You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 21 - Chapter Twenty-One - Atlas' Point Of View.

21 - Chapter Twenty-One - Atlas’ Point Of View.

Today was the day I had been counting down to. The day of the crowning, baby shower and Wedding. Emerald made the boys go stay with my parents for the night, which was funny because they were given the marriage talk from both my parents and my brother.

The Baby shower starts at noon. It was currently about 10:40 in the morning. I made my self some breakfast and sat and enjoyed a cup of peppermint tea. I never realized how quiet it truly was when the boys were not around.

Emerald came and sat beside me handing me a box. I looked at him confused.

"Open the box kiddo, it's from Lucca and Myself."

I opened the box and inside was a bracelet. On the bracelet was wrote " Forever one of our children, Love Lucca and Emerald Knightly."

I smiled before standing up and dragging Em out of his chair and hugging him.

"Thank you that means a lot to me."

Lucca comes to bug us a little while later saying that the boys were on the way over with my parents. Emerald and I were laughing at baby photos of the twins when they showed up.

"Fun fact, I have a photo of your older brother Forests naked bottom when he was a baby."

We both broke out laughing and then I heard Benji speak.

"Alex that's the baby book... moms showing off our baby photos..." "So its just baby photos of---- Oh god."

Alex ran at me and pulled me off the bench and away from the photos of them as babies. He looked at me seriously before speaking.

"What did you see..."

"Just you... and Benji... Oh and your naked little bum bums."

"Mom seriously?"

"Eh sorry,” Emerald said laughing.

I looked at Benji as he yawned.

"How did you sleep last night Benji?"

"Awful, I sat up most of the night missing you.”

"I missed you too Benji. Our bed was lonely and cold.”

Benji pulled me to his chest and hugged me softly. I kissed his chin and spoke.

"This time tomorrow we will be married and you will be a king."

"I will only be king if you will be my queen for as long as I rule." "Sounds great, I like that.”

People started showing up for the baby shower. Fallon showed up as well though he didn't look happy, especially when Cillian got out of the car as well. I walked over and hugged Fallon

"Hey Fall."

"Hi, Atlas...”

"What's wrong, and please don't lie to me.”

"Cillian and I were fighting... I tried to be kind to him and he to me and we do nothing but fight over this pup.”

"Pups are stressful. I'm sure things will be better when the pup is born. Pups have a way of bringing even angry people around.”

"Indeed, but I'm not sure about him."

Cillian was speaking with my father, they looked deep in conversation but I didn't care.

"Yo Sir Snarls, a word please.”

Everyone including Fallon was shocked. My father shot me a nasty look and went on to say sorry about me, Cillian smiled and just brushed it off saying it was more than alright, he was used to being called Sir Snarls.

Cillian came over a little while later.

"Hello, Atlas and Fallon.”

"Hey, Stop fighting both of you. I don't want to be the only one out of my friends happily married. Mark my words ill beat you both into a pulp if you bring that pup into a world of fighting.”

They both looked shocked before they looked at each other and I saw a smile creeping onto Fallon's face.

Emerald called me over a little while later and made me open gifts. Small gift.

Big gift.

One gift.

Six Gifts.

After all the gifts were open the wedding was starting. Emerald grabbed me and Lucca grabbed the boys and drag us away. Benjamin's point of view.

Our father dragged me and Alex off into a side room. He started to help us into our suits, he would clear his throat every so often. He was crying. That made me wonder about how our mother was holding up. "Father please don't cry," Alex said embracing our father.

"We are still your little boys,” I said hugging father as well.

"Don't worry I'm alright, I just never realized how old my baby boys had gotten.”

"Don't think your job as our father is over.” Both I and Alex said making our father smile.

"Okay, Enough chit chat, You have a mate to marry and a kingdom to get, Stop distracting me."

I smiled to my self as our father tightened our ties and buttoned our suits before handing us each a box. Inside the box was a ring with a giant ruby on it.

"That is your present from your Mother and Myself."

"Thank you, father,” Alex said Smiling.

I just looked at the ring that my father had put on my finger.

"Is something wrong son?"

"I ... just, thank you, dad. It means a lot to me."

I turned so that my father wouldn't see my tears. I hoped my father truly understood how grateful I am for him.

"Benjamin Knightly, Turn around and cry in front of your father proudly.” My father said his voice cracking from tears.

I turned and hugged my father. I whispered in his ear.

"I might have grown up, but I promise I will always need you, daddy." My father ended our hug and fixed my suit before pushing both me and Alex to the side yard up to the altar to wait for our beautiful mate. I felt my father tuck something into my pocket and then he did the same for Alex.

I put my hand in my pocket and touched tissues...

"I put tissues in your pockets when your mate walks down that aisle you will cry. I know you will, so be prepared.”

My thoughts drifted to our mate who was getting ready with our mum. Atlas's P.O.V.

Emerald drug me to one of the houses side rooms and began to dress me in my robe, It was beautiful and fit perfectly. Em and I cheered when we got the zipper all the way up on my back. Emerald had finished dressing me and making me look stunning when my father walked in. I saw my father's eyes shining with tears.

"Papa please don't cry.”

"Look at you, If those mates of yours don't cry when they see you I will make them cry.”

"Thank you, papa.”

My father cleared his throat before he pulled out a large black box. "Your mother and I wanted you to have this, its your choice if you want to wear it or not..."

I opened the box and inside was my mother's headpiece. My breath caught in my throat and I hugged my father the tightest I could. Emerald came in a little after my father helped me put the headpiece on and said it was time.

Third Person P.O.V.

Kane took his son's hand and lead him up the aisle, you could see the tears in his mates eyes as they watched there future walking towards them. When Kane handed his son off you could see the pride in his eyes.

The knightly twins each took a hand of their mate and waited for the words of marriage to be spoken.

You could feel the joy in the air when the marriage started

"Do You Benjamin and Alexander Knightly take Atlas Dawson as your husband until the end of time."

"We do, from now until the end of time.”

"Do you Atlas Dawson take Benjamin and Alexander Knightly as you husbands until the end of time."

"I do, until the end of time."

"You may all kiss."

Kisses were given to their husbands and rings exchanged.

The King and Queen then took the Stage.

Their ruling was finally coming to an end but their book not quite over. They would have more things to look forward to.

King Lucca took his son's and spoke his words of pride.

Then began the crowning.

"My Sons, Do you both promise to be the leader of the kingdom and always lead with a strong and clear heart, mind and soul, You take a job passed from each father to his son's. I pass the title with pride to my own sons. I crown you both Kings.”

Lucca would not lose his royalty, he would now be an elder like his father before him.

Emerald took Atlas's hand and spoke soft words of encouragement before he spoke the words of the passage.

"My Son in law, Do you promise to help lead this kingdom into better days and keep the peace that we have had for centuries. You take a job passed from Husband or Wife to Their daughter in law or son in law, I pass the title with pride to my Son in law. I crown you Queen Atlas Knightly."

Emerald would still be royal as well, He would keep his royalty and be an Elder Like the queen who once stood before him.

With the crowning over a party began, Dancing and Eating but talking to. The arrival was not long off now, the heirs would soon be making their first-party as well

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