You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 14 - Chapter Fourteen - Thanatos Alexander's Point Of View

14 - Chapter Fourteen - Thanatos Alexander's Point Of View

Forest and I have been spending the last couple of weeks decorating the nursery and going to the clinic to make sure the baby was okay. I was at the clinic every three days. Forest had a hard time focusing in school so Quinn put him onto online schooling until this school year was over so that he could still be in the comfort of home and be around me so that he didn't have to worry. It helped him focus a little more on all his studies but he was still a pain in my ass and got after me if 1 did something he didn’t like me doing.

We spent time getting the nursery together, in less than two weeks we would have hopefully both of our babies and not just one of them. Forest and Kane painted the nursery and sent me and Quinn to a spa vacation and we took Emerald as well. When we got back the nursery was painted and some of the bigger furniture was set up and only needed to be decorated with the proper colours. Things were coming together quickly and it was pretty shocking how fast things were coming. Soon enough these babies would be here and our lives would change so damn much, I was still slightly fearful that I was putting way too much on Forest and he would have a mental breakdown but he seemed to be adapting pretty well. I still did worry though.

We had two of everything we had to order at the last minute but that was fine because it didn't take long for it all to be shipped to our house.

Forest and I were getting the cribs sheeted up and baby ready, he was excited and scared for all of our health. He was going to make a wonderful daddy. They say that the mother gets the pregnant glow but out of both of us, he had the brightest glow.

We decided that the moment Forest turned eighteen, he and I were going to get married in a human way, it was his idea and I loved it. The human way of marriage was always overlooked in our circles because mating was our form of marriage but it was all for us having a human marriage too, It would be such a beautiful event. My sweet Forest always had such good ideas for things.

After setting up much more of the nursery forest and I agreed a shower would do use both so much good. We walked hand in hand to our room and he stripped me and then himself and carried me to the bathroom. He set me down and turned the shower on and adjusted it to where we both would be comfortable.

When we got under the spray of the shower forest stood and blocked the spray. I was thankful for that because it was a tad bit warmer than I liked but I didn't complain. He took the pony from the end of my hair and pulled the braid out, my hair was past my butt, my hair had grown a whole foot and a half since I first got pregnant. It was quite troublesome now because of its length.

Forest's hand tangled the way into my hair as he took care of it, he loved my hair. I would need to get it cut after the surgery because it was the longest I ever had it. It was very strange I never noticed how long it had gotten. My nails had grown and I cut them all the time. Quinn's hair was getting quite long too, Kane wanted him to grow it out because it made him look quite adorable. My silver hair had also lightened so my hair was two different silver colours. I had never had two-toned hair before, It must have been because of the hormones racing around in my body.

Forest washed the long mane and fanned it down my back before you re braided it in a fishtail braid. Forest was taking a hair class online for if we ever have a little girl. I was so proud of him, He took being a daddy as one of his highest priorities right from the beginning. The closer it got to the birthday, the more he acted like a daddy.

That warmed my heart that he would do something like that for our future children. Forest was perfect in every way, he went out of his way to learn all the best daddy skills he possibly could.

After he finished with my hair he rubbed my body with a peach body wash and then rinsed me off, he handed me the cloth after I begged him to let me wash him like he always does for me.

After our shower, he dressed me in one of his larger oversized shirts and he sat us both on the bed and took my feet onto his lap and rubbed them softly. His hands were great, he made me melt every time he touched me with his hands.

I relaxed and laid back and let him rub my feet, he moved his hands up my calves, his hands were skilled. It made me wonder If he gave Quinn back rubs growing up. I knew I would have to ask, he massaged up to my knees on both my legs. I was so pleased, we both yawned at the same time.

I leaned over and gave him a quick kiss before we both crawled into bed and cuddled to sleep. I quickly found that was harder done than said because of all the kicking that was going on inside of me. Forest chuckled when he put his hand on my belly and he started to get kicked. He found it really amusing and I found it slightly annoying, even more so when I had to pee after a rogue kick right to the bladder. Getting up to pee had chased away my need to sleep and Forest was out like a light so I didn't bother to wake him up. Instead I went for a long walk around the pack house. I really shouldn't have done it but I was restless and I knew I was going to be cranky from the lack of sleep. I sat outside on the deck until the sun came up. It had been such a long time since I took the time to just appreciate my surroundings. I was shocked when Kane came out to join me on the deck around six thirty in the morning.

“Couldn't sleep Thanatos?”

“Yeah, sort of.”

“I get that, Quinn was like that with Atlas, He could hardly sleep at all. I remember many nights where I would stay up to make sure he got some sleep.”

"That sounds like something you would do, You have always been so protective over him. He deserves it, He has been through so much.” “You know Forest is really worried about you and his children, he might not say it but he is. I know how he feels, I was him once too. He's going to make a great father, So will you Thanatos, you were so good with him when he was a baby. Any fears you have are just because it's your first pregnancy, after this one you won't be scared to have anymore.”

“I appreciate that Kane. I'm really worried about Forest, but not because I don't think he will be a good father, I'm worried he won't take the time he needs to care for himself too.”

We just sat there taking in the sunshine until Kane finished off his coffee and got up to do his Pack duties. It made me miss the few duties I had but I also didn't miss them. I guess I was just bored. Forest got up a little while later and He all but flipped out when he saw me on the deck.

“Please tell me you weren't out there all alone all night.”

“I wasn't alone all night, Your father came to join me for the sunrise but he had pack duties so he left.”

“Why didn't you wake me up, I would have sat here with you.”

“You need your sleep Forest, One long night isn't going to kill me.” “Next time you better wake me up.”

“Don't count on it little alpha.”

I heard him sigh as he flopped into one of the other deck chairs. He looked tired even though he only just woke up. I grabbed his hand and held onto it. This poor kid was going to stress himself out so badly. That was the last thing I wanted for him too. I need him to just relax. “Forest, I understand you're worried about me and the babies, but I promise we are okay and the second we aren't you will be the first to know. Alright?”

“Alright, but don't hesitate to tell me because you think i won't be able to handle it. Okay.”

“I won't.”

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