You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 11 - Chapter Two - Leno's Point Of View.

11 - Chapter Two - Leno's Point Of View.

After the doctor had left there was nothing but silence. The silence was filled with anger because our link was buzzing with it. If i was feeling the anger from him, surely he had to feel my shame and that only made things worse it seemed. Diego and I needed to have a serious talk now. Now instead of just us depending on our mating, we would have a child, an heir. Clearing my throat I got his attention and I spoke. "Diego we have to talk about this. It's more than you and L."

"What is there to talk about Leno? You taking advantage of me or taking advantage of me and getting pregnant.”

"Diego seriously? Wow."

Standing up I tried to leave only to have my path blocked by him. Of course, he would do this right now. This was just like him. He wanted to fight when I didn't and he didn’t understand the place my head was in at this time.

"Sit, let's talk.”

I sat back down and Diego walked over to the counter pulling down a cup and the hot cocoa mix. He put extra powder in the cup and heated up the water. He poured it and stirred it. he brought the mug over to the table setting it out of my reach. Clearly he didn't want me to have the hot cocoa, he just wanted to tease me with it. I just wanted the hot cocoa and he set it aside out of my reach on purpose I just knew it

"I think we need to talk about what you did but clearly at a different time, right now we need to talk about the elephant in the room, the baby."

"Mhmm, I agree,” I mumbled, laying my hand on my stomach. This was going to be a scary thing. I wasn't sure how this would go, I wonder if I should bring up getting an abortion, but that hurt my heart, I would sooner run away and have the child in secret before I would abort it.

I felt the excitement dart through the bond from Diego. he quickly put up a block so I couldn't delve any deeper into his feelings. He seemed to be thinking about something because he was mumbling to himself. I just watched debating if I should say something. It felt wrong to ask him what he was thinking about, He should at least have something to keep to himself after all.

"I think we should try to make this a proper mating if not for our sake for the sake of our child I suppose.”

Diego's words shocked me so much my mouth fell open with a gasp. He raised an eyebrow at me. I closed my mouth and thought about that for a moment, he was willing to try? I could respect that. But I didn’t understand it at all. He could have just walked away after all the shit I did, so why was he still here, trying for his child that was literally only days into creation. IT was like he loved the unborn child more then he loved me and I had been trying to prove myself worthy for him for months going on fucking years.

"I agree, if not for us then most definitely we need to try for our child.” Diego pushed the now cooler mug of cocoa towards me. I grabbed the cup with my good hand and took a sip. it was like heaven in my mouth. Its sweet cocoa goodness was perfect. I finished the cup and let out a burp. I love hot cocoa. It was the one thing that Diego always made sure we had for me.

"That's cute,” Diego said chuckling before the frown found his face again.

"Everything I do is cute,” I said laughing trying to cover the fact that I was struggling inside with the decisions that had led us to this point. I was the one who had made all the mistakes and it was all my fault we were here right now instead of our normal lives.

"Well, that's debatable I'm afraid," he said a half-smile on his face now. He leaned and reached for the cup and like magnets we seemed to be drawn because his lips pressed against mine and he kissed me softly. I felt his hand touch my belly, his hand was snaked right up to the bottom of my shirt. his fingertips brushed over where the baby would grow and take up more space. As fast as his hand snaked up my shirt to touch the bump was as fast as he drew his hand away. He put some space between us and took a very loud breath. He wanted the baby. It was super easy to see how bad he wanted to keep the baby, He was "To be honest Leno, I don't think I'm ready to be a parent.”

Taking a breath. I spoke. Here was the hard part.

"I could give the baby up for ado----"

"Not a fucking chance Leno! " Diego growled and smashed his fist against the countertop. I jumped out of shock. Diego was glaring at me. That made me feel so much worse. I couldn't help but feel bad.

"How could you even suggest that,”

"It was only an option.”

"One which will not be happening with my pup. Understand Leno."

A nasty feeling settled in my gut. And that voice in my head that was filling me with guilt told me he was only interested in the pup I was growing and as soon as it was born he would cast me aside like the filth I was now.


Getting up from the seat I left the room. Something told me Diego wanted to think about things on his own. Sighing I decided to watch movies. Snow danced against the glass of the window, I wanted to play in it so badly. The snow was something that always lightened my mood. Dressing quickly I darted down the stairs right into the living room. Diego sat on the couch. His parents sat beside him. I had only met them once and that was when Diego found out he was mated to me. Turning around I tried to sneak back and away but I knew they had all seen me. Well walking away I heard his mother speak.

"How could you even look at him knowing he raped you."

I froze in my tracks. I knew it wouldn't be long before someone asked him that.In his own mother didn't like me before but i was kind of shocked he had so far as to tell her the details of me getting him drunk. Turning around I stomped into the living room.

"It's time you leave."

"Why can't handle the truth darling.” his mother said her eyes holding a new kind of hate for me.

"If any of you even knew the truth, the real fucking truth, I was saving his fucking birthright. Which if I didn't know any better I would say you didn't know anything about it. If he didn't mate me he was going to lose his fucking beta status. It was council ordered, but don't fucking worry guys, I fucking get it. I did wrong and it is all my fault, I'm really fucking sorry."

Stomping away I went back to my room slamming the brand new door. One thought bounced around in my head.

Pack my shit and go to my dad's.

If I did that I would be running away from a problem I made though. I could feel anger through our mating link. Yelling started. It was clearly Diego doing the yelling. I hated that now I was the source of his family fighting with him. I was honestly just making everything so much worse. There were no feelings of haha you got what you deserve for talking about it knowing I was right there. There was still only shame and a lot of it at that.

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