You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 10 - Chapter Ten - Emerald Victorian's Point Of View.

10 - Chapter Ten - Emerald Victorian's Point Of View.

Lucca and I had the scare of our life last week. We found out I could possibly be Pregnant, Both Lucca and I are worried, I'm worried that I'll find out I'm pregnant and he won't want children anymore even though he really seemed down for it. I'm not quite sure what Lucca's worried about. He seemed closed off and in his own thoughts today, but I did hear him talking to someone about me being potentially with a child and he seemed okay talking about it.

I had to call Nina today, I called the clinic. I knew if I didn’t she would never let me live it down and I wouldn't have the answer I really wanted. Yes or no. An odd feeling settled in my stomach at the thought of not being pregnant now that everyone was excited for us.

" Hello this Is Nina and you are calling the Pregnancy clinic. What can I help you with?"

" Hey Nina"

" Em, is that you?"

"Eh, yes"

" Are you calling in sick, did you want me to give you Leesson’s extent-- " No, Actually I need you to book me an Ultrasound for today at some time"

" Ok, Well Who's it for?"



" Nina, calm down"

"You're prank calling me aren't you"



" Nina, Appointment, please”

" Oh right anytime you show up will be fine, okay Em"

" Okay, I will see you in about an hour"

" Okay see you then"

I hung up the phone and saw Lucca standing in the doorway with a plate of pancakes with whip cream and syrup. I walked over to the plate and he walked away, I followed him to the kitchen where he sat at the table and patted his lap. I rushed over and sat on his lap. He kissed my cheek and spoke.

* Strange phone call?"

" Ohh, I called a lady I work with and asked if she could squeeze me in for an ultrasound”

" Ohh, Really 2"

" Yes, I told her I would be there in an hour"

* Ohh then let's get you fed and I'll drop you---"

"1 want you to come in with me" I blurted out immediately.

"1 would love too," he said softly well-cutting pancakes into small bite- sized peace's, he stabbed some pancake chunks and fed them to me. After he finished feeding me, he carried me to our room and he got dressed. I watched him the whole time. god, he is so hot.

I walked into our closet and grabbed a pair of my pants and his large black sweater, he left it on the far right of his side of the closet so I could find it when I wanted it. He smiled when he saw the sweater.

"I knew you were going to get that," he said chuckling.

"I love this sweater, it smells like my lover, and the father of my possible child,” I said, rubbing my belly.

His face lit up and he hugged me lightly, he looked happy about the possible baby, but I couldn't know for sure because I couldn't read his mind.

we were getting out of the car when he rubbed my belly, he seemed like he was in his own world.

"Lucca, I love you"

"I Love You to Em, I also love this child if there is one"

" Really,” I said happily.

"If you're not Pregnant, can we try for a baby," he said winking at me " We can try for as many babies as you like,” I said blushing.

"I am going to remember you said that, for a long time," he said, holding my hand as we walked into the clinic.

Everyone that worked in the clinic saw Lucca and breathed a sigh of relief, they all probably thought he had died or something. Nina saw me and came running at me to give me a hug and just before she reached me, he pulled me against him and she almost fell on the ground. He was so damn possessive of me it wasn't even funny, well maybe a little bit funny.

" Lucca that wasn't very nice” I mumbled

"1 Don't Care, I was protecting my mate," he said

"I'm sorry Nina he's really protective of me,” I said

"1 can see that Em, I'm Glad, Anyways follow me and I'll show you where you can have your scan done," Nina said walking away.

" Okay," I said as I pulled Lucca behind me to the office.

Nina led me and Lucca to an office that I knew, It Was Dr.Gregson, we were often working shifts with each other, I walked in and he looked at his clipboard.

" Good Morning, I hear you're heading for an ultrasound,” he said as he looked up he began to laugh.

" Good morning, Shawn,” I said slightly embarrassed

"This is quite the surprise Emerald I totally never thought I would never see you here for this"

I Watched as Lucca's eyes flashed Purple and he was about to say something, I shook my head telling him to behave. He just smiled as if he wanted to break every one of his bones. The doctor had me lay upon the bed. The doctor rubbed the gel on my belly and told me to wait a few minutes, I did. Lucca still looked like he wanted to paint the interior of this room with my friend's blood all for touching me. I really wasn't surprised though, I knew how possessive these males got when mates became pregnant, I had to defuse a few situations in my time. He started the ultrasound and placed it on my belly. His face held a shocked look.

" Well you are definitely pregnant but you might want to look at this," he said printing out a picture of our baby and handing it to me. I knew right away that there were two babies there. But I didn't really know how to break it to Lucca, that there was more than one heir in my belly growing happily. He fainted finding out about one, how was he going to handle finding out there are two babies now?

