You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 16 - Chapter Sixteen - Leno's Point Of View.

16 - Chapter Sixteen - Leno's Point Of View.

Losing sight of my feet made me pretty angry. I felt like a whale. There was no way around how I felt, Diego had tried to make me look on the brighter side. Let's face it though, I was grumpy. Diego understood this and tried to make things much easier for me. My father was around me now more often than not. Something about being so close to a due date that was set. As it was Diego was protective enough.

At the moment Diego wasn't home so I was breaking all the rules he had set out.

- No going up or down the stairs by myself.

-No heavy housework.

-No showering without assistance.

-No constant unnecessary moving around.

There was a whack of other rules as well that I just always ignored. Diego had gone overboard with all of his rules. But I knew he meant well. He was just crazy with his rules and all that but I knew he wasn't trying to be controlling. He was just trying to protect me and his pup and that was kind of comforting. I liked that he cared enough about me and the pup.

Getting out of the shower I dried off and walked to our shared bedroom, carefully laying back on the bed I just relaxed there. The sheets felt good on my warm skin. Hearing footsteps coming up the stairs told me Diego was home from his meeting with the council. The towel was still covering my lower half, which was also some of the baby bump.

"I knew you were up here.”

"Mmm, I needed a shower."

“You keep breaking my rules Leno and you're going to push yourself into labour, the last thing you need is to be alone and stuck upstairs or worse, on the darn stairs.”

This was the same thing he whined about every time I went up the stairs without help. I had long learned to tune out this rant.

"And you are not listening anymore, nice.”


I felt guilty.

Sitting down at the dinner table I was slightly pissed. Diego had gone out to help the alpha and he was supposed to be back by dinner. I ate my dinner and waited for him to come back thinking he was just a bit late. That was long ago. About two and a half hours ago. His dinner was for sure cold as ice now. Leaving the table I took his dinner and covered it with plastic wrap before slipping it into the microwave. After angrily washing the dishes I left the kitchen. I haven't quite decided whether to sleep or watch tv. Remembering what Diego had said earlier in the evening I sat up for an extra few hours and waited.

When I started to fall asleep I knew it was time for me to go to bed. Stomping up the stairs I went to the bedroom and changed into some bed clothing and laid on the bed after washing my face and brushing my teeth. Heartburn set in slowly after that. I was in quite some discomfort and Diego still was not home. The only place I knew there were the means of relief was the pills. Those were back downstairs in the hall bathroom cupboard. I got out of the bed and went to start my descent down the stairs when I felt a light pressure in my stomach and a bit more uncomfortableness followed.

Making halfway down the stairs the pressure got much more uncomfortable and I carefully sat down. I was terrified that I was in labour on the stairs. The only thing was...

Oh My God. Diego was right.

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