You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 19 - Chapter Nineteen - Atlas' Point Of View

19 - Chapter Nineteen - Atlas’ Point Of View.

I was shocked. No words could even be spoken because my mind was blank.

"Atlas remember you need to breathe."

I took a deep breath and turn around to the twins and noticed that they were both on their knees. Both their hands were in on the black box. Alex flipped the box open and I began to cry. Inside the box was a ring. It was beautiful.

"Atlas will you marry us, We would like to spend forever with you." Both boys said at the same time.

"Yes... Yes Yes."

Both boys got up and hugged me lightly before they leaned down and spoke to the babies.

"Did you hear that peanuts, Mommy said yes to forever with your daddies.”

Tears were running down my face and I could barely hold my happiness in. when I suddenly began to scream with joy the twins cradled me their chests.

"Atlas are you okay what's wrong?" Alex said fear all over his face.

"I'm so happy..."

"How about some dinner?"

“That sounds fantastic."

We walked to the table and I noticed there were only two chairs. "Where is the third---"

Suddenly Benjamin sat down and pulled me onto his lap, then Alex sat down. After Alex sat down a waiter appeared out of thin air and brought us food. The food that was brought was nicely crafted. There was lobster with vegetables. It smelt so good.

For every bite that the boys would take they would feed me one as well. I was stuffed by the time dessert came, but it to looked so good. It was a chocolate lava cake that when Alex cut into the center all of the chocolate poured out into the plate.

After we finished eating Benjamin stood up pulling me up as well. I groaned as I felt one of the twins kick my bladder.

"Tell you kids to stop kicking my bladder, Mommy doesn't need to pee yet."

Alex smiled before bending down and kissing my belly. I had been starting to really put on weight now. Honestly, I felt bloated and overweight all the time but my mom said even he felt that way every time he got pregnant.

Benji kissed my lips softly before he leaned down and kissed my belly. That's when it dawned on me, we were really busy now, A wedding, a crowning and a baby shower.

"So when do you plan to hold the wedding?"

"Benji and I thought that maybe we would have all three at the same time, baby shower then gets married then get crowned... I mean if that's alright..." Alex said rubbing my belly softly.

"That sounds great, I think that's the best idea.”

Both boys smiled before they kissed my lips softly. I thought about when the babies came, would things change, would they be this loving towards them...

"Hey, Atlas...?"

"Yes, Benjamin my mate?"

"Have you thought about any names yet?"

"Hmm, I have had some thoughts about names but I haven't found anything I really enjoy..."

"Are you open to suggestions..." He asked cautiously his eyes looking at his feet.

"Sure, they are just as much my children as yours and it would make me happy if you helped me name our children."

"1 think I am more in love with you than I ever thought possible..." Alex said chuckling.

" Ditto.," Benji said smiling.

"Let's go home, we have family planning to do..." I said smiling the most I have in a long time.

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