You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 14 - Chapter Fourteen - Leno's Point Of View.

14 - Chapter Fourteen - Leno's Point Of View.

When the next week rolled around Diego was too busy with training the warrior wolves all day. I really wasnt super surprised that he couldn't come because he was too busy. It seemed he was going to be busy for a while thanks to all the rogues that seemed to be trailing the border lately. Dakota and Felix had Diego training wolves nearly all day every day for an attack because they were afraid one was going to happen with the way they were chasing all of our borders. Part of me also thought he was doing this to avoid the question she had asked him last time. It didn't seem that hard to figure that as well, I was sure if I had asked Dakota he could have gotten out of the training. The whole thing was kind of annoying but I couldn't blame him for not wanting to go and get harassed about his feelings, shit I did that to him enough that the lady shouldn't even have to ask how he is feeling.

Crawling out of my bed I felt like shit. I had gone to sleep in my own bed after a restless night and not wanting to wake Diego up getting back into the bed. I had briefly heard him open my bedroom door this morning and sigh in relief that was still there. He seemed just as worried about me leaving as I was about him leaving and that spoke hundreds to me. There was a pain in my lower back that greeted me as being a pain of my body adjusting with the addition inside. I knew food was going to be another struggle but I needed to eat for the pup and I's health. I didn't expect for Diego to even be home, so I was pretty shocked when he came out of his bedroom the same time I came out of mine. He was only in boxers and he was dripping wet so that told me had just come out of the shower.

“Oh you're finally awake, I was going to wake you in a bit so you wouldn't be late for the appointment,”

“I'm surprised you even home, you've been working so much over the last week."

“I came to shower and get lunch before i met up with Dakota to talk about all the rogues.”

"Oh, Yeah, that makes sense, there have been a lot of them really recently.”

“Yeah, Dakota says Felix is really on edge about all the rogues suddenly. His father still lives and looks after the other city and he says there's been alot of rogues coming in looking for places for the winter. He says there's also been a lot of rogues just passing through.”

“Yeah, i'm sure after his attack he's still on edge even more so know, and with all the rogues iot probably makes him uneasy.”

“Yeah. I'm pretty sure it does. Dakota says he still wakes up in a panic about that attack and with all the reports of more vampires going missing everywhere it's hard for him to get a good night's sleep without wanting to do more looking to any vampires missing and anyone by the name of Marcus.”

“I really feel for him. He has a lot on his plate and he is always so busy. I really hope they get a chance to relax and so do you. Your working so much more this last week and i'm worried about getting up in the night and waking you up, you need your sleep. Which is why i slept over here in my own bed after i got up last night.”

“Yeah. I was worried when I didn't feel or see you in my bed this morning. But when i stepped out into the hall i heard your soft snores and i double checked your room and saw you. I would feel better if you had more blankets though, you have only one chavey comforter and that's not enough for the winter, even with the heat and shit.” "Speaking of blankets, there's a clean set of sheets in the dryer for your bed and along with a new blanket. If you have any laundry leave it by the washer and i will wash it when i come home. Take something out for dinner to defrost and i will cook that as well so when you come home you have a clean bed and a good dinner.”

“You don't have to do any of that. Also i wish you would stop doing things when i'm not home, you could get hurt and i would be here to help you.”

“Is fine, I'm pregnant not dying relax Diego, i have to keep myself busy.” “Watch a movie, read, anything else that's not housework or dangerous.”

“You are not leaving me with a ton of thing to do that aren't sitting down and relaxing.”

“That's the point Leno, I want you to sit down and relax.”

“Diego, I'm not even that far into the pregnancy yet you can't expect me to have the same concerns, I won't hurt myself and if i do you will be the first i call. So don't worry.”

“I swear i'm going to have to take leave so i can keep an eye on you and not have to worry you're doing something i asked you not to.” "Diego, no. I won't allow that. One of us has to have a job. Hopefully after out pup is born and a little older i can look at getting back to practicing with the warrior wolves and look at getting my senior rank and maybe even my advanced if i can cut it that is, I hear the teacher is a hardass and pushes people to there max.”

