You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 08 - Chapter Eight - Siryn's Point Of View.

08 - Chapter Eight - Siryn's Point Of View.

By the end of the day, we had a lot done. We had levelled the ground and even started to rebuild. Tents had been set up for the pack members for the night and a few of us had offered to spend a few nights helping make sure they were safe. I was one of the few who offered when the idea was brought up days before we even got here. Lucio was given a tent all to himself in the beginning but after talking with him Lucio and I ended up bunking with each other despite what he had said before he wasn't going to sleep in the same tent with my muddy ass.

The light had long faded out before Lucio and I even showed signs of sleep. He was laughing at a joke I had made and I couldn't help but watch him. My eyes locked on his lips and I leaned in pressing mine against his. He growled and shoved me away from him, his claws out enough that he split open my skin. I could feel the blood running down my shoulder. Slowly removing myself from the tent I went to look for one of the other members of the group. With them all being warriors I knew they could help with my wounds. Somewhere along the lines I had gotten disoriented and just sat down. Instead of thinking about this logically, I started to sob I wanted to blame it on the blood loss but it was just really from me being tired both physically and emotionally. My lack of sleep the night before also had something to do with my state. Without realizing I was so close to Lucio and I's tent. Unaware to me was that he was inside listening to me sobbing.

I never heard or saw him moving in the dark. So when he pulled me against his chest I attacked him. I felt my human nails scratch his face and the scent of his blood hit me. I froze and tried my hardest to not grab him and have a good look at the damage I had done. I knew I should just leave him alone but I was worried. Following him back to the tent I flicked the lamplight on. I had managed to get him right up along the side of his face. There was a slight line of bleeding but not too horrible. I felt so bad for hurting him. The fact he was bleeding made me forget all about my own wound and the pain in my shoulder. "I'm sorry"

“It's fine"

"But it's not. I hurt you.”

"You are not the first and I hardly doubt you will be the last.”

Gee thanks. Because that honestly made me feel any better. My trusty bag wasn't far from my own cot. Carrying the bag over to where we had been sitting and laughing opening the last few antiseptic wipes. He was about to be so clean again. I would clean all his wounds and make him realize I cared about him. I knew life threw him the worst kind of deal and it was hard for him to accept me because I'm a stranger to him. I really did understand that. It didn't help my broken heart any less however. I was really sad he had lost his vision because of it all and he felt guilty for not being dead like the rest of the wolves.

“I'm fine"

"Let me clean----"

"What part of I'm fine don't you fucking understand!" He said lashing out at me.

I backed off realizing he needed his space. Watching him for a while I soon became aware that he had fallen asleep in one of the chairs. Taking the wipe with me I got close enough and tried to clean his wound. He spoke suddenly scaring the complete shit out of me.

"Touch me with that and me yelling at you will be the least of your concerns.”

I more than touched him with the wipe. I scrubbed the wound clean and made sure no infection would set in. With one more clean wipe left, I turned to put it away. Lucio grabbed the front of my shirt and gently took the other wipeout of my hand. I blanked as to why he would grab me suddenly.

"Off" he mumbled.

Confused, I looked at him.

"Off what?"

"Take your shirt off.”

"Oh. My wound. "

Slipping the sweater off my shoulders I set it on my cot. Lucio took a deep breath smelling the air again. It was an odd thing but I knew he could smell the blood that had come out of the wound.

"I made you bleed quite a bit."

"I'm going to plug that nose one of these days."

"Oh. I see."

Lucio was a lot less gentle with the wipe. Oh fucking hell it burned too, I hissed as it felt like he was scrubbing off the first four layers of my skin. I figured this was because he had forgotten how to be gentle with people. Out of nowhere, I spoke.

"Let me kiss you."

Lucio said nothing as he stood up and walked away into the dark. Slipping a new shirt out of my bag I put it on. He needed some alone time. I was just going to give him that. If I could. I found it really hard to give him the space that he wanted. I wanted to run after him and demand that he kiss me because he is my mate, but that was wrong and selfish. Coming to terms that he wasn't wasn't going to let me kiss him right yet I just prepared myself for when he came back and I could apologize to him for not respecting his boundaries. 1 laid down and waited for him to show back up. But I was sure he would wait until I was asleep to return, so I settled down into my cot for the night and shut my eyes. After a while I heard him return and settle into his own cot. I felt relief knowing that he did come back. I was worried about him whether he wanted me to or not.

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