You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 11 - Chapter Eleven - Atlas' Point Of View.

11 - Chapter Eleven - Atlas’ Point Of View.

Lucca and Em Showed up half an hour later. They both hunted me down and proceeded to touch, poke and rub my belly. Emerald began to cry tears of joy at the thought of his first grandchild, my mom and him had plenty of time now to be excited.

I could hear Lucca and the boys talking about how they just became fathers and they would need Lucca's help to be a good father. It warmed my heart to see the boys asking their father for help. Emerald's arm was wrapped around me as he rubbed my belly. He was so excited he was glowing you would think it was him who was pregnant.

The boys came over moments later and wrapped their arms around my waist, their other arm was on my belly, the way their hands were sitting it made a heart on my belly.

"Little one”

"It is late let's go to sleep”

" Okay Benji and Alex "

Benji grabbed me and carried me bridal style, I laid my head on his shoulder and mumbled on about how pleased I was with my mates. Benji carried me to my bedroom where they pulled the blanket back and set me in the middle of the bed before they both climbed in as well the pulled the blanket back up and cuddled me, they were warm, so very very warm.

My eyes closed before I could even tell them how much I truly loved them, when I woke up they both were still sleeping. I loved both boys will all my heart. when I tried to crawl out of the bed I realized that they had their arms weaved around my waist. I looked at Benji first watching his chest rise and fall as he seemed to be enjoying his sleep. After looking at Benji like a creep I leaned in and gave him a kiss, he kissed me back as his eyes opened and his hands found their way to cupping my rear. After the few moments of cuddling, he let me go and we both went after Alex, I slipped my hand into his boxers and gave his manhood a touch, well I was doing that Benji was licking and sucking on Alex's nipples

Alex's eyes shot open as he let out the deepest and sexiest groan I had ever heard. He grabbed Benji's chin and gave him a sweet kiss, and I thought I had gotten off free, but he quickly wrapped his arms around my waist as I tried to escape off the bed, he pulled me against him in such a way I felt his manhood on my rear. I let out a soft moan that man both boys look with lust at me like I was their own personal dinner.

"Morning naughty mate" Alex whispered in my left ear.

"How did you sleep, Little one?" Benji asked

"I slept alright, how did you both sleep?”

"I slept alright, I woke up to the sweetest kiss,” Benji said smirking.

"I slept alright as well, but I woke up to something much better.”

I yawned and my belly made grumbling noises.

"1 think peanut is hungry," I said

“1 would have to agree,” both twins said at the same time.

When I went into my walk-in closet I pulled my PJ top off and let out the biggest scream ever. Both twins came running as fast as they could, and they too were shocked. My belly had seemed to grow overnight, the not noticeable bump had become noticeable.

I dressed still a little shaken by what I had noticed, I wondered if the others would notice as well. We walked downstairs to get breakfast. My mother and Em were sitting at the table talking about some show they both had been watching.

" Morning."

My mother turns to say good morning to me and the only thing that left his mouth was HOLY FUCK. Even Em seemed to be a little shocked. " What!"

" You are really showing, is that normal Em?"

"I'm not sure, but wow I'm going to call Lucca and have him come here. He would know if this is normal or not. I've never seen this before.”

I walked over the fridge no longer interested in the conversation, I was hungry and I wanted cheese, brick cheese. Once I found the cheese I cut a few pieces off and ate them as if I hadn't eaten in weeks. I cut a few more pieces off and ate them I did this until Lucca showed up with my father. At this point, both Em and my mother were watching me. " What?" I asked

" You do realize you just ate almost an entire brick of cheese.” My mom said.

I looked down at what was left of the cheese a felt self-conscious of myself. Both boys noticed and came over and tried to comfort me but just like that I was pissed off and started screaming.

" This is all your faults! fuck.” I yelled at my mates pissed at them for some reason.

" Please calm down," Lucca said

I grabbed the closet thing, which was the block of cheese and threw it at him in an angry rage. My father started to laugh and mumbled something that sounded like " he is just like you when your pregnant my love."

I stomped off back to my room and crawled in the bed pulling the blankets over my head.

Its nap time. I really needed this nap that was the only thing I wanted right now and I was getting it.

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