You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 03 - Chapter Three - Leno's Point Of View.

03 - Chapter Three - Leno's Point Of View.

After the shower incident, I hadn't seen Diego all day. It was close to midnight when the moon was at its highest that I saw Diego enter my room. The only thing he had on was boxers and they hung so low on his hips they might as well not have been there. He didn't say anything as he crept closer to my bed, his eyes that beautiful yellow that reminded me so much of citrine stone. The eyes of his wolf. Our eyes met and I could see the lust in his eyes darkening them quite a bit. He came towards me and but didn't try anything. He simply sat on the edge of the bed and set his hand on the side of my cheek. you could tell his wolf wanted nothing more but to mark me, but that would be disrespectful to his human half. His hand moved lower and he pushed me back against the bed. He moved up the bed and laid down as well pulling me to his chest. His head laid above mine, his breathing even as he took deep breaths of my scent.

I couldn't imagine how his wolf felt. Being this close to his mate and wanting nothing more than us to join but can't make that move. I moved up and laid my forehead against his and spoke softly.

"Don't worry dear wolf, he will come around.”

That was enough to please the wolf side of Diego because he growled and shoved me on my back before covering me with his body and locking his lips with mine. The kiss got heated and he kissed down my neck giving me a soft bite along the shoulder. The spot fit for the mating bite. We laid and spoke early into the morning, as I slowly fell asleep Diego's wolf receded and went back to its watching position. I waited for Diego to get out of the bed and retreat to his room, but he didn't. To my surprise, he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled my back against his chest. He laid his head in the crook of my neck, his tongue shooting out to lick the skin behind my ear. I held in my shock and willed myself to sleep. Diego was still here, but why?

When my eyes opened I was staring at Diego's chest. He was deeply asleep, tiny snores falling from his perfect lips. I gave in to the need and leaned down pressing my lips to his. his hand snaked up and he grabbed me by the base of the neck holding me against his lips. He drew his tongue into the space between my lips and into my mouth. He didn't hold back this time.

His eyes opened. They met mine and I saw the flecks of lust and need in them. his eyes drifted down my neck and locked onto one spot. Perhaps his wolf had given me a hickey. His fingers brushed over the spot where the mating mark would go and he spoke softly.

"You have a hickey on your shoulder.”

"I thought I might with... the. the.. way you um---"

"With the way I um what?"

"Nothing, never mind."

Pulling away from him I leapt from the bed. I walked quickly from the bedroom down to the kitchen. My body was craving that touch from him already after one night of sleeping together. that was the power of the mating bond, the longer you spent together the more you felt the bond when your mate wasn't around.

The stairs creaked as Diego jogged down them. He wasn't dressed. His boxers still hung dangerously on his hips, it was hard not to watch them. A deep chuckle pulled me from my thoughts.

"Eyes up here.”

For once it seemed as if Diego was in a good mood. Hopefully, this will last. It had to last.

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