You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 12 - Chapter Twelve - Atlas' Point Of View.

12 - Chapter Twelve - Atlas’ Point Of View.

The Boys came in the room later and woke me up, they both smiled and hugged me, their hands laid on my stomach and I smiled I was pleased. My Mates were happy to be fathers and I couldn't lie and say that I myself was not excited because I was so extremely happy. the idea of having a family with them was amazing who would have thought that I would be having a baby. And that's when it hit me, What would people at school say about me being pregnant?

My first thoughts on it were that I would be called a slut or worse and that simply was not the case. Ugh, This meant I would now have to go to the office and tell the principal about my now being pregnant. Also, what would my best friend Fallon say about this, Fallon was pregnant as well but his pregnancy was not his choice it was his fathers.

Fallon is like my brother, He and I are two peas in a pod. I was nervous that Fallon would be upset with me. The boys were laying beside laughing about something that their father said to them.

“Hey Boys?"

" Yes Tiny Mate"

Both boys said at the same time creeping me out with that twin mind- reading power. They finished each other's sentences too and it was just pretty weird. It definitely rubbed me in such a weird way.

"I'm bored, can we go do something?"

" Sure," Alex said

" What do you want to do?" Benji said.

"Do you want to go to the fair, it's in town!" I said really excited, I loved the fair.

" Sounds good," they both said again.

I jumped off the bed and started to get changed. I had no idea what to wear but I knew I wanted to wear something that I would be warm in if it got cold. The boys sat on the bed amused by me running around getting dressed like a fool. I threw clothing everywhere in a hunt to find something and it looked like a giant hurricane came through and decimated the zone.

I was running and almost slipped, Alex saved me from falling on my head. Bless him and his reflexes.

* Be-careful Atlas”

" Sorry, I really didn't mean to slip.”

"Just be careful next time”

Alex said with a lot of stress on the word careful. It wasn't as if I fell on purpose. When I finished getting dressed the boys told my parents we were going to the fair and then we left, We got into Alex's large truck and started to drive to the fair.

I wasn't allowed to sit upfront because it wasn't safe, so they made me sit in the back seat of the truck where no harm could come to me. I really didn't want to argue with them so I simply let them have their moment of protectiveness. when we arrived at the fair Benji lifted me out of the car and made me hold his hand. Alex walked in front of me and made sure everyone stayed far away from me. they were kind of making a scene but it was alright.

Alex and Beniji's parents were well known for being rich so it was no shock that people were gasping and taking pictures of us all. I tried to use my hand to block the flash from my eyes but it did little good because everyone was taking photos from every angle.

I started to feel dizzy from all the flashes.

" Alex I don't feel well make them stop,” I mumbled just loud enough for him to hear.

" Everyone stop taking photos please." Lucca's voice rang out throughout the whole crowd.

Em walked through the crowd and came over to me with a water bottle. " Its alright dear, your just really photosensitive right now because of the baby."

Lucca and Emerald talked to the people taking photos so that the three of us could go enjoy our date at the fair. We rode the roller coaster and the teacups. Alex wouldn't let me on the gravity ride because " Blah Blah Blah you're pregnant.”

I really started to crave poutine with butt loads of cheese.

" The baby is hungry and wants poutine with butt loads of cheese please.”

"1 will go find poutine with extra cheese for you darling” Benji said walking away.

I grabbed Alex's hand and smiled when he looked down at me. I mouthed I love you to him and he smiled. Alex looked so cute when he smiled. we walked to a table and sat down. Alex made me jump when he randomly started to rub my belly.

" That our pup.”

" Your very right Atlas, Benji and I couldn't be happier.”

I fell asleep leaning on Alex before Benji got back.

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