Zaphira's Flame's

chapter 33

I’ve really never been to a mall with another girl before, I’ve never really had any girlfriends, even in high school I was either with the guys, or I was on my own. That’s it.

Girls never really liked me, I never understood why though. It’s not like I was a threat to them.

But being here today with Violet, it’s a whole different experience for me.

When she showed up on our doorstep she didn’t have very much, so we have to get her quite a bit.

Alex informed her that since she’s going to be a vampire soon that she needs some stuff in there colors. Red and black, also some leather. She said that was fine with her, she loves those colors. She asked since she’s getting leather if she can get a motorcycle, both Alex and Rolf informed

her that that was not happening. Their exact words were.

“Over my dead body.” I had to laugh at how dad like they sounded. She and I just started laughing as we went into a lingerie store. The guys told us they would see us in a bit, and pretty much ran off to get away from the store.

“Are they always like that?” Smiling. “Pretty much. Don’t worry you’ll get used to it. Now come on.” I said dragging her with me. “Now what size are you?” “I don’t really know. When my mom got sick we never really had the money for stuff like that, so I have no idea what size I am.”

I nodded telling her to stay.

“Excuse me?” The sales lady smiled at us. “Yes dears how can I help you?” “We need a bra fitting please.” She nodded grabbing a tape measure and following me. “Come on hon, let’s go to the back.”

Going into the dressing room she did a quick measure told us what she is, so we started our search. Grabbing a bunch, I pushed her into a dressing room while I continued my search for her and for me.

Grabbing a few bras and some underwear, we both tried on. By the end we both ended up with three bras and four pairs of underwear each.

Going out to the front something caught her eye. “What are you looking at?” Walking up to a mannequin, on it is a beautiful long black silk nightgown.

Thin straps, red lace trimming the neckline as well as the hem of it. It’s modest with a hint of sexy thrown in there. “You should get it.” Looking through for her size but there isn’t one. “We need the one off her.” I said motioning to the mannequin. Handing her my stuff I got it off her and led her back to the back of the store. Stepping out she looks nice in it her long brown hair flowing down her back, stopping at the top of the gown; her pair skin, is like Alex’s. “We’ll take it.” She smiled as she went back in to change. Paying for everything I text Alex asked where they are.

He said they were going to be a while yet so to just go on and shop and that they would meet up with us in a bit.

Grabbing our bags we continued on, we’ve been here a couple hours and we acquired only five bags between the two of us.

Going into another store I asked the lady if we can leave our bags at the desk while we shop, they said yes and we started.

She went off pulling out stuff, looking at her; how long has it been since she had new clothing? She said it had gotten hard when her mom got sick; she’s going to have a very different life from now on.

“What do you think?” She asked showing me her clothes. She has some shirts, pants a couple skirts, even a couple dresses. Everything is red and black, I nodded and she kept looking while the lady started a room for each of us. Before going to try on, she grabbed a couple sweaters even a leather jacket she found, little stitching in the sides and ties at the back.

Finishing up she got three pair of pants, since hers all have holes in them. Two sweaters, four shirts one jacket two dresses and a couple skirts. I said she should get some tights and a belt.

Folding stuff on the counter I noticed her staring at a necklace, she didn’t say anything though, when she’s not looking I grabbed it for her, noise coming from my purse making me jump, checking it it’s a text from Raphe, he knows I haven’t been using his card, I’ve been using mine so far, it hasn’t been all that much really.

How does he even know I’m not using it? He sent another text telling me to use it at whatever store we’re in now.

Sighing I handed over his card, sending in a there text shoving both my phone and the card back in my purse. Handing violet her two bags, and along with my one we went to find the guys.

Walking out of the store she tripped and went down before I could catch her.

“You okay?” I asked kneeling in front of her. She nodded, I know what she tripped on; her shoes are completely falling apart. Poor girl. Helping her up, I took her arm making her she’s stable on her feet.

“Come on hon, you need some knew runners or something.” “No. Really all this is way too much. I can’t take anymore from you.” “Nonsense. Your part of our family now, and you need new shoes. Do not argue with me young lady.” She sighed nodding. “Good. Now come on.” Taking her to a shoe store we went to her size. I told her to pick some out, she grabbed a pair of runners, she said there good and pulled hers back on, but I said to pick something else out, she just shook her head.

Sighing I grabbed a pair of boots and small heals.

I told her that with Raphe you never know what might come up.

I can tell that she doesn’t like all this attention and money being spent on her, I just told her that it’s Alex trying to make up for everything he missed by not being there for the first eleven years of her life.

“You’re lucky to have him in your life. He’s trying here, so just let him spoil you.” She nodded. “Okay. But can we donate what I do have at home. Since I have all this.” I nodded. “Good idea.” I said putting an arm around her. I also said that as soon as we pay that those shoes are going in the garbage, she just laughed.

Her laugh sounds like Alex, she is definitely his daughter. “Why didn’t your mom tell Alex about you?” I asked as she pulled on her new runners.

“Honestly, I asked her about him, I guess she didn’t…. I don’t know why. Don’t get me wrong I loved her, but she could drive me crazy sometimes.” “I know how you feel. Now come on, the guys are waiting for us.”

Taking our bags, we met up with the guys at the food court; they bought us a drink, and smiled at our bags. “You two were successful I see. So are you two ready to go?” I nodded noticing some weird bags with them. “What are those?” Shaking his head. “Nothing. Let’s go.” Taking everything we started out.

Heading out to the parking lot, we found the car, loaded up the back with our bags.

Climbing into the car, Alex’s phone started going off. “Hey Raphe, what’s up?” He didn’t really say anything. “Ok. Yeah. We’ll be right there.” He hung up.

