You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 22 - Chapter Twenty-Two - Atlas' Point Of View.

22 - Chapter Twenty-Two - Atlas’ Point Of View.

The Wedding and Crowning went by with no problems. The babies gave their kicks of joy as well. Benji and Alex both toasted to our children and a happy future. I knew my future was beside my husband with children.

The dancing time approached and I danced with my husband and then Lucca, my father wanted the last dance and I would give him that. The dance floor cleared and my father and I danced until the song was over. I felt something wet running down my leg and my first thought was that I had peed. I went to find emerald.

"Emerald I think I might have had an accident..." I said my head hung in shame.

"Okay, don't worry dear, let's get you changed.” Emerald set his hand my bum my mistake and pulled his hand away I almost fainted when I saw his fingers, they were coated in blood.

"LUCCA, We need you," Emerald yelled through the party.

"Breath Atlas you're alright, You not dying the twins have decided to join the party.”

I looked at him like he was crazy and I felt some pick me up, I looked up, Lucca was carrying me to one of the cars and the boys and my parents were right behind me. Lucca set me in the back of the car with Emerald.

"Am I okay--"

"Atlas you need to breathe and calm down, you will only stress your self as well as the babies."

Lucca drove us to the clinic going way over the speed limits. A normal fifteen-minute drive only took five minutes. Lucca parked the car in front of the clinic and the lifted me out of the car carrying me. Emerald ran ahead of us and got himself ready to deliver the babies.

When Lucca set me down on the bed he left so Emerald could undress me and get me in a clinic gown. Blood was no longer running down my legs, what was running down my legs was clear fluid. Emerald called for Lucca to come back and lift me on the bed now that I was in a proper birthing outfit.

Both my husbands walked into the room. Alex lifted me up on the bed and held my hand. I was shaking, I was so terrified. Benji rubbed my belly as I screamed in pain, Emerald gave me a needle in my thigh and then I couldn't feel anything.

Because I was a wolf I could deliver naturally. There's an opening on submissive male wolves that only opens to birth children.

"You doing well just keep breathing Atlas,” Emerald said praising me.

I felt my self push and then cries were heard. Emerald cut the cord and handed the baby to Benji.

"Give me one more good push and then it will be over."

I gave one more push and let out a sigh of relief, it was over. Then I felt another kick.

"Emerald, did you get the other baby?"

"Yes, Alex has him, why?"

"Because I could have sworn I felt another kick."

"I'll look okay, just to be sure.”

Emerald lifted up the blanket and I heard him chuckle before speaking. "Hello, there littlest one."

Emerald called fore my father who came in quickly. I saw my father count babies as on was shoved into his arms. I counted babies. Alex's baby, Benji baby and the baby my dad was holding.

Emerald cleaned me up and then let everyone into the room.

" You have three healthy baby boys."

I looked at the one who was now in Lucca's arms.

"Where did you come from little one, there was two not three."

"Two and a bonus," Alex said smiling, his eyes were shining with tears. "Are you crying?" I mumbled.

"Yes... I am."


"Because this is our son, you, Benji and I made this. its just hard to believe.”

Emerald started to push threw the crowd getting all three of the babies. He hugged them lightly.

"These are my wonderful grandbabies hehe.”

"You have to share them with Kane and Quinn as well darling.”

"On that note Atlas what did you name them? " my mother asked softly.

"The boys said they liked the names Cade and Cody so that is what the two large boys will be called, the one born first will be Cade. As for the surprise baby, I would like to call him Ansley."

"Beautiful names."

This was my family and instead of it growing by two it grew by three. I smiled softly and spoke.

"Welcome to the family Cade, Cody and Ansley Knightly.”

I was suddenly hugged tightly by both my husbands.

"Thank you for our child,” Alex said

"We treasure you and them," Benji said

Instead of just three sets of newborn demon eyes to look at Alex and Benji dawned their bright purple eyes as well. I couldn't be happier, this was the moment I was waiting for.

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