You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 12 - Chapter Twelve- Emerald Victorian's Point Of View.

12 - Chapter Twelve- Emerald Victorian's Point Of View.

After yesterday's press event I wasn't exactly feeling the greatest. My Back felt all Strange and cramped up, but I took a pain reliever that's safe for me to take. I laid in bed for a little longer, Lucca was going to go to his parent's house. I wanted to go with him so I got dressed.

I went into the closet and looked for my pants that were easy to find. Lucca's sweater was missing. For some odd reason, this made me angry that it wasn't there.

"Em, that which you are looking for is not in there, it's on the bed, I washed it," Lucca said, waiting by the side of the bed for me.

I stepped out of the closet and walked to the bed and grabbed Lucca's Sweater. getting it on was a task, it didn't just slip it on and leave it, it was pulled, tug, unroll and stretch. Lucca helped me put it on. I rubbed my belly and " Walked" behind him, it was more of a wattle. Lucca hated when I went down the stairs, he always held my hand and walked me down them slowly. He was afraid I would fall down on them.

I felt drained of energy by the time I got down the stairs. Lucca rubbed my back softly, I was rubbing my belly when I got matching soccer kicks to the bladder. This was the part of the whole deal I hated. The constant need to go pee every time they even thought about moving.

"I'm going to pee before we go, okay"

"Take your time I'll wait for you"

I walked to the bathroom and was doing my Bathroom stuff and looking at supper swollen feet when I felt the whoosh of water down the back and inside of my legs.

" Lucca, could you um..., come here?” I yelled embarrassed. I have peed myself because of the twins before but not like this. Not after I just peed.

" What's up honey?" he said, opening the door.

" Don't Freak Out But I think, Well I'm pretty sure my water just broke” " How are you only 7 months out of the 8 you are pregnant for," he said, shocked.

" Lucca It happens, most First children come Before there due, and twins are always born before there date,” I said

There was a numbing pain in my back, I couldn't move. It was Paralyzing. He lifted him up with no struggle and carried me to the car, rushing me to the clinic, he called on the way telling to prepare. They would prepare and be ready when I got there. I would see my babies before the day was over. That freaked me out and I worried about the pain and the number of things I would need to do.

They already had a wheelchair waiting for me outside the door, Lucca helped me over to it and they wheeled me away. The only Creatures that could deliver without C-section were demons and werewolves if in werewolf form in most cases.

I was going to have these babies naturally, They got me into a hospital gown and got me into a birthing bed. They got the doctor and everything was ready to go. Lucca was freaking out, one nurse took him out of the room and I could hear them talking about how if Lucca was there for the first birth the sound of my screams would mostly make him go after the doctor. He understood and waited outside.

" Ok, Emerald, give me on a big push "

I did and I screamed, I yelled for Lucca saying I was going to cut his balls off so he could never have kids ever again. I was so mad at him for this. I blamed him even though I had just as much of a hand in this as he did, but for current events, I was blaming him.

I gave another push and the sound of babies crying was there, the doctor made me push once more and the babies crying grew a hell of a lot louder. I felt someone checking to make sure I was fine, then they cleaned my babies and had me, my two boys, they had Lucca's face and when they opened their eyes they had purple irises. I smiled and waited for them to let Lucca back in.

"I Called our parents, they will be here soon."

" What do we name them?"

" How about, Alexander and Benjamin ?"

Lucca looked at them and smile * Daddy loves you, Alexander Knight and Benjamin Knight"

I handed him both boys and he looked as if he was going to cry, he looked so happy. These were his boys; he was already wrapped around their tiny fingers. I enjoyed watching him with our little ones. He was already such a good father and I loved it. I would gladly give him so many more babies if it meant I could see this all the time. I just loved it so much. I was a fan of my mate having his arms full of children. I was going to give him many more children.

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