You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 11 - Chapter Eleven - Emerald Victorian's Point Of View.

11 - Chapter Eleven - Emerald Victorian's Point Of View.

* six months later

I had gained quite a lot of weight since I first got pregnant, Lucca said he didn't care about my weight because I am holding life inside me. I didn't mind being a little heavier because it made my hips and rear look great. My mom teased me and said I would get wider hips because I was carrying two boys. I felt so huge, I lost the look of my toes long ago. Lucca wouldn't let me do much of anything. I spent most of my days with Castel talking about the wedding we were planning, Castel said it wouldn't be long until the press would have something written up about me and Lucca.

The announcement of the fact we were expecting was short and cute and to the point. It made the media want more however, there were always people being removed from the property for trying to get photos of us doing anything.

Personally, I was scared that they would write something terrible about me and Lucca. I was only almost seven months pregnant, I had a feeling when the babies made the grand appearance there was going to be a huge frenzy.

Castel and I decide to go out to the mall to pick out baby stuff. we walked into a little shop that held matching boys animal hooded sleepers and both me and Castel wanted to get them so we did naturally.

We were leaving the store when a woman with a camera walked in and proceeded to make her way to us. she got really close to using and pointed her camera right at us. Castel grabbed my arm lightly and pulled me out of the store with our bags. Lucca and Archer met up with us in the food court and from the looks of it he was having the same issues. He took my hand and pulled me to a table and sat us down. I wished they would just disappear. Castle stood up dragging Archer with him. Lucca said they were going to make an Official statement about Our Wedding and children in person.

They ate up the info, screaming more and more questions. Lucca got up and took me to the washroom. Some of the press followed us to the bathroom. Lucca looked at the door and held me beside him whispering that he was sorry over and over again. After about twenty minutes we left the bathroom and they were all waiting.

"Lucca let me talk to them. Okay?" I asked

"I don't like this idea but fine," he grumbled.

We approached the crowd of flashing cameras and video recorders. Everyone started screaming so loudly.

"Please, Please try to quiet down. I will talk about each one of your questions but don't rush to throw them at me. " I said, all fear I had before gone.

" How Far Along Are You?"

* About seven months”

" What is gender?”

"The gender is boys"

"Is it true that you are having twins.?"

" Absolutely, we are having twin boys"

" Congratulations, Are you two planning on getting married before the boys are born?"

" We hope to, but if the boys come before marriage then I see nothing wrong with that because there is a marriage in the works"

" Prince Lucca, Did you only ask Princess Emerald to marry you because you got him pregnant or were you just planning to use him to appear like a good heir to the throne.?"

" Lucca asked me to marry him because I am his mate, the children were made part of me after the evening of our proposal. I would like to make this very clear that any more questions of that nature will not be answered with respect, I do not find it any bit polite to be asking questions of nature. You don't know Lucca, he is loving to me and he will make the most loving father to our children. , now that is all the questions I will be answering, Good Day."

Lucca wrapped his arm around my shoulders and we walked back to his parents where they were clearly impressed by the fact I spoke to the press and didn't freak out. We all left a little while after we picked up more baby items, Lucca said that I would be on the evening news, that didn't really bother me because I knew I didn't say anything bad or rude, I told them exactly what was the truth.

Lucca drove him and me home and we sat and waited for the news to come on. They were extremely polite, they gave my interview the respect it needed and they clearly were happy.

" So, look at that. Prince Lucca is going to be a father and have a wonderful new start. His parents said they were very happy with his transformation in the last year, they say that they have his fiancé Princess Emerald to thank for that.” one newscaster said.

" For once it seems everyone only has good things to say about this power couple, personally I'm glad for them." the other newscaster said. Both me and Lucca high fived and cheered, they were proud of us and they liked us. That was a step in the right direction for Lucca, and I would be there right by his side. I finally felt like the press had painted Lucca in the light he deserved and not the spotlight of him being a slut like they gave him any other time, which just annoyed me.

It was hard not to feed into all the hate from the media about Lucca and half the time I felt like asking him to explain all the different stories but I really didn't care to know. I just wanted to have some clean air. He held my hand the look of relief on his face clear as day.

“I'm glad I was able to help your image. I don't want to hear another bad thing spoken about you. And I swear I will help others see you the way that I do, come hell or high water.”

“I really appreciate that you looked past my past and were still willing to give me a chance to prove to you that I am worth your time.”

“My love you will always be worth my time, there will never be a moment where I will feel like you are anything less than worth my time."

So many people were taking guesses on what the names of the children would be and I found it mildly refreshing to see there were so many people that we're happy for Lucca and I. We had already talked names and none one had even mentioned any part of the names we were going to use. Lucca got up and made me tea as I sat and watched the rest of the news to see if there would be anything further about us and there was not.

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