You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 15 - Chapter Fifteen - Leno's Point Of View.

15 - Chapter Fifteen - Leno's Point Of View.

Standing in the office door I was shocked by the amount of paperwork and the tone of Diego's voice to whoever was on the other line. He was being so nasty to the person on the other end and i didnt want to know why. Looking over the stacks of papers he really hadn't been lying about the amount of work he had to do. The look he gave me was one of an apology, probably for all the yelling he was doing. Grabbing a bunch of the papers I read them over before grabbing a pen and filling in the missing information and details. Most of them really only needed to be signed by Diego; he just hadn't done it.

When he finally got off the phone he looked tired. He sighed deeply, grabbing a few sheets and signing them

“Here, you only need to sign these ones, I've filled them all in.”

“Hand them here, Let em have a quick look.”

He skimmed over all the pages humming and he praised me for my knowledge of the sheets. This was one of the only times I had taken over and helped myself to helping him and hadnt managed to fuck up any of the sheets. I was happy that he praised my work. Not because he praised me but because he knew I could do the work now.

“You are like a saving grace right now.”

“That's a first.”

“Surely not the last time however. I'm going to be here for days doing all this shit.”

“Not if i can help it, we will get you caught up.”

“Sounds good.”

Grabbing a giant stack of paper I watched the look of Diego's face go from grateful to one of disapproval when I picked up the massive stack, honestly it weighed next to nothing but it was enough to make him not let me move anymore stacks.

Grabbing the first paper off the stack it was about the location of the pack/ kingdom and it was for the Alpha summit in the next year. It seemed our pack was going to be hosting it next year. That was super amusing to me, more so that the paper ended up in Diego's paperwork and not Dakota's, But I found a lot more papers that seemed they should have been in Dakota's pile. But then I figured it out, Dakota had just signed all the papers and tossed them down for Diego to finish and sign as well. I didn't make a comment on it because I didn't want to make Diego flip out. Instead I just set all the special papers aside and continued to fill a bunch of them in. Felix stopped by a little later to see us and sign a few papers that were missing his signature. He stayed longer because he helped us fill out papers.

“How was your appointment today?”

“Good, she's in no way worried about us not being good parents and she is very proud of us for getting along and coming along together. She has the next appointment booked for after our pup is born to see if there's anything she can help with then, she worried the new pup could be a little stressful and she only wants to make sure we are well, by we she means us both, but mostly me. She wanted to make sure I don't end up with the baby blues.”

“She had called earlier and to be honest she was really happy with everything and she said there's nothing for us to be worried about, she said you weren't anything to worry about. That was good enough for Dakota and I. I don't want you to think we did this because of what you did.. Honestly, that is both of your guys' business. We were only concerned about the stress of adding a child to the already volatile situation and after the broken arm we heard about we worried something had happened that wasn't what the doctor had listed, no offense Diego. You were really pissed for a few days. *

“No, that's fair, I did hurt him. I threw a few things at him and left him outside in the cold. I shouldn't have let my anger get the best of me and I didnt know how guilty he felt for the whole ordeal and I should have been more for him then what I was. I called him immature but I think that was me. If I'm being honest.”

“Wait! Back track, you hit him with what! And you left him outside!” "Yes. I was wrong, and if you tell Dakota about it all you will find i confessed to him first and he had already dealt with it all.”

“What did you hit him with and Why the hell did you leave him outside!”

“This was all before I knew about our pup. This was even before he broke his arm. Dakota is aware of it all, me throwing mugs at him, me locking him outside, all of it.”

“So, that's why you said you guys were worried about the stress and how it was already a volatile situation, you told Dakota about you hurting me and leaving me outside like a mutt.”

“I did. For that I received a very heavy set of work, all the training, the paper work, late night border duty, along with a large stack of books on anger management that he might, I just added whipped at me.” “Maybe you should lend him some of your books, he might be able to use them.” Felix said smugly.

That made Diego bust out laughing, Dakota also had a temper that was well known, even towards his mate who didn't take his shit in the slightest. It was amusing the fact that Felix would throw Dakota under the bus like he wasn't his mate. Finding a strange tinted paper it was for the delivery of a bunch of new toys and clothing for the children. I read it over a few times before I slipped it right on the desk. It said it was urgant and needed to be signed. The rest of the pile I was working on was fucking boring and I couldn't even find an inch of me that enjoyed this shit.

