You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 19- Nineteen - Dakota’s Point Of View.

19- Nineteen - Dakota's Point Of View.

( Wolf Den, Far Far in the Arctic.)

I woke up covered in sweat, his voice cycling over and over in my head. Adults don't hit out of anger Dakota.

I closed my eyes and tried to will his voice away, the voice of my father the only man that stood between me and the hard hand of my mother. I was only greeted by more dreams of my father.

I stood in my father's office the blood on my hands from someone else, his disappointment glared into me.

"Dakota what you did was unacceptable. You don't ever hit out of anger, adults don't hit out of anger. I can't even begin to want to give you, my heir this important title when you can't control your anger. We may be part beast but don't act like it."

He walked away and came back with a belt. He grabbed my hands harshly and wrapped the belt around my wrists

"You have failed Dakota, don't fail me again. Look at your hands and feel guilty. Those bruised knuckles right now are the hands of a monster."

I nodded my head and told him I understood. He spoke on last time before he left the office.

"This is a lesson, Dakota. One which you must teach your son one day. If we hit like beasts out of anger we will be nothing but beasts of anger."

The dream ended with me being shaken awake. My eyes opening to a very concerned face of Felix. He went brush my hair out of my face and I caught sight of his bruised knuckles, I brought his hand to my lips and gave the bruises a kiss.

Those bruised knuckles right now are the hands of a monster.

"Felix... I'm sorry I spanked Wyatt. But he hit, hitting is bad. If we hit out of anger we are nothing but beasts. I'm also sorry I put the belt around your wrists, I was only trying to teach you something my own father taught me.” I mumbled softly into the shell of his ear.

Felix wrapped his arms around me and kissed my chest.

"It's been long forgiven, Koda Koda. We all have a thin line between being humane and being a monster. Today I was a monster, I never should have punched you.”

I kissed his forehead and pulled him against me drifting back to sleep.

I woke up again when a lot of movement filled the bed. The blankets moved and a lump made is way up under all the blankets. The lump known as Wyatt nestled between us tucked under Felix's arm. Wyatt spotted me awake and smiled a toothy grin. Seeing him tucked up under Felix's arm made me realize how much I wanted children of my own, Wyatt was a child of my own I had just never stood back and realized that.

Felix opened his eyes when Wyatt gave him a slobbering kiss on the lips. He wiped his mouth and held Wyatt to his chest attacking him with kisses. Wyatt giggled and escaped from Felix's arms. He started to jump on the bed the best his little legs could help him before he fell over into my lap. His eyes looked at me and he slowly grabbed my hand and started to chew on my thumb. This was a comforting thing. Felix had also noticed and went and got Wyatt's soother and blanket. Wyatt took the blanket but not the soother, he would rather chew on my thumb. Soon Wyatt started to fall asleep all tucked into my lap.

"Koda Koda... I want to adopt Wyatt. I want us to adopt him. If we build the combined area or not I want us to adopt Wyatt, I want to be his family he desperately needs.”

I hid the smile on my face and spoke.

"I would much enjoy it if we could become his family. Whether we decide in the future to have children or not I can get behind the idea of him being our first child.”

Felix beamed from ear to ear with a beautiful smile. He shifted closer to me and relaxed against my side. A soft snore fell from his lips not too long after and I was left wide awake well my two boys slept softly around me.

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