You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 06 - Chapter Six - Siryn's Point Of View.

06 - Chapter Six - Siryn's Point Of View.

Last week's meeting was still fresh in my mind. For being my mate he was a complete jackass and I wanted to kick him in his chin, but I would feel really shitty if I did that. After all, he was still my stupid mate.

"How did it go?"

"Oh about this well," I said, pulling my sweater off to show my bruise. "Fuck. What the hell happened Siryn?"

"He was slightly crusty, No biggie. I helped him understand how I felt." "Please tell me you hit that fucker for that shit." My dad Deigo said, earning a slap in the back of the head from my dad Leno.

"Siryn, you have to be there when the building supplies get flown in, I will also be going so don't be surprised if fights break out,” Dakota said. "I do understand. I will try to be as useful in keeping the peace as I can be."

With today being that dreaded day when we go meet the plane I had a lot of worries. Dakota could rip my mate limb from limb pretty easily and I would be given two options, ones I didn't want to think about but they kept creeping back into my head. Leaving our pack in my dad's hands Dakota, Six warriors and I set off for Lucio's land, I was still pissy about my neck so he had to still be pissy too. But this was life, And he was my mate and would have to get over himself at some point or there would be no hope for us at all and I knew this. He would have to realize this at some point however.

"Siryn I don't expect a warm welcome so relax. I can sense your fear and worry from here."

"I know Dakota. I do, I just don't know how unpredictable he is feeling today.”

"No matter what happens, I am prepared. Don't worry kid, I won't attack him, That will be the very last option and one I will take no pleasure in doing, trust me.”

I did trust Dakota, but Lucio was the one I was worried about, I couldn't trust him as much as i wanted to because i barely knew the guy, yes he was my mate, but i had only spent mere moments with him compared to all the time i spent with Dakota. Fuck he was like my uncle, be basically was my uncle with the way i grew up. There were a lot of things I was feeling and I couldn't speak about them because I felt like it wouldn't do me any good at all.

Arriving on the outer of his land I saw children playing with the toys one of the warriors had taken to bringing all on his own. I expected to be met with growls and some attacks but everyone looked pleased to see Dakota. Dakota started to speak with the pack members who were around. The doors to the Alpha house smashed open and for the first time, I saw Lucio outside. This time though he was walking with a limp and smelt of fresh blood. He was headed right for us and my heart started to beat wildly. I didn't need Lucio losing his mind or anything else here.

"I don't want you on my land" he snapped his attention on Dakota solely.

The warriors with us watched carefully, Lucio was staying quite a bit back clearly aware he was in danger. At least he could sense he was in danger if he attacked, That was good he could still sense danger. "Please, Alpha Lucio let us talk inside. Dakota said softly, keeping his cool.

I walked closer to Lucio. He turned his head towards me and listened for a moment before sniffing the air. I felt his hostility towards me immediately, but I pushed it down and kept my head in the game even though it hurt to have to push that feeling away.

"Of course you are here. "

"Dakota is right. let's take this inside where you two can talk or fight or whatever the fuck Alpha's do to make deals.”

Lucio growled but turned towards the packhouse. Dakota and I took this as a moment to follow. Getting inside it was clear something had gone on inside the packhouse. My worry grew as we passed so much more broken items coated in blood or fur. It looked as if there had been a massive show down and I wasn't sure who had walked away the winner. I hoped it was Lucio however. Even though he was a jerk he was still my mate and I didn't want him to get injured.

"Lucio, what the hell happened in here. It looks as if there was a war in here."

"A few rouges. Nothing more.”

Sighing I knew I had a lot of work to do with him. Carefully I took the backpack off my back and pulled out a few of the wet wipes. They had come out of the medic kit. I had literally dumped the whole kit in my bag. Lucio had sat down in a barely still standing chair. Dakota found something to sit on and they were arguing. Approaching Lucio with the wet wipe I opened one and touched the cold towel to his face where his lip had been split open. He jerked back and grabbed my hand growling loudly at me. He was nearly crushing my hand with his, His mood was pretty sour today, so much worse than before. When he let my hand go I subconsciously touched my throat where he had hurt me the last time. He suddenly grabbed my hand again only to use it to get my attention to snarl at me.

"Stop touching me for fuck sakes."

"I'm sorry,” I mumbled

He let go of my hand and I didn't move. Instead, I looked at him and the wet wipe still in my hand and spoke quickly.

"I'm going to touch you."

Before the words set in I was scrubbing his wounds clean and he was hissing. Once I was done he looked very displeased.

"You don't listen.”

"That's something we can both agree on," Dakota said nicely

They were bad mouthing me like I wasn't there. But if it helped the talks move along i was fine with being the target for the bad mouthing. Sighing, I sat on the floor and tried to collect my thoughts about how to make this Alpha into a mate and not the snappy mutt he acted like. When i came up blank i really wasn't surprised. I wasn't sure how to make this man accept me as his mate other than to force my presence on him until something happened, for better or for worse.

After an hour of non-stop yelling they came to a deal that when Lucio's pack got back on their feet they would repay Dakota. The plane arrived and Dakota left leaving me and Lucio alone. He didn't say anything at first but then he started to speak. It caught me off guard but I listened to him speak.

"Thank you. For helping my people I mean.”

"You are welcome of course.”

"Can I clean the wound on your shoulder? It's bleeding.”

He looked conflicted but nodded slightly and I grabbed my bag. Pulling the box that Dakota was sitting on up to Lucio I sat down and he pulled his shirt off. He had four long and deep claw marks on his back. To my surprise, he also had a tattoo on the tops of his shoulders. It was once beautiful, now ruined with many scars. I hoped one day he would see about getting it fixed, the tattoo was very stunning. It wasn't like I didn't want to see his scars, those alone proved he was a strong and worthy mate. I was so hung up on the tattoo that was inked into his skin though. I wished to have seen it before it came to be the way it was.

He hissed every once and a while so I cleaned the wounds. His hand shot out and he slowly touched my face. I closed my eyes as his fingers brushed my eyelashes. He moved his hand gently around my face taking in all my features. He spoke suddenly, making my eyes shoot open to look at him.

"You have long eyelashes. What colour are your eyes? Also your hair.” It was hard not to smile as he wanted to know about me. Finally we were having some kind of a break through. This was pleasing to me. "My eyes are bright ocean blue, hence the name Siryn."

"That's fitting," he said plainly.

"My hair is the deepest black you can imagine.”

"That's rare among wolves."

"Black hair? We have many wolves with black hair."

"No, I mean black hair and blue eyes. It's usually black hair with brown, green or hazel eyes.”

Conversation flowed smoothly between us. It was clear he was trying to be polite. despite that only what felt like days ago he held me up by my neck with his powerful hands. I had long forgiven him for what he did, but I was hoping he would at least say sorry. I knew he wasn't going to so there was no reason to even bother asking for one. Last thing I needed was to make him angry and hostile again. Taking a deep breath I moved away from his space and stretched out my legs and the rest of myself. I had so many things i still wanted to ask him, It didn't seem like now was a good time however.

"Thank you for letting us help you get your pack back on its feet.”

That was met with a growl and a fist slamming against the desk top. I sighed and thought about apologizing to him but nothing I said had been offensive or even wrong so I bit back the need to say sorry.

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