“How the hell do you both do this all day, shit it's so boring. I'm so glad this is not my job, I would rather get my ass kicked by my own warrior mates then this shit.”

“I said no Leno, you can't and I won't allow it.”

“Leno, you do know you can't because you are Diego's beta mate right?”

“Yes he told me, he also told me even if he did allow it he wouldn't let me train with the warriors because the first one who touched me wouldn't live to walk away.”

"That sounds about right, Dakota says that all the time when i start training the vampire guards, he always whines about how he would have to kill them and it would make a mess."

Felix watched me pass off the almost complete papers off to Diego to get signed and he started to cackle about how I was making more work for us.

“How do you figure that?”

“You do know as the beta mate you're allowed to sign the documents for him right?”

“Uh, no I didn't know that.”

Felix grabbed a paper and showed me where it said for Diego to sign and he pointed to where the small letters underneath said Beta/Mate. I had never even noticed it before. Even Diego looked a little annoyed. He probably didn't know about it either with the way he looked. Felix couldn't stop laughing about the whole ordeal. We were able to clean up all the papers and I handed him the special pile to go through. Once he was done with them he pulled me from the office and shut the light off and closed the door, Felix had gone home only a moment before. Now we were alone.

“Any ideas for dinner because i never took anything out like you had asked, but there's fresh rabbit in the fridge, it only has to be cut smaller to be fried or boiled. Just let me know if you want that.”

“Rabbit actually sounds really good. We could totally make rabbit stew, it's not super late there's definitely time.”

“That sounds really good. I'm down for that, just tell me what I need to do to help Leno.”

Getting down to the kitchen I found all the vegetables and spices for the stew. Diego sliced the rabbit into stew side cubes. Grabbing out one of the large pots I tossed some of the fat from something we had before into the pot to make oil for browning the meat. Placing the pot on the stove I turned it to high heat and waited for the fat to melt before I tossed the meat in the pot along with all the spices to brown and make good flavors. In the meantime I gave Diego all the vegetables and told him to cut them all in one inch pieces.

“Here mate, I've cut them all the way you wanted.”

“Thank you, I'll grab you a bowl to put all that in.”

“I'll grab one its all good.”

I watched to make sure he would get a big enough bowl and he did. Diego was really good at cooking as well, but we took turns because we each had our strong points when it came to cooking.

“Do you have anything that needs to get washed Leno? I have all my clothing in the laundry room, and sheets on the bed are changed and the new blanket is on as well.”

“There are probably a few towels on the floor in the bathroom or my bedroom.”

“Alright, i'm going to check because i'm going to do laundry.”

“Sounds good, watch my room it's a mild mess.”

“That's normal with your room, I've learned to look past it, as long as you shut the door.”

I laughed as he ran up the stairs. I was happy he was helping with the chores around the house but i felt bad that I lied to the man about the state of my room. It was such a mess and he was in for such a darn shock. He might also find some of his own clothing in my room that I had stolen over the last few weeks. I knew right off the bat he would find three of his hoodies that I used to sleep in at night because they smelt like him and were comfortable. When he came down the stairs he had my basket and a look on his face.

“I would like to know what you think a massive mess is, if you classify that hurricane zone upstairs a mild mess.”

“I knew it was really bad, i just didn't want to tell you that.”

"Oh yeah? Does that also fall along the lines of you having a ton of my clothing, more so my hoodies and shirts?”

“Yeah pretty much.”

I added water to the pot because the meat had browned perfectly and moved on to adding all the rest of the stuff and turning the stove down to cook the stew without overcooking or burning it all. I heard Diego put the laundry in and then he returned. He had a bunch of little things he no doubt found in my pockets. There were coins, paperclips, my headphones and even a fork.

“You always have so many small treasures in your stuff.”

“Yeah, i'm bad for that. I'll admit that.”

“It's all good, I find things in my pockets all the time.”

When I did his laundry I had to watch his pockets for all kinds of weird things, He picked up rocks, bugs, bones and so much more. He was saving it all in a collection of a bunch of items he found out on patrols, I was pretty sure he didn't know I had even known.

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