You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 16 - Chapter Sixteen - Thanatos Alexander's Point Of View

16 - Chapter Sixteen - Thanatos Alexander's Point Of View

Finally, the nurse brought the boys back into the room after awhile and everyone was allowed in the room. I was super excited, both my babies were okay and back where I could see them.. After I got to hold the boys again, I tried to give them to Forest but he refused again because he was afraid to hurt them. Quinn wouldn't let him not hold the boys. Quinn wrapped his arms around Forest and helped him hold the babies. Forest was in tears, he was so happy to be a father. He finally was holding his boys. It was a moment of pure bliss.

I couldn't contain my happiness. I started to cry. My parents’ eyes were filled with joy, after Forest was done holding the boys, both Quinn and my mom held the boys switching what baby they held every few moments. Kane and my father did the same thing when they got the babies. It was a wholesome moment to see the grandparents holding their very first grandchildren.

Once Emerald changed both him and Lucca came to see if I was okay, Lucca and Emerald held the boys. It was such a cute moment to see Emerald hold the boys in a loving family way. To me, Emerald was their family and he was my family.

we only had to stay at the clinic for a few hours then we were free to go home. Once we got the boys dressed we were able to take them home. The car ride was super quiet as forest and I tried to let the boys sleep. When we got back to the packhouse the beta family came and held the boys and congratulated us. Kane told us there would be a huge celebration when I was finally feeling up to it. There were a few blood bags in the fridge, I drank one and then forest came into the kitchen and took the one I had in my hand away from me and pulled my head to his neck and told me to take what I needed from him.

I bit into his neck and took some blood. It was just what I needed and it deepened the bond that forest and I had. Forest and I both walked to the nursery to check on the boys; they were both still sound asleep. Soon they would wake up and would need to be fed. Em said they both would drink normal milk. We asked because the Chance was a hybrid and they were rare among all the Races of Supernatural Creatures.

I drew in a breath and both boys" eyes shot open and they cried. forest and I ran to a crib and grabbed that boy and he handed the boys to me and I sat in the rocking chair as he went to make a bottle. Both boys had their eyes locked on my face, no doubt because I carried them and they knew I was their mother.

Forest was back a little while later with two bottles in his hands, he took Chaise and I took Chance. Chance took the bottle into his mouth right away and fed, he took all the bottles in what seemed to be only ten minutes.

I was glad the Chance would have all the food he would need now. After he finished feeding I laid him on my shoulder and attempted to burp him. Forest watched and tried to do the same thing but he didn't grab a blanket and Chaise spit up on his shoulder but forest only looked happy he wasn't grossed out like I thought he would be.

After the boys were fed and burped I sung them to sleep and placed them both in the same crib, forest and I turned on the baby monitor and went down the hall to our room, I crawled into bed I needed to sleep, forest said he would join me after he had a shower, I told him that sounded great. I closed my eyes and allowed sleep to come over me, I heard forest get out of the shower and then I heard one of the twins crying.

I got out of the bed and walked to the twin's room, Quinn was in there changing Chaise. He and I laughed and we talked about the night I found Forest and how he found me by Forest's crib and how I always put him above me. Forest met me in the nursery and led me back to our room and we both went to sleep trying to soak up as much as we could before one of the twins sent their alarms. We didn't get very much sleep because the babies started to cry only a few moments later. Forest and I both stood up and walked to the twins room. Quinn was also stumbling down the hall the same time we were to the twins. Kane followed him down the hall.

“You two get to bed, we will take this shift.” Kane said before lightly pushing us out of the nursery. I had never been so happy to hear him talk before. Forest didn't even take a moment to think about it, he just said thanks and pulled me out of the room right behind him. I found it super funny how fast he left to get sleep. You would think he would be good with babies after all the babies he grew up with, but nope.

He pulled me down on the bed with him and we snuggled together letting sleep take over, We both knew we would need this sleep for our shift of looking after the twins. Quinn and Kane were such a blessing to us.

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