Zaphira's Flame's

chapter 19

Opening my eyes, I don’t know where I am, or what happened to me. Trying to move, there’s something lying across my middle. Looking beside me, Alex is lying next to me, his arm lying cross my middle. Alex is sleeping next to me!

“You’re awake.” Looking at the door Raphe is standing there, holding a mug in one hand, and his jacket in the other. He put a finger to his lips, motioning to Alex who is still sleeping next to me, his arm holding onto me.

Gently I removed his hand, moving out of bed, trying not to wake him. Swaying a bit, Raphe took hold of me, steadying me. Somehow I got home, not Raphes house, but my house, how did they even get the key? “What happened to me?” “You over did it. It was quite impressive. But you couldn’t control it, and things went a little badly.”

Sighing, Raphe helped me sit on the couch. “Was anyone hurt?” “No. We were really worried about you though. You were out for a couple days. Alex wouldn’t leave your side. He barely ate or drank, I’m shocked that he even slept at all.” “I didn’t mean to worry him, any of you.” “I know. And I’m sorry, we shouldn’t have allowed you to do that. It completely drained you. Once we brought you here, you seemed to recover, but you still didn’t wake. Don’t tell Alex, but he was extremely worried about you. I have known him for many years now, and I have never seen him like this over anyone. I do believe he is smitten with you, if not.”

I stopped him before he can say more, and I know what he’s about to say, and I can’t hear it, not right now.

I like things the way they are right now, and I can’t let something like that ruin things now.

Raphes phone started to ring, and he excused himself. Walking into my old room, Alex is still sleeping, he looks so peaceful, so vulnerable.

The way he’s lying, I can feel the fear coming off him, he’s afraid for me. As gently as I can, I moved next to him on the bed, lying next to him. He didn’t even stir as I settled in next to him, gently I set my hand on his chest; my head next to his, watching him sleep.

Closing my eyes, but I didn’t get to sleep, before something has me pinned down into the bed. Opening my eyes, Alex I half on top of me, smiling down at me.

“I thought you were sleeping.” I said giving him a smile. “I was sleeping, but I woke when you left.” “Why didn’t you say something then?” He gave me a smile, eyes swirling red. “I haven’t left your side since we got here. I just stared at you while you slept, hoping that you would soon wake.” He said leaning down to me, his lips barely brushing mine. “I was so worried that you wouldn’t wake. When your fire went out of control like that, and no one could get a response from you.”

The anger in his voice, it’s scaring me a little. Taking the chance, I lifted up, kissing him. He quickly recovered kissing me back, holding me tighter, slipping his tongue past my lips. A knock at my door, broke us apart. He moved off of me, pulling me up with him.

Alex moved to the door, giving me a look before he opened the door.

Raphe is standing there, phone in hand. “What is it?” I asked coming up beside Alex. “We have to go. There was another attack, they need us out there.” I nodded. “I don’t have any other clothes here. I packed them all. Wait I think I have something downstairs.” I moved past them heading downstairs.

Opening the dryer, lucky for me I forgot about a load, grabbing what I have in there; I ran up to my room, got changed. I don’t have any other shoes except for the heels I had on yesterday, stepping out, the guys are at the door waiting for me. “You ready to go?” I nodded, grabbing my purse. “Where are we off too?” I asked as we walked out of the house. “You’ll see. In the car both of you.” Raphe said to Alex and me. We climbed into the back, giving Raphe the middle all to himself.

“So is someone going to tell me where we’re going?” I asked as we pulled away from the house. No one said a word, and I am beginning to wonder where we’re going. Alex wrapped an arm around me, pulling me into his side. “Get some rest, we’ll be there soon.” “Be where soon?” Smiling, he pressed his lips to my hair.

Closing my eyes, I breathed him in; he smells like my soap; orange. It might be a little girly but it works on him.

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