You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 02 - Chapter Two - Leno's Point Of View.

02 - Chapter Two - Leno's Point Of View.

With the full moon, inbound Diego got prickly. All dominant partners did. I couldn't blame him though the amount of influence his wolf had nearly tripled. That was the power of the full moon, we all knew it. Diego had been up since the night before and was missing some much-needed sleep. I slowly made him some coffee and brought it to his room where he was working on paperwork because he wouldn't let me do it. He growled when I entered his room but stopped when he for sure smelt the coffee in my hand. His room was neat and clean, but his desk was another story. It was littered with dirty coffee mugs and paper everywhere. After setting his coffee on the corner of his desk I grabbed the extra cups and turned to slide the new cup closer to him and his hand touched mine. He didn't pull away inside he brushed my hand with his fingertips and spoke softly.

"Thank you, Leno.”

I pulled my hand away from his and rushed out of the room. I knew it was because of the full moon that he was more loving. My wolf was chewing me out for running from our mate when he was finally showing us some love. I would never forgive myself if I took advantage of him well he was under the influence of the moon. I took the dishes down to the sink and began washing them. Once I was finished, I went and flicked on the TV, I popped in a random disk series and relaxed on the couch. Halfway through the show, I could hear Diego smashing stuff upstairs. I left the safety of the couch and walked upstairs slowly. My bedroom door was open and all but ripped off the hinges, I locked the door before leaving the room. I peaked inside the room and Diego was nestled in my bed, his nose in my pillow inhaling my scent. From the look of him alone I could tell he was trying to sleep and he was using my scent to help.

I crept slowly across the floor and into the queen-sized bed careful not to touch him and wake him. As long as I woke up first this wouldn't end in me being beaten by an angry wolf. I let my eyes close, taking in the mixing of our scents.

The bed moved drastically and I woke up with a very confused and angry looking Diego. he sighed and moved himself off the bed trying to walk away. I didn't want him to so I did something that I never thought I would. I wrapped my arms around him and pressed myself to his back.

"Don't leave Diego. Please. I know you feel something”

"The only reason I was even here was from the full moon and any smart wolf would know that."


"Leno don't start----"

I stepped in front of him and pushed my lips against his. He gave in to the kiss and it became quite heated before he shoved me away.

"Don't ever kiss me again."

He pushed past me and went into his room. I sighed and just wanted to kick his door in like he had done mine. Oddly that gave me the perfect idea. I smiled almost devilishly to myself and went downstairs to his office he rarely used. The door was locked. A simple hip check with a little wolf strength popped the door wide open. His scent hung in the air like a cloud of lust. I walked in and closed the slightly broken door behind me. I sat in his office chair and began to rub myself against the fabric of the chair. I rubbed my hands against all of his things like a cat in heat. The last thing I did was roll and rub against his couch. more like practically humped it but whatever. I left his office and went to the shower feeling dirty.

Halfway through my shower, the door opened, a very irritated looking Diego made his way inside the bathroom. He didn't seem to care that I was naked because he grabbed my arm and pulled me out from the walk-in shower.

"What were you doing in my office Leno."

"I needed something.”

"Your scent is all over my office Leno don't make me ask you again.” "Go away Diego I'm busy."

He growled and quickly ripped off his clothing. I didn't even see him coming. He pushed me against the shower wall and held me there with his body.

"Is this what you want Leno," he whispered in my ear, his voice rough with lust.

I couldn't contain my moan as he rolled his hips against my ass. That was enough to snap him back into the real world because he bolted from the bathroom.

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