You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 20 - Chapter Twenty- Atlas' Point Of View.

20 - Chapter Twenty- Atlas’ Point Of View.

Are you kidding me right now? At six months and a few days pregnant I'm deemed incapable of anything. The giant kingdom party is only two weeks away. Emerald and I were constantly going to get my dressed resized so that on the big day it fit. Yay.

Right now the boys weren't letting me walk down the stairs alone or even pee alone. I found it extremely annoying and aggravating.

"Atlas wait, let me help you down the---"

* Listen and listen well, Alex. I am pregnant not broken or dying. I am more than capable of walking down 14 stairs.”

"You could fall and hurt your self or the babies, you could faint, you could make the babies come early. You never know, better safe than sorry.”

"Alexander Knightly I'm going to make you sorry."

I walk down the stairs but not without my own living bubble wrap glued to my rear. Benji was the same way but not nearly as bad as Alex. I and the boys were waiting till my father called us so I could go see my new sibling than I would be delivering today.

I sat down to watch tv just as the phone rang. I sighed and got off the couch. Benji put my shoes on for me and kissed my forehead. He was excited, probably even more than me.

Benji was a sucker for babies. Alex likes children but nothing compared to Benji.

Benji was driving because Alex drove everywhere and he wanted to drive. I was cool with whoever was driving because I was in the front seat. My large behind didn't fit in the back of the car with the two baby seats.

The drive to the clinic was long and exciting. I loved my baby sister very much, but this time I was hoping for a baby brother because I didn't have one.

When we got into the clinic my dad was waiting for us. My grandparents, their children, my dad, my brother and his family, me and my mates, and Lucca and his kids wore all waiting in the clinic till we could be let in to see the new baby.

Emerald let my father in first, but that was a given because he's the baby's father. The boys and I waited till last because we took that extra time to visit with all the offsprings of everyone,

I smiled softly thinking that in only a few weeks our offspring would be added to the list of offspring.

Finally, we were called to visit the baby. When I walked on I figured I would know the gender of my new sibling by blanket colour but the darn blanket was white.

" what gender is my sibling?"

My mother smiled before speaking.

"Meet River Dawson."

I glared at my mother, River is a gender-neutral name, I was about to say something when my father sighed,

"Quinn baby just give Atlas his new brother so I can hold you.”

"Kane the last time you held me I got pregnant.” My mother said handing me, my new baby brother. I was so filled with joy.

"Hello baby River, I'm Atlas your big brother. Gosh, darn your so cute. I hope my babies are a cutie like you.”

I kissed Rivers's head before handing him to Benji. Benji cooed and loved River up until he fell asleep.

Somehow Benji and I convinced Alex to hold my baby brother. Alex looked apprehensive at first and then once River made noises at him he looked like he was enjoying himself.

He spent a good half hour telling River about how he was going to be a father and how he was scared. Benji and I watched in awe at what we were seeing.

The river seemed to be listening to Alex because he cooed after Alex said something important.

I had to basically pry my brother from Alex so we could go home. "you're going to make a wonderful father Alex, you as well Benji, I can't wait for our offspring.”

I had officially started the countdown to when my offspring were to arrive.

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