You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 10 - Chapter Ten- Atlas' Point Of View.

10 - Chapter Ten- Atlas’ Point Of View.

The knock that came moments later I knew I would have to face my actions, I was now going to be a mother so to speak. I was never one to do things like this, no I'm not saying that having a child at my age is wrong, it just put a wrench in my life plans. There were a lot of things I wanted to do that would be a little harder now that I would have a baby too.

" Little mate”

" Are you alright?"

I looked at the door my mind racing, behind that door was the fathers of my child. I found myself wishing that they would break down the door and confront me but I knew they would give me my space at this time. When I finally opened the bathroom door my parents and my mates were waiting. I just looked at their faces and took in all my surroundings before I took a deep breath and said the words I always dreamed of saying, but just a little too soon. The words fell from my tongue in a scarred voice, not a happy one or an excited one.

"I'm Pregnant.”

You could have dropped a pin and it wouldn't have been heard. I watched as tears streamed down my Mother's face as my father comforted my Mama. I felt guilty. Watching my mother cry did something inside of me that I hadn't ever felt before, it was shame and disappointment and guilt, it made me sick to my stomach and worse it made me regret all my life choices.

My father didn't say a word as he comforted my mother, my mates slowly walked towards me but I stepped around them and ran threw the packhouse, out the door and into the treehouse that my dad built me for my birthday when I turned eight. I huddled in the corner and cried the most tears that I have ever cried. What would happen now? What would I do now? Who was going to help me? Did I mess up my entire life?

" Atlas Logan Dawson, if I have to get in that treehouse and drag your ass down here I will.”

My mama was outside the treehouse, I hoped that if I ignored him he would just go back inside but that however was not the case. My mother walked into the treehouse and sat down beside me, he threw his arm around my shoulders and kissed my forehead. He was comforting me because he knew it was what I needed. I knew all about his early family life and how hard it was for him and did the same thing. The disappointment didn't stop as he hugged me, it only seemed to grow.

"Mama did I fail you..."

"Oh god no Atlas, Between you and il I knew you would be pregnant when we got back. I had a vision of it. I don't want you to ever think that this child inside you is any means failing me. I love you, You are my baby boy.”

" Dad looked as if he was mad at me, he didn't say anything, Frankly he didn't even look at me.”

" Your father is the most excited, he just had to get over the need to protect his pup.”

"Come on, I have two certain royals to tell.”

* Indeed you do."

My mother and I got out of the treehouse and walked down the stairs. My father and My mates stood by the glass door inside. They were talking and it looked like they were all smiling. Alex pointed me out and all eyes were looking at both mom and me. I left so guilty, it wasn't just my life I had messed but also my mates, they were still young too.

My father opened the sliding glass door when we walked onto the deck. I went to walk past him but he grabbed my arm and pulled me to his chest. When he said next blew my entire world.

" Congratulations on the start of your family my pup.”

I wrapped my hands around him and cried, I hugged my father like he was going to vanish tomorrow. When we stopped hugging his hand touched my belly and he spoke in his alpha voice to all of the wolves in the pack. It was scary to me and I didn't know how the pack would take me having a new pup at my age.

" 1 welcome the first of many of Atlas's pups.”

The howls were heard all around the forest and the packhouse. I prayed that telling Lucca and Em would go over this well. I walked inside and grabbed the house phone, Their number was on speed dial because my mom talked to Em so often.

I pressed the button and waited for the ring, the phone was picked up almost right away.

" Knightly home, This is Lucca speaking.”

Holy hell, I was so scared I found my mouth was so dry. I quickly swallowed and spoke.

" Hey Lucca its Atlas, would Em happen to be around?"

" Yes, ill go give him the phone.”

" Yes but just put me on speakerphone, okay?"

" Sure”

" Hey, Atlas what's up?" Em asked

"I called to let you guys know that I am carrying your first grandchild.” The silence was terrifying.

All I heard was Em yelling at Lucca to get his shoes and coat on because they are coming over right now. Then the phone line went dead.

I walked back outside were now there was tons of pack members around and found the boys, I made them come here motion and they both came over. I told them about calling their parents and telling them about their first grandchild.

Both boys went snow white. I had clearly scarred them by saying I called there parents and told them about the new bun in the oven. They both just stood there the fear in there eye making me feel bad for telling their parents. They did have to know though, I couldn't just tell them.

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