You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 18- Eighteen - Felix's Point Of View.

18- Eighteen - Felix's Point Of View.

( Wolf den, Far Far In the Arctic.)

My father, Dakota, His Beta and I sat around a table in the "meeting room". We were discussing our mating and we couldn't come to terms on how we were going to run his lack and my kingdom individually and an idea stuck off like lighting in my head.

* Let's combine the groups and bring them together, it will ensure safety. Safety in numbers they say. We build a brand new complex and give the opportunity for those who wish to move forward to do so." Everyone sat back and seemed to weigh out the pros and cons.

"I vote for that." My father said impressed.

"I do as well." The beta said.

All that was left now was Dakota to agree and we could start the planning of this new compound and Kingdom.

"I will have to think this over and I'll get back to you on this, I can just jump and agree with this. I need to definitely think the pros and cons out."

I looked at Dakota and I could see he wasn't going to give each an answer right now. That annoyed me. How were we supposed to be equals when he wasn't honestly treating me like an equal partner. I slammed my hand on the desk and spoke.

"You have a week Alpha Dakota, please get back to me with your answer as soon as possible for you.”

With that, I stood up and walked out of the meeting room and went to find my little one. I knew where Wyatt was, He would be with Pepper who was watching his boxed seasons of all his soap operas. I entered the den and Wyatt spotted me before Pepper did. Wyatt touched the crown on my head when I picked him up. He seemed to be confused by the object resting on top of my head. He touched it and even attempted to chew on it before I took it away so he wouldn't break his little teeth. He really didn't like the fact I took it from him. He growled at me and bit the fur cape that rested on my shoulders. He pulled back and spit out a fluff of hair from the cape.

I heard someone clear their throat and I turned seeing Dakota and my father standing there. Pepper saw them too. Pepper stood up and grabbed his child before out of the playpen in the room before saying bye and leaving the room. Wyatt was curious about my father and he got close. He growled when my father bent down and fluffed his hair. "Aren't you just the cutest little pup I've ever seen.” My father said smiling.

Wyatt walked back to me and hugged my legs making babbling noises and occasionally an actual word. He pointed at Dakota before he spoke. "Shit."

My face turned into a smile and I couldn't contain the laughs that were falling from my hand muffled mouth. This in turn made Wyatt start to giggle and repeat the word over and over again. Dakota didn't find the humour in it because he growled at Wyatt and called him a bad pup. Wyatt crawled into my lap and yelled no at Dakota. Wyatt soon had enough of Dakota's shit and stood up walking over and slapped his leg before calling him a bad pup.

I began to laugh so hard I was having trouble breathing. I heard the crack and the cry before my brain put the two together, Dakota had spanked Wyatt. I felt something in me igniting and I punched Dakota straight in the face.

"Do not, and I mean do not hit my fucking pup again.”

My father didn't even look fazed that I had claimed the pup as mine. Dakota on the other hand was touching his busted lip, the smell of his blood telling me I busted his lip. He walked forward and grabbed my wrist dragging me behind him. The scent of his anger rolled off him in waves but he didn't show it, he was oddly calm. He pulled me into his room and shut the door behind us. He let go of my hand and walked into his closet and grabbed something from the closest. A belt.

I glared at the belt in his hands confused as to what he wanted the belt for.

" Let me see your hands."

I stuck my hands out and waited for him to slap me on the hands with the belt, but when I opened my eyes he was wrapping the belt around my wrists. Confused I looked at him and I could see the hurt in his eyes. "You fail Felix," he whispered beside my ear confusing me even more. Connecting the dots I realized he wanted to see if I trusted him. Even more so when he was angry.

"l only spanked "Our" Pup because he was misbehaving and I wanted him to understand hitting out of anger is bad, spanking your child is never a bad thing, and I didn't do it out of anger.”

I wanted to smack my head on the wall. He was only being the Alpha he needs to be and teach the pup to be proper and I punched him.

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