You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 16 - Chapter Sixteen - Fallon’s Point Of View.

16 - Chapter Sixteen - Fallon’s Point Of View.

Cillian came back not so long later with dry clothing and we helped the boy dress. He was extremely wobbly on his feet similar to a extremely drunk guy. He swayed and wobbled around even when we had him leaning against the bed. Once we had him dressed in dry clothing he stopped shivering and seemed to lay there in the warmth.

Suddenly he cried out in pain and curled in on himself. I tried to unfurl him but he cried out saying he's so hungry and needs to feed. I couldn't feed him though I had been told not too.

"Honey I can't give you any food it will just make you sicker.”

"Please. just a little.. please." He cried out looking right at me. I held onto him gently ran my fingers through his hair.

Honesty he is a very gorgeous vampire male, his eyes alone locked you in, he had one teal colored eye and one emerald green colored eye. His hair midnight black.

He looked at me and I realised I had been starring at him, almost studying him the whole time.

Cillian left again for a moment but when he came back Valintine was in his arms. I could see how uneasy it made Cillian to even have Valintine in the same room as this vampire. I walked over to Cillian and took Valintine and I took a great risk as a walked closer to the Vampire with him. The Vampire didn't move at all he looked at Valintine and smiled the best he could. He didn't show any signs of wanting to eat my baby. "I would ask if you wanted to hold him but you probably couldn't even if you wanted to." I said rubbing valentine's back as he rested on my shoulder.

"I wouldn't want to make him anymore uncomfortable with me being in the same room as his heir.” The Vampire said quickly.

"He is an alpha, naturally he would be uncomfortable with anybody he doesn't know right down to their blood type around his heir.”

This made the Vampire chuckle and then he started to cough and choke. Everything in me went haywire. I handed the baby to Cillian and all but ran to the boys side.

“I'm. fine."

"I might be a wolf but I can smell the blood that you coughed up. I called someone who can help you, Than won't let you die."

His eyes lit up like a child on Christmas. Did he know Than, i mean there is that chance being as he is a vampire.

"Hey I meant to ask your name, mines Fallon." I said softly.

"My name is Felix. Felix White."

“I'm Alpha Cillian, our child his name is valentine.”

"Cillian you should take valentine back home and put him down for a nap.”

"I would but i---"

"Alpha Cillian I will not harm your Luna, you have a Vampires word." "Fine. but I will be back later."

"Okay I figured that.”

Cillian took Valintine and left. You could feel the uneasiness in the room leave with him. Felix groaned every few moments and reminded me he was starving.

Finally I got brave and wanted to ask him where he was from and abut his life before he washed up half dead in our stream.

"Hey Felix, where are you from?"

He seemed to think about this for a few moments before he spoke.

"I am from the north, my home is covered in snow & Ice. Our wolves live in dens and you can't go outside with out a coat of furs because you will freeze. I have seen vampire freeze solid in my home town."

I starred at him shocked. Was he honestly serious. He couldn't be serious..

"Are you actually serious about what you just said?"

"Absolutely, our wolves wear furs and Their own coats of fur are 3 times as thick as your winter fur.”

"That's crazy how could they have that much fur, futher more how would you know what Their fur is like?"

He seemed to blush a bit and then spoke.

"I know a few Arctic wolves you could say."

"Really if I didn't know any better I would say who ever you just thought about is your soft spot.”

“It's. it's not like that."

"Sure it's not."

- Luna Fallon your guests are here, I am bringing them down now.- -Thank you beta, i will link you again if i need anything.-

Than & Forest entered the room a few moments later and Than flicked the light on and Felix whined and attempted to over his eyes.

Than looked shocked when he walked over and leant Felix towards him. " Felix Holy Gosh your alive. Your father took over your throne and where the hell have you been?"

"Oh you know washing up in streams half dead all the time."

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