You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 20- Twenty - Felix's Point Of View.

20- Twenty - Felix's Point Of View.

( Wolf Den, Far Far in the Arctic.)

I woke up with a backache in the worst way. Dakota suggested that it was probably from the way I had fallen asleep. I agreed since I couldn't see any other reason as to the pain in my spine. Right now I was with Pepper who was working in the pup daycare area. There was easily half a hundred pups here. They were all so cute running around and playing. Wyatt in my lap and didn't move at all. I knew he wasn't comfortable with all the rest of the children but I really wanted him to have some baby friends he could play with. Wyatt started to yawn so I stood up and turned to Pepper.

"Thanks for letting me and Wyatt help you out today."

"No no silly, thank you for helping me with all these pups, Now you take your little one to bed he looks so tired.”

"I'll see you later Pepper. Have a nice rest of the day.”

"You too Felix."

I laid Wyatt on his bed in Dakota's suite and he started the scream. I picked him back up and started to walk around rocking him. I didn't try to put him in his bed again once he fell asleep because if he woke up like that he would flip out and scream bloody murder. The ache in my back got worse with he twenty pounds of little one in my arms.

Dakota came back not too long after and took Wyatt from me. I bent over and touched my toes hoping to relieve some of the pressure in my back. My back popped and some of the pain was gone but there was still a small throb of pain in my lower back.

Dakota laid Wyatt in our bed and boxed him in with two pillows so that he wouldn't feel lonely if he moved around.

"How's the back sweetheart?’

"Sore, I'm not sure why either.”

"I'm sure it's nothing serious but if you have any other issues let me know and I'll take you to the pack doctor.”

"I'm okay, It will go away eventually.”

Dakota wrapped his arms around my back and pulled me against him. He inhaled my scent and kissed my forehead.

"So, I was thinking about what you asked me. I think we should go ahead and build that new compound. It will keep everyone safe and we have a treaty as it is so it's not like we hate each other. I think it's the best course of action.”

"Really you agree with me?"

"Absolutely, Besides it will give me peace of mind knowing you're only within so far from me."

I smiled and thought about that. This meant I could wake up beside him and Wyatt every day and we could always see each other. That pleased me deeply.

"I'l grab up Wyatt and then we can go get some lunch.”

"Sounds like a plan Koda Koda."

Dakota went and got Wyatt who cried when Dakota woke him up. Dakota was a smart man though he knew to grab Wyatt's blanket and soother before we left the suite. Wyatt cried and Dakota placed the soother in his mouth and Wyatt took it closing his eyes and falling asleep his head resting on Dakota's shoulder.

All of a sudden I felt sick. My stomach rolled and I found it hard to breathe. Dakota seemed to sense something was off because he stopped and turned towards me.

"Felix love are you alright, Your heartbeat changed and your breathing is stressed.”

I managed to choke out the words I'm okay and breathed slowly trying to will away the waves of sickness that rolled over me.

"Felix I'm going to take you to the doctors..."

"Dakota I swear I'm fine.”

"You are not, you obviously won't tell me if something's wrong though.” Dakota didn't even wait for me to say anything he just walked faster towards the kitchen. Clearly he was upset with me because I wouldn't go to the doctors over some mild illness. It wasn't the first time I've ever felt sick, It was just some little flu bug that would be gone in a few days, plain and simple.

When I got into the kitchen, Dakota handed me a plate with a few slices of homemade breaded chicken strips and honey. Yummy.

I polished off my plate in no time and took my dish to the sink to wash it off. After washing my dish I stood by the sink and watched Dakota feed Wyatt unbreaded chicken chunks with honey. A sour bitter taste filled my mouth as my throat burned, I had heartburn. Heartburn wasn't something I was used to having, only having it twice before this time. I grabbed I glass and filled it with ice-cold water to wash the taste of nasty out of my mouth. Waves of sickness rolled over me again making me wish I hadn't eaten lunch.

Maybe I was actually sick, maybe going to the pack doctor wasn't such a bad idea after all...

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