You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 15 - Chapter Fifteen - Fallon’s Point Of View.

15 - Chapter Fifteen - Fallon’s Point Of View.

Cillian was off the floor and redressed in mere seconds. He flew out the door only pausing to close the door. I had to stay with valentine and I couldn't just wake him up and race out to see what the problem was. I could hear Cillian yelling through the pack link. my own curiosity got the best of me and I picked up our pup and went outside. I wish I wouldn't have. two warrior wolves walked right by me with a teenager in their arms, the teenage boy couldn't have been any more than Sixteen. he was covered in vampire bites. If he was human he was going to be so fucked up after whatever had been done to him and if he wasn't that was probably what kept him alive to this point because he had clearly been through a lot.

He was drenched so it was clear they had pulled him from the stream, he was a good as dead if we hadn’t found him . Well unless he was changed but he looked like nothing more than a meal to a hungry den of leeches.

The beta saw me and shook his head,

"Luna Fallon go back inside----"

"Is he dead?"

"I honestly have no idea, I believe he is gone, but he might have been changed. Your mate has suggested he stay in one of the clinic room for a few days but if he starts to decompose then he will be burned.”


Valintine made a noise alerting me he was awake. He blinked and moved his head a little bit to look around. Cillian was walking towards me when he actually saw me, he had a frown etched into his features. no doubt he was disgusted with what they found on our land. He to had blood on his clothing and skin, but something else clung to his body, a scent. One I would have looked over if it wasn't for the fact the kid was bitten by vamps. It was scent I knew a little bit about after all. Deadly Nightshade.

Deadly Nightshade was used as a drug to paralyze pureblood or nearly pureblooded vampires. It made them sleep and as weak as humans. Hunters or other vampires used it. It was pretty easy to get a hold of and make it into a drug. You really just had to boil it to make it injectable or even put it into a drink.

"Cillian I need to borrow your phone, your office phone, this is really important.”

"Okay, but why?"

"I'll tell you after.”

Cillian and I ran to his office and I picked up his cellphone calling Forest, Mainly to speak with his mate Than, Than is a vampire, his family are purebloods, they out of everyone would have the most info about this. They were royals as well which meant they really knew just about every family there was and where they were from.

"Hello this is Alpha Forest how can I help you Alpha Cillian, Congrats on ie I

"Forest shut up for a moment this is really important I need to speak to Than, This could be a life or death problem.”

"Hello Fallon, Also I will hand him the phone, I'm sure he misses you."

I waited a few moments and then I heard Than say hello.

"Hello Fallon dear, what's your emergency?"

"We had someone wash up in our stream and normally I wouldn't call but he was covered in vamp bites and when Cillian got closer to me after handling the boy he had the scent of deadly nightshade clinging to him. Suppose he had been poisoned how do I wake him up?" "Forest and I are on our way there right now, this had been happening to a lot of younger vamps, mostly pure-blooded males. I want you to do me a huge favour, do you have access to the vamp, if so I want you to send me a photo of his eyes. Vampires eyes can say a lot about them, I want to see the pupil of his eyes. that will determine when he was poisoned. If he wakes up before we get there then by god don't feed him, he will get extremely sick if you feed him.

"Okay, will do. I will send you the photo right away.”

I turned to look at Cillian who was rocking Valintine in his arms.

"I need to go see the boy in the clinic, Forest and Than are on their way here, This boy is not the only one this had happened too."

"I can't let you go see him, Fallon."

"You won't stop me. This boy could die Cillian----"

"Damn It, Fallon that boy is fucking dead no human could survive what he went through.”

"Which was my next point as to why I called a vampire, he smells of Deadly Nightshade. Vampires and Hunters use it on other Vampires, Purebloods & Nearly pure's to poison them, that kid isn't human, Also Than said don't feed him because it will only make him sicker.”

"Come on we need to hurry then.”

"Cillian why do we need to hurry?"

"That boy is right beside the supply room where we store everything including blood bags.”

Cillian and I walked quickly to the clinic but we also made a quick pit stop to give Valentine to the betas wife so he was safe. I grabbed one of the penlights on the desk when we entered the room and walked over to the boy, you could clearly see he was starting to heal, much slower than normal but he was healing. He was definitely not human now, not at all.

I flicked the penlight on and lifted his eyelid and before I could take a photo his eye moved and he blinked. I needed the photo so I forced his eyelid open again and had Cillian quickly take a photo of his eye. The boy was so not happy, he closed his eyes and tried to move his arm over his eyes but you could see he was still drugged his movement was slow and sloppy.

He tried to sit up but he darn near fell off the table he was laying on. Cillian had moved faster than I could have and kept him from injuring himself further. He didn't even fight Cillian hold on him he just leant against Cillian who seemed to be slightly uncomfortable. a shiver racked through the boy making us both realize he was still in damp clothing.

"Fallon, come hold him up well I grab him some dry clothing.”

"Okay, hurry."

"I will be my fastest.”

The boy didn't make me uncomfortable at all, he was far from the first vampire I had ever seen. Forest's husband Than was the first vampire I had ever seen, and he was such a beautiful creature. I wondered how old the boy actually was now that I knew he was a vampire and they aged so incredibly slow after all. The boy spoke startling me out of my thoughts.

"You smell safe, like home. You must have children, I can sense your mothering instinct .... very strong."

"I have a month old pup, Valintine.”

"Werewolves then, I'm at a wolf den..."

I found that to be really odd considering out wolves haven't used dens in nearly three hundred years because we just lived in homes like normal people. From the lessons I had learned from my father and brother the only wolves that still practiced den living were arctic wolves and well that was a long way away from us.

"No, we don't live in a den, we live in a pack only arctic wolves live in dens."

"1 am far from home .."

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