You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 09 - Chapter Nine - Emerald Victorian's Point Of View.

09 - Chapter Nine - Emerald Victorian's Point Of View.

One week had passed since Lucca and I first mated, We have had sex at least ten times a day every day since then. Lucca and I didn't worry about me getting pregnant because I took the proper dosage of medication after every time we had sex. Lucca had gone to his parents to get the rest of our stuff for our house. I wasn't feeling particularly well when I got up this morning but I didn't even think about it, I figured it to be because of all the sex me and Lucca were having.

I ate some toast and yogurt for breakfast, I was about to go shower when I felt hungry again, I had only eaten less than 45 minutes ago. I went to get more food nonetheless, I opened the fridge and saw the pickles and the cheese wiz, I could decide what one I wanted so I opened the jar of pickles and the jar of cheese whiz and I dipped my pickles into the cheese wiz and oh my gosh it tasted so good. I hated pickles normally.

I took my new found snack and went and sat down on the couch. I flicked the TV on and sat and watched TV, I flicked over to the next channel and I was about to change it when a flashy bar at the bottom showed up. The newscaster on the TV said that this one brand of pregnancy after meds were not working and there is being recalled. I saw the name and thought I recognized its brand, I figured it was probably because of work.

" Poor bastards,” I said, beginning to laugh.

It was around noon when I started to feel much worse, I was halfway through eating my lunch when my stomach began to reject the food. I ran to the bathroom and vomited. I figured it was because of my combo of pickles and cheese, that thought was quickly diminished when I started to dry heave. I tried to contain my heaving as I ran to the bathroom to check my bottle of the Pregnancy after pills. Sure enough, they were the brand being recalled. I was pretty sure at that moment I went sheet white and my hope of not being pregnant when all the way to zero percent. This was just my luck after all.

I rushed downstairs and prayed my bottle didn't have the same serial number. I let out a sigh of relief. but I was short-lived as the newscaster began to call out more serial numbers. The lump in my throat wouldn't go away then, it was really hard to swallow after that.

" We have just been informed there are more serial numbers of non- working After sex pills.”

I just about fainted when my serial number was one of the recalled ones. I gagged, struggling to breathe as I freaked out until I did the most reasonable thing, I called my mother to cry about her son is most likely pregnant.

" Hey Kiddo what's up”

“Mommy I..I"

" Baby what's wrong?"

I was sobbing so much she couldn't understand me so she said she was on her way over. I sat on the couch holding the decorative pillow sobbing, I jumped off the couch when the door opened. I rushed to the door and it was the last person I wanted to see. Lucca. I couldn't even make a word when I saw him, I just looked right at him, tears flowing down my face like a river.

Lucca saw my tears and dropped everything in his hands and rushed over to me. He was really concerned,

" Baby are you okay, why are you crying, did something happen?" The questions just came flying out of Lucca's mouth as he wiped my tears away. He held me to his chest and made sure to calm me down just before, My mom walked through the open door and rushed over as well. she took me from Lucca’s arms and held me tightly making sure I was ok. Finally, I found I was able to speak again.

" Lucca call your parents, I might ..."

" You might what my love"

" Lucca, I might be pregnant”

They both stared at me in shock, I watched as Lucca fainted. I sat beside him and tried to wake him up. Now I was freaking out almost crying again, I couldn't even focus. I was panicking too much, all the years of my medical training went out the window at this moment.

" Lucca, please wake up, I'm sorry”

I was crying again, Lucca Fainted. That can't be good. My mom called Lucca's parents and asked them to come over. I was explaining to my mom about the pills and them being recalled now that I was almost calm again. Lucca's parents walked in and saw Lucca laying on the floor and me in tears and Lucca's mom broke out in tears when she saw me holding Lucca, he must think something bad happened to him.

" What happened to my baby,” he said, rushing over.

" He fainted,” I said. off in my own thoughts.

" Why did he faint, did something happen?”

"1 told him I might be Pregnant and boom he fainted," I said as if I didn't just drop the biggest news ever. I almost started to laugh at the way my life had turned out, here I was on the floor pretty sure I was carrying a child and here was my husband knocked out on the floor from shock and there was nothing I could do, My own choices had gotten me to this very moment.

" Wait, What," Castel said, staring at me.

" Lucca and I, we had sex, I mean lots of sex" I mumbled. We really did have lots of sex, every place we could we were having sex, many times a night for many nights, I knew every inch of Lucca’s manhood and I could draw the thing out if I had too. An shit he really knew how to hit all my good spots which made it just so much easier to want to have sex with the walking sex of a man.

" Did you use protection? pills? a Condom? " Castel said, his face trying to hide the joy of the possibility.

" We used after pills, they were the ones that got recalled," I said freaking out.

All seriousness was lost when the archer turned to his husband and spoke.

"1 win, I told you, "

I looked at them dumbfounded. " You win what?"

Archer and Castle looked guilty as they both looked at me.

" We bet on whether you would get pregnant after you guys mated,” Castel said clearly embarrassed.

Lucca's eyes open and he glared at them " You Guys have a sick sense of humour" he mumbled.

Everything must have come back to Lucca in a rush because he looked around then he looked up and realized he was laying in my lap.

"Are you Pregnant?” he asked.

"1 might be," I said softly.

He looked at my mom and he spoke "Here are the 100 bucks I owe you" he said handing my mother a hundred bucks.

" You took a bet as well Lucca?

"If I say No will It be better then if I say yes?"

"1 can't believe you all bet on this."

Lucca stood up and pulled me from the floor. His eyes would drift to my stomach as if it was just going to rip open and monsters would crawl out. Every time I would catch him he would look away and just smile. He actually seemed really happy that there was a possibility that I was carrying his heir. That made all the fear in me leave, and I stopped judging my life choices.

He held me against him. His face tucked into my neck as he just held me close to him. I could feel the overflowing of emotions coming from him. He was worried and happy and scared just like I was and that was comforting that we seemed to be on the same page after the shock. Lucca invited his parents and my mother to stay for dinner and I thought that was a smashing idea. Heading into the kitchen I looked for something to make for everyone. Lucca came in the kitchen shortly after and grabbed the phonebook,

“Don't worry about having to cook love, I'll just order us all some pizzas and we all can just relax and talk, I think it would be fun and pleasant for us all.”

“You know what, that actually sounds really good, I'm totally down for that.”

"Glad to hear it."

I smiled at my husband giving him a quick hug and a kiss before heading to the dining room to find out what everyone wanted to drink and to let them know we were getting pizza.

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