You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 10 - Chapter Ten - Leno's Point Of View.

10 - Chapter Ten - Leno's Point Of View.

The vomiting had gotten to be a concern now. A little over a week since I had forced a drunk Diego to mate me. Dakota and Felix had gotten home last night and he was really round with their child. Diego had spared no time to tell about my attack and how I took advantage of him. Felix looked at me like a bad child and said he couldn't handle me and he had to go. Dakota, on the other hand, gave me a month worth of training with the advanced warriors as punishment. Diego was one of the teachers for that class. I knew he was going to put me through hell because of what I did. I had never made it to the advanced warrior level and had never gone through even close to that level of training, I was only lining up to be a senior-level warrior when I first met Diego. He had basically ripped that away from me when he found out we were mates and that I was just barely an adult by werewolf standards, I was going to be a warrior because that's what my dad had hoped for me. It was a good job, well paying with lots of benefits and with him being a council member it should have been easy to gain ranks because he himself trained me till I was sixteen.

Breakfast sat like a rock in my stomach. Diego was nasty when he came back from training. I hadn't expected anything different though. If there was one thing I knew he was always grumpy as fuck.

"Why the hell were you not at training.”

"Diego I'm sick.”

"I'm not taking that bullshit. Note from the healer or you will be training.”


Standing up, I turned my stomach enough that vomit began to rise in my throat again. I rushed past Diego with my hand over my mouth. My breakfast made a nasty rise up burning my throat and mouth. I continued to dry heave even after my stomach was empty. I stood up and rinsed my mouth out and washed my hands. Diego was standing outside the door and he grabbed my arm. He didn't at all look pleased with me.

"Go see the healer, that's an order from your beta."

“I was going anyway."

I didn't bother with a coat or proper shoes. Leaving in my sweater and slippers I walked towards the direction of the clinic. The walk took a good eight or so minutes. The clinic was pretty full with some of the young pups with colds and a few heavily pregnant omegas. The nurse Ryan saw me and came over. He looked me up and down a few times before he spoke to me.

"Hey, Leno what can I help you with?"

"I'm sick, I've been vomiting all week and I can't seem to keep anything down."

"Alright, I'll let a doctor know and we'll get you something for that.” Sitting in the waiting room I watched many people come in and out well. I waited for one of the doctors to come to see me so I could have a note and give it to Mr. Cranky so that he would get off my ass about the training. I would have one hundred percent done the training if I wasn't actually sick.

After waiting for an hour, doctor Sam came and took me to one of the back rooms. He smiled at me and we walked down one of the halls and into a room.

"Please sit here Leno.”


I sat on the bed and he took my heart and blood pressure. I watched as he did it all looking for any signs on his face that something was wrong or he knew exactly what was wrong.

"So the nurse told me you have been having issues with vomiting?" "That's right, I haven't been able to keep anything down."

"Alright, let me take some blood and we will run some tests. Hopefully, we will have some answers."

The doctor took a few vials of my blood then showed me back to the waiting room. This could be anything. Though it was very rare werewolves did get extreme cases of illness that took a bit to clear. The doctor came and found me a bit later and he was smiling. He showed me back to the room and pulled out a bunch of sheets. I knew all the sheets and their colours since I was around the clinic pretty often with either the omegas and to grab paperwork for Diego. My brain was everywhere at that moment so I really didn't have a good look at all the papers.

He went through everything that was negative and then stopped. The silence in the room was horrible, I just wanted him to talk again so I wasn't alone with my thoughts. They were horrible.

"And finally the blood test for pregnancy, As I wondered it did come back as positive. The hormone is very low so you are fairly early. I would say only a few days, you caught your pregnancy pretty quickly. "

My mouth went dry and I couldn't seem to wrap my head around the words the doctor had spoken. Pregnant. I'm pregnant. He gave me the paper and I tucked it in my pocket. The heaviness settled inside me again, this time so much worse than before. Not only had I taken advantage of Diego, But I had gotten pregnant because of it. Leaving the clinic so many things flooded my mind. Walking up the walkway I wasn't paying attention to the ground. I slipped and began to fall on the ice. My wolf shoved forward in my mind and took over. When I fell I shielded my belly and I felt my arm break. Both I and my wolf were thanking the heavens we moved in time. Wolf pups were the most fragile in the first two to three weeks.

Diego came rushing down the yard and helped me up looking at my now broken arm. All of the sudden he reached down and picked something up, he looked as if he was going to give it back but then he seemed to realize what the paper was based on the colour, My heart jumped as he opened the paper. you could see the shock on his face. The shock turned into something else but he hid his face quickly before he carefully took me inside and set the paper down on the counter before telling me he had linked the doctor to come to fix my arm. His eyes looked at the paper again and spoke.

"It's mine right.”

"Maybe," I said without thinking. My head wasn't really in a great place at that moment. I was still trying to figure out what in the hell I was going to do now. I had literally brought a baby into the mess I had created because I didn't wrap his cock when I was taking advantage of him and that was a hard pill to already try to swallow on its own.

"It better be my pup your, my mate," he growled his eyes flaring yellow. I didn't see why he cared about me being his mate now that I was carrying his heir. But that was just it, He was interested in only the fact that he was going to have an heir. Surely his wolf wasn't angry with the mating like he had been, so this was a pleasant thing for his wolf. For me, it was a terrifying thing. I didn't even know what I was going to do at all. This would make things so much more complicated than it had to be. The last thing either of us actually needed right now was to add a newborn pup to the mix of hate and anger.

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