened?” Not looking at him, and pointing to our unconscious friend to my left.

“I got separated from the group obviously, how exactly did that happen?” I asked looking at each of them in turn, glaring at them. Not waiting for an answer I continued.

“Then he attacked me.” Looking down at my leg, blood is still seeping from the wound, looking closer at it, small flames are licking the wound, healing it.

“What is happening?”

“Your demon side is healing you. You’ll be like new in a few moments.” Looking at it work, Raphe called our friend here in, and others came to get him.

“Where are they taking him?” “Somewhere where we can question him, and find out where the rest of the rogues are.” I nodded. Anything we can do, to put an end to all this, it has to be done. As my fire finished my healing, and with Alex helping me up; we started back towards the cars.

“Where are we going?” “We told you, if anything happens, that you’re getting out of here.” “But we’re not done here. We still have a lot more ground to cover.” “We don’t care, you were told, and now you are going home. You’re done here.”

Sighing, I got my gun, continued on.

Getting to the car, there just loading the rogue into the back of a van.

“Can we follow them? I want to be in on this.” Everyone is shaking their heads, only it was Raphe that spoke up.

“You are going home. I will go with them, and report everything back to you. But you and the others are going home, and that is final.”

I’ve known him for a couple months, and in that time; when he uses that tone, he means it and it’s also the end of the discussion. Sighing I followed them to the car. The four of us, climbed into the car; Raphe told us to go straight home and to not stop for anything and that he would be back in a couple hours.

Once we’re out of the forest, I cleared my throat.

“So where are we going?” Alex and Nick looked at each other. “What do you mean? We’re going home, just like Raphe told us to do.”

“Well I have some news for you, I want to go somewhere. Oh I know, let’s go to the mall for a while. Please, just a little while.” “What do you think Nick?” Sighing, he turned a corner. “Fine. Just for a few minutes. Then we’re going home, and that’s final! You’ll also need some new pants.” Smiling at my victory, I settled back in my seat, waiting for us to arrive at the mall.

“Can we leave yet?” Nick asked, following me through the mall. “Come on, we’ve only been here a few minutes.” “No we haven’t, it’s been an hour.” “What?” Looking at my watch, it’s true. Sighing, we each have a few bags, but all but one of them are mine, I didn’t really want much, but Alex told me to get anything, that he would take care of it all. “Just one last stop, then we can go.” “And where might that be?” “Here.” I said stopping outside a men’s store.

“What are we doing here?” “I want to get something for Raphe. He’s taken such good care of me, I want to get him something.” Going into the store, I’m not really sure what that looks like, but with the two guys here, it should be easy.

We were in the store about ten minutes and we picked out a shirt and tie for him, and are heading out to the car.

Loading everything in.

“Thank you both. I really needed this.” “Just get in the car; if we don’t get back, then Raphe will kill us all.”

Swallowing, we climbed in, and drove for home, hoping that we beat Raphe there.

Lucky for us, as soon as we pulled out of the parking lot, Raphe called saying that he was going to be longer, but that he should be back in time for dinner, I saw them sigh in relief that Raphe won’t kill them, at least not yet. Walking into the house, I have to stop calling it that, I just learned that he has a bloody ball room, this place is a damn mansion!

Rolf left, saying he has some pack stuff he has to deal with. Nick said he’s going to get something to eat, so Alex and I went to my room, dropping my bags, I can’t believe he bought me all this stuff.

“You went on your first hunt, and found one.”

Alex said, sitting on my bed, while I put my clothes and things away. “Yes I did. It was great. I never felt anything like that when I was a cop.”

I said giving him a smile. “Well you were attacked, and you still liked it?” I nodded, taking a pair of heals from there box.

“I know I should be scared or something. But I guess that I’ve been around stuff like this for years, so it didn’t really bother me anymore.” “You are some woman.” He said, pulling me to the bed, pinning me down to the mattress.

“What are you doing?” “This.” Leaning down, he kissed me pressing his lips to mine.

Pushing his tongue past my lips, stroking mine. Moaning he pressed me even further into the mattress. I love the way he kisses me; his body pressed into mine.

I think I might be falling in love with this man, he’s sweet, caring; since I’ve known him, we have had this weird relationship. I’ve never been able to explain it, but we’re connected somehow.

Breaking apart, we’re both panting, trying to catch our breath. Smiling up at him, the phone in my room went off. “Yes? Thank you.” I said hanging up. “What is it?” “Dinner is ready. Also Raphe just got back.” “How long have we been in here?” “A couple hours. We should head down.” Nodding, I grabbed the bag from the floor, with Raphe’s present in it.

“Where have you two been?” Nick asked pouring himself a glass of blood. “We were in my room.” I said, forming a ball of flames in my hand. “Have a seat you two.” Raphe said coming into the room. “So how did things go?” He didn’t say anything just grabbed a drink. Looking closer at him, he’s in a fresh pair of pants and clean dark blue shirt. His hair is wet, he’s showered, what happened out there? Raphe kind of looks like crap, to be perfectly honest.

“What do you have their Z?” Raphe asked pointing to the bag. “Well I got something for you. You have been so good to me, and I wanted to do something nice for you.” setting the bag in front of him.

“You didn’t have to do that. Your part of this family, and always will be.”

Opening the bag, he pulled out the box.

“Thank you.” We picked out a dark red shirt with a slightly lighter shade of blue tie. “You really didn’t have to get me anything.” “I know. I wanted too. You’re really the first person I have had, that I can buy something for.” Standing he gave me a hug. “I think you will look dashing in them. “I’m sure he will.” Alex said. Sitting back at the table, our dinner came in.

“Dig in everyone.” Taking a bite of my food, I said. “So what happened with him?” “We questioned him, but he didn’t tell us anything. It didn’t matter what we did to him, he wouldn’t give them up for anything.”

“So what did you do now?” “Nothing yet. There still questioning him. Let’s just hope that they get something from him. Anything.”

Nodding we went back to eating. Looking at everyone in turn, they all look so tired; taking care of me, and dealing with the rogues, they all need a much needed break.

Our plates were cleared and dessert was brought out.

Raphe cleared his throat.

“Don’t forget the party planner called. Everything is set for your big night. Everyone has been invited. Also the security around the place has been added to extremely, because of the rogues.”

“I can’t wait to see what she does.” I said taking a bite of my cake. I don’t know how the cook does it, the cake always just melts in your mouth.

“So tomorrow you need to be out of the house for a while.” “Why is that?” He gave me a smile. “You’ll see. So the guys will be taking you out for the day.” “Okay. But you can’t tell me anything?” Shaking his head. “No. You just have to wait and see my dear girl.”

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