Zaphira's Flame's

chapter 20

Chapter twenty

“Here we are.” Opening my eyes, we’ve pulled over in front of Alex’s bar, where for me all this began, those few weeks ago. Stepping out of car, everything looks so different now, it’s like I’m seeing it for the first time. “Why are we here?” Stepping into the bar, everything is the same as it used to be, before the vampire attack. “Are you all right being here?” I nodded, moving further into the bar, looking around.

“How did you two meet? If you don’t mind my asking.” Raphe asked pouring us each a drink.

“Would you like to tell him the story, or shall I?” Alex said giving me a wry smile.

“I wasn’t long on the job, when I walked in here one day. A girl went missing, and she was last seen here. It turned out she was taken by a vampire. I met Alex and he helped me find her, we found her and the vamp that took her. We became friends, and things never went beyond there.” “I’m sorry that you had to endure being around him for so long.” Smiling. “Not at all. He has helped me on several occasions, and I help him when I can.”

Someone came in, making us all look up. Nicolas is standing in the door, going into the back. What is he doing here? He is supposed to be looking after Zack right now.

“Thank you all for coming.”

“Of course, why are we here Nicolas?” “The vamps came in again, trying to once again take control. We fought them, we killed a few, but most got away.”

We followed him into the back, where they put the bodies. “Nicolas why aren’t you with Zack?” I asked, leaning against a counter.

“I was needed here, but do not worry Zaphira; he is being well taken care of.”

As he said it, he and Alex exchanged a look, making me wonder what he really means by that.

Opening the large walk in freezer, there are multiple bodies lying on the floor. I don’t recognize any of them, I have met a few since I met Alex; their bodies are rotting, now that I haven’t seen before. “What’s happening to the bodies?”

“There rotting. That’s what happens when we die, they were old, so there rotting faster than a younger vampire. You don’t have to be in here if you don’t want to. You can wait out front.” Shaking my head. “I want to be here. This involves me now, and I won’t sit back while my city goes to hell.”

Alex gave me a smile, his eyes flashing red. It’s weird, I love it when they flash red like that.

Moving closer to the bodies, they have been torn to shreds, at least what you can still make out as flesh. With them rotting like they are, we won’t be able to find out much about them. “Do you know who they were?” Alex nodded coming up next to me.

“At one point they were friends of mine, but that was a long time ago.”

Looking at him; I realized I don’t know how old he is, I have known him for a few years but he has never told me how long he has been around.

Looking closer at him, he looks about my age, but I’m sure he’s significantly older. Raphe handed me some stuff and I got to work grabbing some samples.

“You said you knew them. Were you close to them?” He nodded, giving me a hand.

“Their names were Jordon, Jack and Maria. They were my best friends. But they betrayed me, and they got what they deserved.”

We finished up, and Alex walked me out, while Raphe talked to Nick. I can sort of hear them, but I won’t intrude on them. Alex got me a drink, sat next to me at the bar.

“I am so sorry for your friends Alex.” Taking his hand, I gave it a tight squeeze. “You don’t have to, I was done with them a long time ago. But thank you.” Taking a drink, Raphe and Nick came out. “It’s time to go, we need to get back. Nick thank you, and we will see you soon.”

Finishing my drink, Alex put a hand at the small of my back, leading me out to the car.

“Raphe why will we be seeing him soon?”

I asked as we climbed into the car. But neither of them a word, as we headed back to the house, we made one stop, for supplies of some description, but they won’t let me out of the car.

We didn’t stop for long, before we’re back on the road, heading home.

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