You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 21- Twenty-One - Felix's Point Of View.

21- Twenty-One - Felix's Point Of View.

(Wolf Den, Far Far in the Arctic.)

{ Two weeks later }

My sickness had come and gone within a few hours and the pack doctor had chalked it up to rather bad food or a small stomach bug. She also told me the heartburn was probably caused by the spices on the chicken. However the heart burn hadnt gone away, it showed up after I ate every now and then. Dakota had gotten me some acid relievers so I didn't have to deal with the annoying burn it caused. Which I was extremely thankful for because they seemed to do the trick as to keeping the heartburn in check. Today was quite a great day because we were going to check on the building of the new compound city. Only those who were in the meeting when I brought it up know about the city being built. We are waiting for it to be completed & move in ready before we tell anyone about what we had done.

"Go get dressed Felix we are going to leave for the compound in a few minutes."

"Okay, Don't forget to take Wyatt to Pepper.”

"I won't forget sweetheart.”

I rushed to get dressed. I threw in a pair of my sweatpants and one of Dakota's heavy sweaters. I jogged out of our suite and down to see Pepper in the daycare, I didn't have to go in the daycare to know that Dakota was having a rough time trying to get Wyatt to stay with Pepper. Finally, I heard Dakota cursing quitely before he walked out of the daycare with Wyatt in his arms. Wyatt's eyes were red and puffy and his nose was running. His breathing was fast and his heart beat was panicked, there was no way he was going to stay here with Pepper today.

"Wyatt's going to come with us to Felix, so you hold him well I find some warm clothes for our baby."

"Okay, hand him over."

I took Wyatt from Dakota and he rushed to get some warm clothing for Wyatt. The building of the new compound city has been under construction for a little over a week now. Dakota flew in some top notch builders that were both were's and vamps. Having crews made of both ensured that the buildings would be built faster and safer for what we needed them for. Dakota came back a little while later and dressed Wyatt warmly and tucked him in this baby bag and basically strapped Wyatt to my chest. He gave Wyatt one of his soothers and kissed Wyatt on the forehead.

"Alright, Let's go before we are late for the meeting.”

"Off we go."

Dakota handed me another bag with his clothing in it and he shifted. One of the warrior wolves lifted me up on Dakota's wolf and wished us a safe trip. The run would take about ten minutes unless Dakota ran at his top speed the whole way.

I looked down at Wyatt most of the way to the new compound to make sure he was okay. He was sleeping, I made sure to listen to his breathing and heart beat the whole trip. Once we got to the compound you could see the outer wall of the city was pretty much finished. They were making a great time. After I got off of Dakota's wolf he shifted back and I handed him his clothing. He quickly got dressed and went to talk to the builders. I wasn't really interested in the building process because Dakota already knew what I wanted the plans to look like for the city.

I took Wyatt out of the baby bag when he started to act up. I set him down in the snow and he fell down right away, at first I was confused as to what he was doing untold he wiggled his little arms and legs. Someone had taught him to make snow angels. I copied him and got down into the snow and mad a snow angel as well. Seeing how the snow packed under my weight I made a snow ball and began to roll it around collecting more now until the ball was far sized, then I wandered another and rolled it around until it was the perfect size for the middle. Lastly, I rolled the last snowman peice, his head. I rolled it to the perfect size and set it on top of the other two balls. Wyatt was still making snow angels in the snow.

I felt something smack me in the shoulder and I turned around to see Dakota rolling another snowball to throw at me. I picked up some snow and made a terribly bad shaped snow ball and I threw it at him hitting him straight in the chest. Wyatt saw Dakota making a snow ball and copied him, but instead of throwing it he walked up to Dakota and mushed it into his leg.

Dakota dropped and began to cry out about how he had been hit and he was going down. Wyatt giggled and jumped on top of Dakota. Dakota was such a kid at heart. He played with Wyatt for a little while more before he spoke.

"Let's go home, I'm finished my business here.”

"Let's go home."

I grabbed up our giggling little boy and tucked him back into the baby bag and picked up Dakota's dropped clothing and stuck them back into the bag before climbing up on his wolf. Our first full family outing. Our Family,

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