“I don't like that idea at all.”

"And why is that?”

“I don't want you anywhere close to the warriors let alone training with them. I get that was what you wanted before you met me and i know you lost that rank, but you traded it in for the Beta rank when we found out about being mates. Even when we weren't made you couldn't have gone back into the warriors rank even if I allowed it. You're of a higher rank than even that of the best trained wolves, But if you want to train with me, i will allow that but privately. I don't want any of their other wolves to even have a chance to put their hands on you. I would lose it, sorry.”

“Yeah, you have a good point i am a the betas mate. Also i would have no doubts you would end up ripping someone apart if they touched me well training. So that definitely is not the best idea.”

“Yeah. My thoughts exactly.”

My back hurt from all the standing in the hall and having a full conversation. Diego helped me down the stairs and to the kitchen where he made me sit down well he cooked only in his boxers. He brought me a plate of eggs and veggies, there was no meat on the plate because i hadnt been eating it lately because it didn't sit well in my belly.

“I'll try to be home earlier tonight but don't count on it, I have a lot of paperwork still yet to do and calls and such.”

“If you need help i am able to help you with that. I do know how.”

“If i find i have too much to do and need the help i will come get you okay?"

“Sounds good to me. I wonder what the therapist will want to talk about today, there still so much she hasn't touched on that i'm not sure i really want to talk about. I still feel so forced in this whole thing, but i know i have to do what's right for our pup which is why i'm going and not canceling the appointment.”

“Leno, don't even get me started on the therapy, I hate that they order this from you and it's none of their business about what goes on in our family life, but they are worried about your mental health and i cant say im not worried about it either, because i am.”

“I assure you i'm fine,”

“You might be now but you weren't and i'm not talking about when you got me drunk, i'm talking about how you were after. I saw how bad you wanted to stay away from me and run away when i came into the room. I know about how bad you just wanted to disappear from here.”

“I dont know what to say Diego, I still feel guilty about hiow this all happened and in the most uneasy of terms i did rape you. I got you drunk so you would fight your wolves pull on me. That was so fucking wrong and it still makes me so fucking sick with myself.”

“It's in the past forget it. Besides, I was the one who also partook in that event, I touched you and mated you. You also were in pain that night. I remember all my actions Leno. I know I hurt you too.”

“It was my own fault Diego.”

“We are both at fault.”

“Not in the eyes of your parents or Dakota. Shit even Felix treated me like I was the bad guy.”

“My mother's words don't matter and Dakota and Felix know only what they were told, they don't know everything and if i have to i will make sure they both know you're not the only party at fault. And i know your mental health took a shit kicking.”

“I know it did, I tried to hide it.”

After my breakfast I headed to the appointment with a warrior wolf behind me. Diego had appointed him my guard for the visit because he was unable to go. The appointment itself went by so quickly. We talked about so many things, Included the talk Diego. She was pretty impressed that Diego and i were talking about all the things that he wouldn't talk about in her office and she was pleased with how i was doing. She asked about the pup and how it was going in our house with the news of a pup joining the ranks. I told her about my bad relationship with Diego's parents and she wrote down on her board about what I said. She said I couldn't change their minds. I could only show them something better of myself and hope they saw the good in me. She was also very proud of Diego for taking some of the blame from that night even though I was convinced it was still all my fault and he was innocent. She scheduled another appointment a few months in the future, she was sure that Diego and I were going to be fine. SHe only scheduled the future appointment for after the baby was born so that if I had any baby blues, they could be handled right away.

Leaving the office of hers, I felt in a better place with my mental health but also so drained. She had given me her personal cell phone to call her anytime i felt like i needed someone to take to and that was comforting. The warrior wolf dropped me off at the door and I went inside. I could hear the sounds of an angry phone call from the office upstairs. When he said he had paperwork and calls i had figured he was going to do them all at the offices, but nope he brought everything home.

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