You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 17 - Chapter Seventeen - Leno's Point Of View.

17 - Chapter Seventeen - Leno's Point Of View.

Diego came home not much after I got stuck on the stairs. Currently, I was sitting on the couch heartburn now gone, eye to eye with a cranky sore and wounded Diego.

"Are you okay, you look like something big-----"

"You're asking me if I'm okay, you were the one stuck on the stairs.”

"I guess, but I'm not the one wounded.”

"Not yet."

I glared at him. He is so not about to start this shit with me.

"Your Dinner Is In The Microwave. Goodnight.”

Leaving the room I stomped my cranky ass back up the stairs despite the bitching I got from him. After getting up the stairs I got into bed and passed out pretty much right away.

I felt Diego get out of the bed and that woke me up. He was sitting on the corner of the bed and could sense how tired he was. Carefully crawling on the bed I got behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Come back to bed Diego. I can sense how tired you are.”

He sighed before turning around and giving me a proper hug. I honestly couldn't remember the last time we hugged properly. After he let me out of his embrace he crawled back onto the bed and laid down. I laid down beside him and he pulled me against him, his hand rubbing our pup. He fell asleep again not too long after that. Hearing his soft snores made me smile. Here were are soon to be parents, a year ago he would have never stood for this.

Once I knew he was good and asleep I slipped out of the bed and got dressed, I needed to pick up a few things from the store. Figuring he would be asleep for good while I didn't worry about leaving a note or anything. The store wasn't too far from the house. I didn't think I would be too long. Leaving the house I walked pretty quickly despite being quite round. The store was decently full for ten am. Grabbing everything I needed quickly I paid and hurried home. I opened the door and nearly slammed into Diego who looked to be in deep distress. Seeing me he looked relieved but then I smelt his anger.

"Why the hell would you sneak off well I was asleep, Have you any idea how scared I was when I couldn't find you. Damn it, Leno. *

He pushed his hand through his bed head styled hair and messed it up even more. Something about him was very pleasing to me at this moment. Standing there I admired the man. He was damn hot when he was angry. Dropping the bag I walked towards him and grabbed the sides off his face pulling him down to me. I kissed him deeply and roughly. He growled pulling away.

"Not that I don't want to kiss you right now but I'm so pissed with-----" I kissed him again this time jamming my tongue in his mouth and exploring his delightful mouth. Pulling away I could taste the fresh mint we used to brush our teeth.

"Grab the grocery bags, darling.”

I could hear him muttering angry curse words as he grabbed the bag and brought it out to the kitchen. He tossed the bag on the table and walked towards me with a glint in his eyes. My back was pressed up against the cupboards. He lifted me on the countertop and kissed me quite passionately. When he pulled away, he muttered how he was still pissed with me. Fuck he was a great kisser.

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