You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 15 - Chapter Fifteen - Thanatos Alexander's Point Of View

15 - Chapter Fifteen - Thanatos Alexander's Point Of View

I woke up and dreaded waking up right away. Forest has been going for runs to let his wolf out every couple of hours because he was scared. Hell, even I was apprehensive about the whole cutting me open and pulling my children out. This had not been the way I thought this would go, but then I knew there wasn't going to be a natural birth, I didn't have that possibility.

I took a deep breath and went to look for Forest. I had to be at the clinic at eleven am, it was nine now. Forest was sitting with his brother Atlas, he was trying to explain the reasons why I had to go for surgery. Even though he had taken the time to explain it I was still on edge and Atlas didn't understand it either, despite how much he really did try to understand it.

Forest had invited Quinn's parents to the hospital and I was grateful for that because they have always been there for him, and I would like them to be that way for our children as well. Forest came over and wrapped me in his arms hugging me like it was the last time he would see me and it broke my heart. Atlas came and hugged me and wished me well, he also told me he couldn't wait to meet his nieces or nephews. The kid was such a kind soul and I felt inside when he had children he was going to such a good parent. He really reminded me of Quinn and his large caring heart.

I wasn't allowed to eat before going for surgery so Forest and I sat and watched t.v and enjoyed each other's company. forest rubbed my belly and whispered in my ear " If it was my choice I would have you barefoot and pregnant for a long time, you are so beautiful with my pups in your belly”

I was shocked, he didn't even look like he was fazed by what he said but he basically asked me to spend forever with him. my parents showed up a little while later and were shocked at how much Forest grew. my mother pulled me aside and asked me how I was fairing with all of this, I told her the truth that I was frightened. She hugged me and told me it was normal and everything would be okay. She also said the moment I saw the babies any pain I felt would be gone and it would be replaced with a need to care for my children. I was happy that she was here for this.

We all sat around a little longer before Forest went to our room and got the baby bag and pulled me up beside him. I felt chills all the way to my toes, I was so nervous breathing was becoming an option. I needed to relax but I was finding it hard. Kane's words did help me a little bit. He was right this was the first time and it would only get better after this one.

The car ride to the clinic was long and Panic-stricken, Forest was rubbing my hip and whispering that everything was going to be fine. I was a warrior, I had been cut with a sword before and that wasn't the problem, the problem was that I was scared for my babies’ lives. I was so worried for that second baby's life.

“We are all going to be okay, Than, I promise I won't let anything happen to any of you.”

“Thank you.”

He laid his forehead against mine and I took a deep breath swallowing down some of the fear and I was pretty okay until we got to the clinic. When we got to the clinic I vomited, I had nothing but water in my stomach but I vomited all over the parking lot. Quinn and Forest had my hands, we walked into the clinic and Emerald took us to the room right away. He helped me strip and put on a hospital gown. We sat on the bed just having a conversation trying to calm me down until we were told to start getting ready.

Forest had braided my hair and wrapped it around the top of my head and put in a few bobby pins in it to hold it in place. Emerald led me to another room and to the bed and had me lay there. He brought in Forest and Quinn and my mother, The rest of them had to wait in the hall. Emerald said Lucca was out there too, that shocked me, Lucca was here to see the birth of the first children, he was my friend and I was glad he was here. Lucca was an old friend that had gone through this more than once.

Emerald gave me a numbing agent and waited until I couldn't feel anything at all, then he went to get into a proper set of delivering scrubs. Emerald brought two nurses in with him, they were both women. Forest's hand was wrapped in mine and he was having trouble controlling his wolf, I knew he was trying to reason with his wolf that this was only for the best.

Once the nurses had given the word to Emerald he began to cut into my stomach to retrieve my babies. It was a long procedure and I was starting to worry because of how long it was taking, I was going to ask Quinn if something was wrong when the ear-splitting sound of baby cries filled the room, I saw Forest's face and chest untighten, he kissed my hand and told me how beautiful our child was, then I knew they removed the second child because I felt empty.

Forests eyes were like a flood and I thought the worst for our second child until I heard two different cries, Em handed our babies to one nurse to look over and clean up and then he and the other nurse started to stitch me up, my mom said I was going to need a nice long drink of some blood and I would start to heal faster.

After I was all stitched up, and what not they gave me an hour to rest, then I was covered with a blanket and my children were given to me. There was a huge difference between them. One was small and had light silver hair and had one red eye & one yellow eye. He was a hybrid, We called him Chance. The other baby was larger and weighed more, his hair was black and he had Forest's eyes, they were sun yellow. We called him Chaise. They were so beautiful. I loved the look of them.

I got lost in just looking at the twins, I felt like I was just staring at them endlessly, I checked them over inch by inch to make sure they were perfect looking little boys, and once I was done looking them over I let Forest hold them. He refused as he was scared to hold them and insisted he would hold them once everyone was allowed into the room again. I let him off the hook this time because I was still too tired to fight with him about it. A nurse came and took the boys away again and Forest and I talked about just how things were going to change now and about how he wanted to make sure the boys had the best life.

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