"Is something wrong with our baby Em?” Lucca asked, his voice shaking. He really seemed worried now, his eyes held fear as he looked right at my belly.

"Um, Sort of, I guess?"

" What's wrong with our baby?" he asked freaking out. His eyes pleading with mine for information, he knew I had.

" We are having twins,” I said

His face went blank and he blinked a few times before he just looked at me.


“Yes, Lucca, Twins, two babies not one.”

“Hmm, Thats okay.”

“Is it? Are you sure?”

“I don't know."

“Lucca, just breathe you're in a mild shock and you don’t need to faint again, the floor here is much harder than the one at home after all.” Sitting down in the chair he just looked at the floor, the poor guy's head must be spinning. I really felt for my husband who only just got over finding out about being a dad, but now finding out he was about to be a dad to two children, twins. He left the room saying he had to make some calls quickly and not to worry about anything he would look after everything.

“Your husband is in shock.”

“Yes, I noticed that and I'm worried.”

“He seems like a really nice guy, I'm happy for you Em, We were all so worried you would never find the one for you. After all, you always put work above everything else.”

“Yes, I know I do, but it seems that can no longer be the case since I'm now married and have a small set of guests in my body at the moment.”

“You better look after those small guests, they are going to be amazing one day, you know it.”

"Of course, How are your children doing?”

“Mark is just finishing high school and Liza is engaged to her college boyfriend, The wife and I are really hoping for some grandbabies soon. After all, you know they brighten our life.”

“Yeah, Lucca parents and mine are really looking forward to some grandbabies, They won't stop messaging us to find out if we are carrying. I'm pretty sure he is calling to tell them about the positive carrying status right now.”

"Oh for sure, That's the first thing I would be doing.”

“So let's take baby business, Am I high risk for anything, should I change anything?”

“You're not a high risk, but I would just say work less, eat healthily and be careful.

“Alright, that sounds really good to me.”

“I'm really happy for you, I can't wait to see how these little ones develop.”

Leaving the office I found Lucca out in the hall still on the phone. He was pacing back and forth until he saw me, the smile on his face told me he was happy about finding out about the twins.

He hung up the phone call and took my hand and pulled me against him, and kissed me deeply and lovingly.

“I'm so happy to be a father to not just one baby but twins, You have no idea how happy I am inside.”

“What's the words from the parents? I assume you called them all?”

“I did of course and everyone is very happy, I did tell everyone we were having twins and to wait a few weeks before the royal announcement went out, after all, it will have too because people are noisy and won't leave us alone if we don't.”

"l understand that.”

“Also, you're supposed to call your parents. They want to talk about going shopping for baby stuff, and dad says he can't wait to see the Ultrasound photos of his grandkids and he's hoping for boys that he can teach all his ways.”

“That sounds about right, After all, you know someone had to teach them bad things,” I said laughing.

“I'm sure both sets of our parents will be good at that, after all, they are demons for a reason.”

“Oh god, you're so right.”

“Our children are going to be so spoiled and so bad, We both will have to be tough parents.”

“Maybe, or maybe not, I feel like our children should be okay.”

“Let's just wait and see.”

Lucca took my hand and we walked out to the car. It was a really nice day outside and I had plans to spend some of this day outside in our yard, maybe getting a sun tan or just working on the garden I wanted in the backyard,

The car ride home was quiet until Lucca got a phone call and had to take it, He explained it was only a work call and he had to do some work when he got home. I was a little sad he couldn't help me with my last-minute garden but I really did understand he needed to get his work done.

When we got home he parked the car and helped me out and we walked together inside before he went to his office to do his work. Looking around I slipped my shoes off and walked through the kitchen and outside to the garden. There were a lot of ideas in my head of what to do with all the new space but I really wasn't sure what I wanted to do. Settling on the idea of a small flower garden I went to look for the tools I would need and I found them in the shed. We had lots of fun tools in the shed it turns out. Shovels, rakes, pots, grass seed, tarps, you name it we had it, and lots of it.

Digging out the grass where I wanted my garden to be proved to be the fun part, I was careful not to hit my belly or anything else as I played in the yard with the shovel. At one point Lucca waved out the window at me before I could actually hear him running down the stairs at a lighting pace. I braced to be yelled at for the lawn, or rather my new garden. That however was not the case, he only yelled at me for potentially hurting myself with the lawn tools and for not asking for help with my new garden hole. I tried telling him I was fine but he still pulled be out of the back yard and inside to get cleaned up for dinner, Fuck I felt like the baby here, not the one carrying them. Washing my hands and dusting myself off I went down for dinner. I found Lucca had cooked meatballs and I wanted them all. They smelt heavenly.

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