You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 07 - Chapter Seven  - Siryn's Point Of View.

07 - Chapter Seven - Siryn's Point Of View.

Dakota rounded up enough people to help to rebuild. Naturally, I had to go too because of Lucio being my mate and all. Summer had melted the snow so now we could pull out our four-wheelers and four-wheel drive cars and trucks. The whole drive to Lucio's pack I ended up sleeping pretty much, there were moments I was awake briefly just long enough to look out the window and pass the hell back out. I had spent the previous night with my siblings. We played video games all night until we passed out. It had not been my smartest move of course. But it was rare that we all had night; we could all just play video games without any duties for us to be wrapped up in. We had eaten popcorn and played so many video games, I was pretty sure all my siblings were tucked into their beds fast asleep by now. I was jealous, so very jealous. My parents and I were the only ones who came out of my family since the rest of our family was just as tired and dead as I was thanks to video games. Dakota said he would be around after he finished some work. Getting out of the car it was like I was on autopilot. I went to the Alpha house to see Lucio, I missed him, or rather my wolf did. To my shock, he was helping take the whole alpha house right down the frame. Seeing his desk sitting on a sheet of wood I went over and laid on it. I would have been able to sleep if it wasn't for Luna and Dax making me help them. I really just wanted to curl up and sleep right there, work was the last thing I wanted to do. Instead of helping Luna and Dax, I went to help Lucio. I touched his back and startled him. He growled whipping around and nearly knocking me over in the process.

"I didn't even sense you."

"I'm unsense-able," I said laughing at my own joke.

Remembering the cookies I had scored this morning from my dad Leno I pulled them from my jacket and spoke.

"I brought you something, you like chocolate right?"

His entire being perked up. Touching his free hand I moved his hand and set the cookie in it. He carefully brought it to his mouth and devoured the thing. I was happy to actually see him eat something. That man needed some damn food, a nap and a long bubble bath. All of which were currently working towards them.

"Thank you."

"Mmm, no problem,” I said, my mouth stuffed with my own cookie. Helping Lucio had somehow turned into me annoying him with a few hundred questions. He really didn't seem to mind. He was able to work and have me pester him all at the same time. I thought it was pretty cool he was answering my questions finally, I knew eventually i would hit a sore spot he would probably clam up and get angry with me but i kept pushing questions at him.

"How can you tell it's me?"

"That's easy, your scent and your heartbeat strangely. it flutters. I believe the word is."

Blushing I covered my face. That was very embarrassing to hear out loud, I had been aware it fluttered but not that he could actually hear it. I wanted to dig a hole and hide for the rest of my life.

"Your heart is beating fast now.”

"Stop," I said laughing

" Any more questions?”

"Hmm, Yes. I have a ton."

"Lay them on me I guess.”

"Why did I not know about your people and you being so far out here, also what happened here.”

"My people and I ... We were and I guess we still are the last survivors of the largest pack on this land. We lived way farther up north but after a long winter, most of our people starved or died trying to escape. We were plagued with massive rouge attacks after that. We hadn't needed anyone to help us ever so we didn't bother to make friends with the packs around us. I grew up here for most of my life, I was three when my father moved our people. He died shortly after and my mother ran the pack. When I was a teenager we were attacked again on this land. they killed a good portion of the people we had left. Three hundred lived through the move and now we have about fifty people. Though now I'm not sure."

"Your eyes, that happened then?"

"Yes. In that battle, I was attacked protecting the luna. My mother. She died no matter how hard I tried to protect her.”

"I'm sorry. I can't imagine what that is like."

"Tell me, What's your family like?"

"Well you have met my father Diego, then there's my other father Leno he birthed me. I have two other siblings though I know I'll probably have more. I think I would like more if I was -----"

"Siryn a word with you please.”

"Okay, I'll be there in a moment."

Looking at Lucio I brushed a piece of hair that had fallen in his face out of the way. He didn't seem as snappy about me touching him, like he had been before, so there was some more progress, today was a day of all around progress.

"You need a haircut, Also I'll be back in a few moments, My father Deigo wants to speak with me.”

Lucio nodded not saying anything more. Jogging over to my parents I slipped in the mud. Now coated in the mud I made it to them. I was coated right to my eyebrows in mud. This was a great day.

"What happened.”

"I needed a mud bath."

"I doubt that. Anyways, Your father and I are going back to the pack. Be safe. Dakota is on his way so no worries okay."

Going to hug my father he backed away from me. He was seriously not going to hug me because of the fact I was covered in mud, that was cruel.

"Hug me" I whined

"Yeah no."

I watched as they drove away before I walked back to Lucio. He sniffed the air before his nose scrunched up in distaste. He didn't even try to hide his face.

"You smell like wet dirt."

"Yeah. I slipped.”

"You slipped?”

"Yes, in a mud puddle.”

"And you are coated in mud?"

"Yes, I actually have mud right up to my eyebrows."

He let out a soft chuckle at that and stuck his hand out and his fingers found my face and my eyebrows, when he touched the mud he clicked his tongue in distaste and muttered about me needing a bath because he wasn't going to sleep in a tent with me covered in mud. I was surprised that he wanted to sleep in a tent with me at all. I smiled to myself for like the hundredth time. Lucio wasn't so bad today. If he was like this everyday things would work out very well for us, But i knew he would have bad days, all Alpha's did and he was just a little more complicated given his rough past. Itching my dirty eyebrows some of the dirt flaked off and got stuck under my nails making me annoyed. I could be dirty any place else and not care but the moment dirt got under my nails it made me upset. I hated It was so nasty to me and I hated it.

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