You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 12 - Chapter Twelve - Leno's Point Of View.

12 - Chapter Twelve - Leno's Point Of View.

Diego and I hadn't been on the best terms after the shit with his parents. We went on with basic words and left it at that. Diego had his space and I had mine. The only time we had spent time with each other for more than breakfast was when Felix had the baby a few days ago. A healthy daughter named Luna, an adorable little creature. I was glad Felix had even allowed me to be around him after I knew how disappointed in me he was. He had even spoken a few words to me and let me hold their child. Dakota had stopped glaring at me long enough to make me less uncomfortable in the room.

Standing at the sink looking out the window into the snow anger filled me. If I had just talked to Diego about my concerns for him inside of what I had done things would be so different.Diego’s coffee cup weighing heavy in my hand, within the next few seconds it left my hand and went sailing towards the wall. Smashing against the wall leaving an ugly mark. Diego who walked through the door sighed and bent down to pick up the glass. He had done this more than once, I swore every time he was coming home I left him a pile of glass to clean up.

"At this rate, we will have no glasses left.”

"I'm sorry again.”

Leaving the kitchen I went to the living room and sat on the couch. Diego was finishing the dishes you could hear. Rubbing the little bump I sighed, this little creature would be here in a few months and that scared me. Was I even fit to be a parent? The answer to that was probably not. I should just give birth to the child and run away like my own mother did, it's what would be best for the child and that was the sad thing.

Our door opened and I saw Felix and Dakota enter the house. Felix and I were on talking terms but he really didn't say much to me. Sneaking out of the living room I retreated to my bedroom. Picking up the book on my nightstand I began to read out loud to my bump. I read to my bump every day so that he or she was used to my voice. Little Luna's cries broke the silence and I could hear Dakota quietly talking to their daughter. Wyatt would be in daycare with Pepper and the other pups right now. A soft knock sounded on my door and I dropped my book on the floor losing the page I was on.

Felix opened the door and came in. He closed the door behind him. My gut told me this wasn't going to be a happy chat. This was where he was really going to let me have my cake and eat it too. Shame and guilt filled me again

"Leno we need to talk."

"Okay, About..."

"Dakota and I are sending you to see a therapist. After everything, we think it's the best option. I know you can't be feeling too good inside right now.”

"Excuse me?"

My words came out harsher then I would have liked but I didn't bother to address it. He was sending me to see someone to talk about the sins I had done. That was fucking great.

"You don't get a say in the matter, Therapy or Dakota and I remove your child and place it in a safe home. We are worried you won't be in the proper frame of mind to raise a child.”

Shoving past Felix I stomped down the stairs and into the living room. I was so fucking anger now. I knew I was a shitty person but to drag out a poor unborn child into it because I was a shitty person was next level bullshit. I was not going to stand by this.

"How fucking dare you! Dakota, you have no say in this baby, you don't get to send your fucking mate to threaten me with taking my child. Our home is a perfectly safe place for our child. I know I'm a shitty fucking person for what I've done but don't punish Diego and our unborn child because of it for fuck sakes!"

Diego looked confused and taken aback. His face held something odd "Taking our child? What do you mean Leno..?"

"Dakota sent Felix to threaten me that if I didn't get therapy that they were going to take our child to a safer home.”

"Felix and I want your child in the safest home possible and the only way you will agree is if your child is put on the line. We are worried about your mental health Leno.”

Diego no doubt felt the anger but the overwhelming fear that was inside me. He was going to lose our child too because of my shitty decisions and that isn't fair to him. It was my fault not his, or even the babies.

"Leno will go see the therapist, Until then I don't want you here. If you could feel what I feel from him right now. " Diego growled out. He was 50 angry.

They left and Diego and I sat in silence. He pulled me against him and spoke softly,

"I won't let him take our child. We will go to therapy together and give our child the best welcome possible. I promise you this Leno, more than anything."

My head was laid on his chest and I could hear the strong beat of his heart, would our son or daughter have a heartbeat-like that, as strong as their father's. I felt my lips pressing against my forehead, As I fell asleep to his heartbeat. The feeling of fear so deep inside of me I was sure to get nightmares because of it, so I was thankful that Diego was there.

"Our lack of mating was never your fault, I was just scared to break you."

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