“What’s going on?” I asked looking at him. “Raphe needs us at the office. He says he has something we need to see.” I nodded as we drove off. Violet’s getting a little nervous, taking her hand she started to relax. I know how she feels, I have no idea what we’re in store for when we get there.

“Thank you for coming.” Raphe said as we walked into the conference room. “What’s going on?” “There was another attack. The rogues attacked a small wolf pack. A few were injured, but none died.”

I can see the anger rising in Rolf. “Where?” “Outside the city. It’s not far from your pack. They have had a relocate. With your permission, I would like them to join your pack.” He nodded. “Of course. Ice moon pack will welcome them in. How many are there?” “Not many. A dozen or so. The Alpha is coming to the house this afternoon to go over things.” He nodded getting up from the table.

“I will make the call and have everything ready for when they get there.” “Thank you Rolf.”

He left, closing the door behind him. Raphe grabbed a file handing it to me. “Put all this in your office with everything else you have put together.” I nodded putting it in my bag without even looking at it. He has another file on the table but he didn’t hand it over, just put it in his briefcase.

“So how are things going here?” I asked trying to break the silence.

“Well, thank you. Things have been a lot better since you started here. Our numbers are up and people are doing their jobs and are telling me the truth.” I nodded. I’m not ever sure what we do here, all I do is deal with numbers, and he doesn’t tell me anymore than that. I’m starting to think that it’s something let’s just say not above board. I have to ask Alex about it, if he knows then he’ll tell me what’s going on.

Rolf came back in, shoving his phone in his pocket.

“It’s done. They will be welcomed in, and protected.” “Thank you Rolf. Now all of you head home. I still have some things to finish up here, but I will be home in time for dinner.” Alex nodded taking my hand.

“See you at home.”

Walking out, Nick is in front of us and Alex and Rolf taking up the rear, we made our way out to the elevator.

Everyone is staring at us, it’s starting to really scare Violet. “Why are they staring at us like that?” “There just trying to see if they can trust you. Don’t worry, they won’t hurt you. I won’t let them.” She nodded. “Are they are all, you know demons?” I nodded. “Yeah. Each and every person working here is a demon or vampire, or werewolf. So you are completely safe here.” Stepping into the elevator we hit the button for the parking garage, they really did a good job cleaning this place up after the explosion, you would never know that anything ever happened here.

“Hey you okay?” I nodded climbing into the car. It was another attack, the first one in a while, they’re starting to get antsy. They didn’t kill anyone, just attacked to get away from them. What are they planning?

Whatever their end game is, it has to be happening soon. When it’s over there might not be anything left of my city.

There is no way I am going to let that happen! I will defend this city, even if it means my life.

“It won’t come to that.” Alex said whispering in my ear. What is he talking about? “Darling there’s something I haven’t told you about vampires, we can go into someone’s mind and see their thoughts.” “What? How could you not tell me that?” He gave me a smile.

“I never thought I would have to use it on you. But looking at your face, told me I needed to. So I did.” Hitting his arm. “I can’t believe you never told me that. What else have you been hiding from me?” “Nothing. That’s it. I knew if I told you about it, then I knew you would be mad and start avoiding me. So I never told you. I wanted to keep whatever this is between us like this.” He said taking my hand and kissing it.

“I know. I just wish that you had told me about it.” I said leaning against his shoulder.

Looking at Violet she’s passed out cold. “I guess we tired her out.” He nodded. “So will she be able to do that as well?” He nodded. “Yes. I’m also not sure what else she will be able to do.” “We’ll just have to wait and see then.” Getting a chill I called my fire to roll through me, warming me up.

Pulling into the driveway the gates closed and I felt an odd sensation rush over my skin as the wards set back into place. Climbing out of the car Nick picked up Violet who won’t wake up.

He carried her in while we got all the bags out. Since all our stuff is sorted I know which bags are hers. Setting them in her room, Nick put her to bed and we left leaving a note so she won’t wake and freak out on us.

Going into my room Nick and Rolf said that there see us at dinner, closing the door Alex pulled me into his arms. “Thank you for taking care of her today. I know it meant a lot to her.” “It meant a lot to me too. I like her, she’s a sweet kid. She’s had such a hard life. You had no idea the fights we had when I tried to get her to buy clothes.”

“So what did you tell her?” Smiling I wrapped my arms around his neck, playing with his hair.

“Well I told her the truth. That you wanted her to have everything. That you’re trying to make it up to her, since you weren’t there when she was younger. Then she seemed to calm down a little. She really likes you.” “Thank you. Everything you told her is the absolute truth. I do want to her to like me, and most of all, I want her to trust me. I know it’s a lot for her, but I want her in my life now.” “She will. You just have to give her time.” Kissing him he moaned against my mouth.

His phone going off, breaking apart; he looked at it. “It’s Raphe he’s on his way home.” I nodded looking at my bags. “Oh before I forget. Violet told me something. Since she got all new clothes that she wants to donate her old stuff.” “But don’t they remind her of her mother?” Shrugging. “I don’t know. When she said that, I was shocked. But it’s what she wants. And I think we should respect her decision.” “I’ll talk to her. But for right now I need to take care of something. So I will see you down in a bit for dinner.”

Giving him one last kiss he left.

Grabbing my bags I started putting my clothes away, I didn’t get all that much, but I did get a few things. Changing clothes I went down for dinner, Violet is there waiting for us, she looks like she’s still half asleep.

Sitting at the table the others came in, Raphe was the last giving me a look as he sat down.

Food came and we started eating. “So what else happened after we left?” “Not much. I had a few meetings, then made a few phone calls. That’s about it really.”

We lapsed into silence while we enjoyed our dinner.

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